7 February 2023. Book Launch: Digitised Newspapers – A New Eldorado for Historians? Book published in the Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics series at De Gruyter, coordinated by Maud Ehrmann, Frédéric Clavert, Estelle Bunout.
8 February 2023. Le rôle des juristes dans le développement de la place financière. Conference by Benoît Majerus, Pierre Sorlut and Catherine Bourin, organised by the Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg, in collaboration with the Conférence Saint-Yves and the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History.
9 February 2023. Usages pédagogiques de ChatGPT, roundtable organised by Frédéric Clavert, includes participation from Valérie Schafer.
13-17 March 2023. DHd 2023: Open Humanities, Open Culture. The C²DH and the University of Trier co-hosted the 9th annual conference for digital humanities in German-speaking countries.
17 March 2023. Public History in the streetscape: one-day workshop developing inclusive practices. Organised by Joëlla van Donkersgoed and Thomas Cauvin, funded by FNR ATTRACT grant.
23-24 March 2023 « Frontières et sociétés frontalières au sein de l’espace franco-luxembourgeois du XVe siècle à nos jours »: un panel interdisciplinaire de 15 chercheurs. Co-organisées par Machteld Venken, Christoph Brüll et Maxime Kaci (l'Université de Franche-Comté) A blog is in the make and a link could be made to that blog soon (contact: Christoph Brüll)
30-31 March 2023. International conference Virality, platforms and influence. Funded by FNR, Hivi project.
11 April 2023. In-work poverty in the EU - joint research seminar organised by Dr Elena Danescu, Antonio GARCÍA-MUÑOZ, Post-doctoral Researcher (FDEF University of Luxembourg) et Prof. Ana-Maria Bercu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania in the framework of the Project ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HAI-TCH-RSCH-101047526 and of the Project "Working Yet Poor" coordinated by Prof. Luca Ratti (University of Luxembourg)
20-21 April 2023. "Women’s Narratives and European Integration History". International conference. Organised by Dr Elena Danescu. The conference was organised in connection with the project “The role of women in European and international relations in Luxembourg” (2021-2025), developed by the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) and Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg (ED-UNILU). The conference was funded by ED-UNILU.
20 April 2023. Faire équipe: quand historien-ne-s et auteur-e-s de bande dessinée travaillent ensemble. Cette journée d’études a eu pour but d’examiner les modalités de collaboration actuelles entre historien.nes et auteur.es de bande dessinée en France.
24 Avril 2023. Preserving memory, sharing history: Luxembourg and the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950. Study Morning organised by Dr Elena Danescu (Participants Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, and its partners – the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), the Fondation du Mérite Européen and the European School of Luxembourg.
30 April 2023, Remembering the Fo'er in the Sixties. Workshop with "Lampertsbierger Geschichtsfrënn".
3 May 2023. Book launch - The Humanities in the Digital: Beyond Critical Digital Humanities. New book written by Lorella Viola, published by Palgrave Macmillan.
4 May 2023. "Robert Schuman et sa Déclaration (9 Mai 1950): Histoire, actualité et perspectives”. Public conference organised by Dr Elena Danescu (Participants: Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg (ED-UNILU)and its partners - la Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette , Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History and the European Parliament).
9 May 2023. Portes ouvertes à la Maison Schuman.
11 May 2023. Surprising sources. A "Tensions of Europe" (ToE) remote conference.
05.06.2023 – 06.06.2023 Border Temporalities. Workshop of the University of the Greater Region, Center for Border Studies, Border Temporalities Working Group. Organised by Prof. Dr. Machteld VENKEN, C2DH in cooperation with Dr. Christian Wille, University of the Greater Region, Center for Border Studies.
8 June 2023. Schueberfouer an den 1960er Joren. Ëffentlechen Workshop am Lëtzebuerg City Museum.
12-16 Juin 2023. Public History Summer School. The C²DH, the Historical Institute of the University of Wrocław, Zajezdnia (Depot) History Centre, the International Federation for Public History, and the Commission for Public History of the Committee of Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences invited students, PhD candidates and practitioners to participate in the sixth Public History Summer School to be held in hybrid format.
17-23 June 2023. Lund Summer School: First summer school to be organised in the EUROPAST training programme led by the C²DH.
14 June 2023. Study Morning for the Diplomatic Cercle in Luxembourg. Organised by Dr Elena Danescu and Dr Jim Cloos, General-Secretary of Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA).
22-23 June 2023. Challenges and Dynamics of European Administrative Area. The 2nd EU PAIR international conference: Project ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HAI-TCH-RSCH-101047526 (Organiser Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania and its partners- University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, the Embassy of Luxembourg in Romania).
23 June 2023. Exhibition: Pierre Werner (1913-2002) – A life dedicated to Luxembourg and Europe. The exhibition wasrealised by Elena Danescu (C2DH) and Henri Werner (Pierre Werner Family Archives) and was organised by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania and its partners- University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, and the Embassy of Luxembourg in Romania (23 June - 1st October 2023). It was inaugurated on the Luxembourg National Day by the Rector of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and the Ambassador of Luxembourg in Romania.
1 July 2023. Feierôwend! No der Schicht as virun der Schicht! Atelier d'histoire et danse avec Luciano Pagliarini et son orchestre.
3-6 July 2023. International Summer School “Oral History Meets European Studies. Sources, Tools and Methods in the Digital Age”, Maison Schuman.
7 July 2023. L’Europe à l’heure des défis: réalités et perspectives. Conférence 2023 Robert Schuman de l’Université du Luxembourg avec M. Jean-Claude Juncker, organisée par Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg; l'Université du Luxembourg,
11-15 September 2023. "Comment analyser la réception ? Audience, participation, influence médiatiques". DIFEM 2023 – Doctoriales internationales francophones en études des médias (with the support of the FNR, HIVI project).
14-15 September 2023. Public History in European Historical Perspectives. International online conference on the long history of public historical practices in Europe.
25-26 September 2023. '22 February 2022, 5 am. Testimonies from the War'. International workshop organised by Machteld Venken
27 Septembre 2023. Bridging AI scholarship and Memory Studies. Workshop with Frédéric Clavert (C²DH) and Sarah Gensburger (SciencesPo).
28 September 2023. Von populärer Identität und nationaler Popkultur - die „Schueberfouer“ in den langen 1960er Jahren: eine Schaubude der Nation? Presentation at the 8. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Saarbrücken.
3 October 2023. European Development of the Firm Worms & Co (20th century). Presentation by Mathieu Bidaux, University of Rouen in the 'Europe seminar' lecture series.
4 October 2023. Towards EMU 2.0: Hindsight and Prospects. Conference organised by The Bridge Forum Dialogue together with the Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, the C²DH, European Stability Mechanism, Institut Pierre Werner and Robert Triffin International.
6 October 2023. Study Morning for the European Investment Bank - EIB Global. Organised by Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, the European Investment Bank and the EIB Istitute. Presentation by Dr Elena Danescu (C2DH).
11-13 October 2023. Marie Curie Doctoral Network Grant Application International Workshop. Organiser: Machteld Venken.
13 October 2023. Journée d'études - Le premier convoi. Journée d’études consacrée aux biographies des familles déportées le 16 octobre 1941 de Luxembourg au ghetto Litzmannstadt (Łódź) sur memorialshoah.lu.
16 October 2023. So wie heute und doch ganz anders: die Schueberfouer von 1945 bis 1975. Public conference at Neimenster (UNI 20).
19 October 2023. Digitising, georeferencing and modeling administrative historical data, International workshop organised by Machteld Venken and Estelle Bunout.
19 October 2023. From plundering to restitution, Jewish assets in Luxembourg during and after World War II, Journée d'étude organized by Yasmia Zian, Marc Adam Kolakowski and Anna Jagos.
2 November 2023. Plurality and Purpose: Strengthening digital heritage eco-systems in Africa’s museum sector. Introductory lecture by Chao Tayiana Maina, 2023 Public Historian in Residence at the C²DH.
20 November. Journée d’études Des archives et des mots clés. Study day organized by Frédéric Clavert (C²DH) and Caroline Muller (Université Rennes 2).
20-21 November 2023. Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings. International workshop on the history of office building use(rs) in the framework of the BUREU research project.
30 November - 1 December 2023. Workshop 'Confronting Decline: Challenges of Deindustrialisation in Western Societies Since the 1970s'. Second workshop in the framework of the CONDE research project.
1 December 2023. Children, Borders, Welfare. International conference organised by Machteld Venken in cooperation with Federica Moretti (European University Institute, Florence) within the framework of the ERC SOCIOBORD project.
4 December 2023. European Citizen Science in Luxembourg. A scholarly perspect. Presentations and Roundtable discussion. Organised by Machteld Venken in cooperation with Federica Moretti (European University Institute, Florence)
6-21 December 2023. Winter (Online) Lecture Series on Europe. Edition 2023. WOLS 2023 is organised by Dr Elena Danescu in connection with the courses “History of European integration (1919-1993)” (MAHEC-S1-M6i) and “Economic and social history of Europe after 1945: concepts, processes, actors” (MAHEC-S3-M5iii) from the Master in European Contemporary History, and the course “Democratic transitions in Central and Eastern Europe” (BCE-EU-301-04) from the Bachelor in European Cultures. Funded by ED-UNILU project.
6 December 2023. European Governance: Where we are come from… and where are we going. Lecture and debate with Prof.Fabio Masini, Universita Roma Tre, Rome Italy, in the framework of WOLS 2023.
7 December 2023. Museums and Conflict: Speculative Political Designs. Keynote talk and discussion by/with Dr Helen Graham from University of Leeds, UK.
7-8 December 2023. Agonism: Conflicting Interpretations of the Past, Participation Practices, and Transforming Cultural Venues. International conference on the theoretical and practical engagement with divergent interpretations of the past and their resonances across the cultural sector.
12 December 2023. A small economy in a large marketplace - the economic history of Luxembourg. Lecture and debate with Dr Jean-Jacques Rommes, Institut Grand-Ducal Luxembourg, in the framework of WOLS 2023.
13 December 2023. Colonial statues in postcolonial Africa, a multidimensional approach. Lecture by Sophia Labadi, Professor of Heritage at the University of Kent, UK .
18 December 2023. The European Parliament, an institution in the History - the echo of the archives. Lecture and debate with Dr Étienne Deschamps, Historian, Archives of the European Parliament, in the framework of WOLS 2023.
21 December 2023. Central and Eastern Europe and European Security Police: Quo Vadis?. Lecture and debate with Dr Suzana Anghel, Policy Analyst in the the Policy Foresight Unit (PFOR) in the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), Brussels, in the framework of WOLS 2023.