FICKERS Andreas - invited professor, Roy Rosenzweig Centre for History and New Media at George Mason University in Washington, March-April 2023. Andreas Fickers, director of the C 2DH, was received as visting researcher at the Roy Rosenzweig Centre for History and New Media at George Mason University in Washington, while the C2DH welcomed the American researchers Laura Fretwell and Caroline Stuart Greer in Luxembourg. While the RRCHNM has a strong reputation for its pioneering role in the field of digital history, notably in developing digital tools and applications for historical information retrieval, management, and new ways of presenting and sharing historical knowledge online, C2DH has a focus on digital hermeneutics and on experimenting with new forms of transmedia storytelling, especially in the field of digital public history. This cooperation made it possible to exchange research processes and experiences between the two institutions and resulted in valuable synergies. This initiative was supported by the FNR's Inter Mobility programme.

ARENDT Nicolas - visiting researcher (cotutelle), Research Center for the History of Transformation (RECET) in Vienna, March-June 2023
CLAVERT Frédéric - invited professor, CRIHN (Université de Montréal), April 2023
In April 2023, Frédéric Clavert was invited professor at the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (Université de Montréal, McGill University, Concordia Université). At this occasion, Frédéric gave the keynote of the first conference of the CRIHN PhD candidates and several other talks around digital history, and AI and history including a participation at a Université de Montréal roundtable on ChatGPT.
KONSBRUCK Zoé - visiting researcher, Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History in Munich (IfZ), October-November 2023
From October to November 2023, Zoé Konsbruck was a visiting researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary and Digital History in Munich. During her stay, she presented at the internal colloquium and worked with researchers who are part of the "Confronting Decline" (CONDE) project, an interdisciplinary network including the IfZ, the German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE) and the C2DH.
JASCHIK Johanna - Europaeum Scholar, University of Oxford, March 2022 to September 2023
From March 2022 to September 2023 Johanna Jaschik was a Europaeum Scholar, a highly competitive professional development programme for high-achieving doctoral candidates who are interested in leadership and committed to shaping the future of Europe for the better. Scholars undertake the programme alongside their existing doctoral studies and they come from universities who are members of the Europaeum. The Eurpaeum is a network programme of European Universities initiated by the University of Oxford. Multi-institutional and multilocational, participants experience the different cultures of several European cities and leading research universities. They learn about a number of local, national, and supra-national institutions from insiders, and hear from leading policy makers and academics. They work in small groups of on a project of contemporary policy relevance that they identify, design and deliver themselves. They are encouraged to reflect on the practical and ethical demands of leadership and receive professional and ethical training to support them as they develop their leadership abilities.
VAN DONKERSGOED Joëlla- visiting researcher, Banda Naira university in Banda Islands, Indonesia, October-November 2023
From October to November 2023, Joëlla van Donkersgoed was a visiting researcher at the Banda Naira university in Banda Islands, Republic of Indonesia. During her stay, she presented at the first international conference for Banda Studies, presented a facsimile of an old manuscript to the university and the local community, collaborated with prof. Peter Lape from the University of Washington to prepare for a public archaeology fieldschool in 2024, and connected with researchers and Indonesian ministry officials about the future for research on the Banda Islands.
ZAAGSMA Gerben - Visiting Fellow, Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (ZZF), April-July 2023.
From late April to late July 2023, Gerben Zaagsma was a Visiting Fellow at the Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (ZZF) in Potsdam. During his stay he worked on his new project Exploring the History of Digital History and presented his work at the centre's PhD Kolloquium.