The C2DH team comprises 119 people of 26 different nationalities who work together in a dynamic and stimulating environment.
The C²DH is built on a governance model aimed at empowering all people working at the Centre, focusing on strengths and skills and driven by the principle of “shared authority and shared responsibility”. The goal is to become a community of practice based on a moral economy of shared authority and accountability, with transparent decision-making processes, a shared information policy and the strategy of creating a unified approach between operational and governance tasks. The main operational responsibility lies with the Management Team.
The centre also has a Scientific Committee, which plays a key role in quality assessment. The Scientific Committee meets on a yearly basis to evaluate scientific output and give strategic advice on the development of future research projects, network activities and outreach initiatives.
To facilitate the successful integration of the centre into Luxembourg society and public life, an Advisory Board has been set up, composed of a number of key figures known for their expertise in the political, economic and cultural sectors. The role of the members of the Advisory Board is to guide, assist and support the Director of the C2DH.