Biographical Data Seminar series
8 February 2023. Creating a database on fatal work-related accidents in the industrial sector of the Grand Duchy, 1869-2019, by Sam Klein (C2DH, University of Luxembourg).
15 February 2023. LUDAP: discussion on the "notice d'autorité" for Luxembourgish personalities with a presentation of the project, the model and the mapping of data from the CNA collections by Alessandra Luciano (Min. Culture), Michelle Peiffer (INRA), Hélène Kaizer (CNA).
1 March 2023. Methods for prosopographical studies by Inna Ganschow (C2DH, University of Luxembourg).
5 April 2023. Long-term biographies of mentally ill people or how to embrace the different identities of an individual. Challenges and questions by Samuel Dal Zilio(C2DH, University of Luxembourg).
17 May 2023. Mapping women in the 1926 Census of Religious Bodies by Caroline Greer(C2DH, University of Luxembourg).
14 June 2023. Profiling political elites: Luxembourg’s mayors from 1920-50 by Joé Voncken(C2DH, University of Luxembourg).
2 July 2023. WarLux lessons learned by Nina Janz (C2DH, University of Luxembourg)..
Confronting Decline. Deindustrialisation from a European Perspective
26 September 2023. Deindustrialisierung oder Strukturwandel? Überlegungen zu Veränderungen in der deutschen Hausgeräteindustrie seit den 1970er Jahren. Lecture by Christian Marx, Leibniz Institut fur Zeitgeschichte.
24 October 2023. Les mines de fer et la sidérurgie face à la désindustrialisation en France et au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (des années 1970 jusqu'à nos jours). Lecture by Pascal Raggi, Université de Lorraine.
28 November 2023. “Mein Vater ist jetzt arbeitslos”. Niedergang und (keine) Arbeitswelten der Stahlindustrie seit den 1970er Jahren. Lecture by Stefan Hördler, Universität Göttingen.
ForumZ (Z for “Zeitgeschichte” or contemporary history) is a public platform for a critical and open discussion of current issues in contemporary Luxembourgish and European history. Interested citizens are invited to debate with experts about selected (society-related) topics, new approaches and new sources in contemporary history. ForumZ takes history beyond the confines of the university and into the public sphere.
8 February 2023, Le rôle des juristes dans le développement de la place financière avec Benoît Majerus, Pierre Sorlut et Catherine Bourin
9 September 2023, Fo'er an de Sixties: Vu Boxeren a Fritten (report https://www.c2dh.uni.lu/forum-z/report-forum-z-foer-de-sixties-vu-boxeren-fritten)
Hands-on History lecture series
Since 2017, the C²DH has run a “Hands-on History” lecture series, featuring presentations by researchers in history and related disciplines who have found original and interesting new ways to research, write, teach or publicise history and are willing to share their experiences.
Past Hands-on History lectures have covered topics as diverse as oral history indexing, historical image projection techniques, the House of European History, 3D modelling, text mining of historical newspapers and the history of TV production technology. The lectures are primarily aimed at C²DH staff but they are generally also open to other members of the university and external researchers. Each session consists of a 30-minute presentation and 30 minutes for questions and discussion.
25 January 2023. Archiving with the Apsáalooke, Hands on History talk with Rebecca S. Wingo, Director of Public History at the University of Cincinnati.
22 February 2023. Unravelling twentieth century Swiss video game heritage: an interdisciplinary research. Hands on History talk with Yannick Rochat (University of Lausanne).
31 May 2023. Digital Humanities in Times of War: The Consequences of Russia's Aggression against Ukraine. Hands on History talk with Prof. Dr. Peter Haslinger, Director of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe.
27 September 2023. A sociology of the covid memory boom. The French case study. Hands on History talk with Sarah Gensburger (SciencesPo, Paris).
25 October 2023. An Embedded Digital Humanities Framework for Historical Research. Hands on History lecture by Cindarella Petz (Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz).
29 November 2023. Using Data Science Methods to Explore the History, and Future, of State Secrecy. Hands on History lecture with Matthew Connelly (Columbia University/University of Cambridge).
Digital games are increasingly recognised as powerful educational tools, able to shape historical culture by attracting, engaging, and emotionally involving a wider audience. The lecture series History@Play focuses on the intersection between gaming and Public History drawing from the experience of both scholars and game designers to explore the affordances of interactive narratives and digital games. Invited international speakers discuss various aspects ranging from immersion, simulation and re-enactment, authenticity and accuracy, to procedurally, paratexts and historical culture, to video game history and preservation. The lectures are opened to both scholars and general public in hybrid format, both on-site and streamed online.
3 May 2023. Video Game Worlds as Digital Public History Spaces. Lecture Joanna Wojdon, University of Wrocław, Poland.
19 September 2023. History and the (Digital) Margins of Rockstar Games. Lecture by Esther Wright, University of Cardiff, UK.
22 November 2023. Beyond Nuremberg: Critical Game Making as Public History Research. History@Play lecture by Clarissa J. Ceglio, University of Connecticut | Greenhouse Studios.
Let’s Talk about History
13 March 2023. Alma Poloni (Università di Pisa) : When the Emperor is in town. Pisa, Siena, and Charles IV of Luxembourg
19 April 2023. Hervé Guillemain (Université Le Mans) : Soigner au pendule. Les radiesthésistes dans le champ de la santé au début du XXe siècle.
16 May 2023. Una McIlvenna (The Australian National University) : Ballads as News Media in Early Modern and Nineteenth-Century Europe
25 May 2023. Amandine Lauro (ULB): Colonialisme et politiques queers
Research Seminar series
Since 2017, the C²DH has been holding a series of Research Seminars featuring project presentations by and for itsmembers. Any projects can be showcased at the seminars – individual or collaborative projects, at PhD, postdoc or seniorlevel. The main aim is to offer an opportunity to discuss methods, research trends and current research at the centre. The seminars are primarily aimed at C²DH staff but they are now also available online, opening them up to a wider audience.
18 January 2023. Reconstructing the streets of Esch - socio-economic evolution of 'worker streets’ (1900-1930s). Research seminar with Daniel Richter, doctoral researcher at the C²DH.
15 March 2023. COLUX, researching Luxembourg’s colonial entanglements. Research seminar with Kevin Goergen, doctoral reasearcher at the C²DH and Julia Harnoncourt, post-doc at the same institute.
17 May 2023. The Buried Histories of Chimborazo Park / The Female Itinerant Preachers’ Body in the Nineteenth Century. Research seminar with Laura Brannan and Caroline Greer.
20 September 2023. Paths to survival. Escape trajectories and supportive aid networks regarding persecuted Jews from Luxembourg, 1940-1943. Research seminar with Yannick Frantz.
18 October 2023. From analogue forms to digital maps: digitisation pipeline of the Dudelange archives. Research seminar with Estelle Bunout.
22 November 2023. Letterbox - Making shell companies visible. Digital history as a tool to unveil global networks and local infrastructures. Research seminar with Benoît Majerus and Lars Wieneke.
Strand Colloquium Transnational History and Digital Methods
27 September 2023. Luxembourgers in colonial Africa by Kevin Goergen.
4 October 2023. Researching the impacts of conscription on Luxembourgish families during WWII: a case-study on the consequences of desertion and draft evasion by Sarah Maya Vercruysse.
15 November 2023. La suppression des corporations dans deux bourgs ruraux, Arlon et Virton (1795-1814) by Luca Federico Cerra.
6 December 2023. Writing the history of the Kannerschlass by Federica Moretti.
20 December 2023. all day workshop with presentations on Perceiving deindustrialisation in Luxembourg and East Germany Industrial decline within the ARBED company in transnational perspective by Nicolas Arendt, Using Transkribus for letters (WarLux project) by Christelle Timis, Reporting on WarTest project by Kateryna Zakharchuk, Coding for Dummies with ChatGPT by Johanna Jaschik and testing the AI Chat of the ELuxemburgensia with Yves Maurer (BNL).
Training Trading Zone Initiative
The C2DH training programme offers live and self-paced training activities that pertain to specific areas (or trading zones) of interest for digital history, such as history and historiography, digital humanities, archival and data science, computer science, digital media, or to background processes in research, ethics, publishing and communication. Given the rich field of expertise of the Centre, the main goal is to experiment with learning from each other, sharing knowledge and providing guidance and directions for further enquiry within the various trading zones. The programme is offered on an annual basis and can involve both C2DH and external trainers and trainees.
C2DH's training programme 2022-2023
C2DH's training programme, 2023-2024
Winter (Online) Lecture Series on Europe (WOLS)
The 2023 edition of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe (WOLS) was organised in a hybrid form in December 2023 by Elena Danescu - in connection with the courses “History of European integration (1919-1993)” and “Economic and social history of Europe after 1945: concepts, processes, actors” from the Master in European Contemporary History, and the course “Democratic transitions in Central and Eastern Europe” from the Bachelor in European Cultures, with the aim of giving students on these programmes, as well as the wider academic community at the University of Luxembourg, the opportunity to find out about the history and workings of the European institutions in Luxembourg from new and unconventional angles and to discuss some of the milestones in contemporary European history with people who were involved in or witnessed these events. All these two-hours sessions - including a presentation by a speaker, followed by a debate with the audience (and a Q&A session)- that has been opened to the whole academic community of the University of Luxembourg, the University of the Greater Region as well as to the wider public, were live streamed on Webex. The lectures were run in conjunction with Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg (ED-UNILU). They were recorded and subsequently published on the ED-UNILU webpages un the website.
6 December 2023. European economic governance: Where have we come from… and where are we going?”. Lecture by Prof. Fabio Masini (Roma Tre University, Italy).
12 December 2023. A small economy in a large marketplace – The economic history of Luxembourg. Lecture by Dr Jean-Jacques Rommes (Institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg).
18 December 2023. The European Parliament, an institution in history – The echo of the archives. Lecture by Dr Étienne Deschamps (Archives of the European Parliament).
20 December 2023. Central and Eastern Europe and European security policy: Quo vadis? Lecture by Dr Suzana Anghel (European Parliamentary Research Service, Belgium).