Introduction: The ITU as Actor, Arena, and Antenna of Techno-Diplomacy

Introduction: The ITU as Actor, Arena, and Antenna of Techno-Diplomacy

This book focuses on the history of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), from its origins in the mid-19th century to nowadays. ITU was the fi rst international organization ever and still plays a crucial role in managing global telecommunications today.

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Deutsch-französische soap opera an der Saar: die Anfänge des kommerziellen Rundfunks im Saarland (Tele-Saar und Europe no 1)

Deutsch-französische soap opera an der Saar: die Anfänge des kommerziellen Rundfunks im Saarland (Tele-Saar und Europe no 1)

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Rezension - Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarregionen / Concession à perpétuité? Culture funéraires au Luxembourg et dans les régions voisines, hg. v. Sonja Kmec, Robert L. Philippart, Antoinette Reuter, Luxembourg :…

Rezension - Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarregionen / Concession à perpétuité? Culture funéraires au Luxembourg et dans les régions voisines, hg. v. Sonja Kmec, Robert L. Philippart, Antoinette Reuter, Luxembourg :…

1 Janvier 2020

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
"Heldentod" - "Soldatenfriedhof" in Großes Lexikon der Bestattungs- und Friedhofskultur. Wörterbuch zur Sepulkralkultur, Medienkultureller Teil

"Heldentod" - "Soldatenfriedhof" in Großes Lexikon der Bestattungs- und Friedhofskultur. Wörterbuch zur Sepulkralkultur, Medienkultureller Teil

1 Janvier 2020

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Zwischentöne. 100 Jahre Ostbelgien (1920-2020). 8 Radioessays

Zwischentöne. 100 Jahre Ostbelgien (1920-2020). 8 Radioessays

Seit nunmehr 100 Jahren ist das heutige Ostbelgien Teil des Belgischen Königreichs. Diesen Jahrestag haben die beiden Historiker Christoph Brüll und Andreas Fickers zum Anlass genommen, gemeinsam mit dem BRF in 8 Radioessays in die ostbelgische Vergangenheit hineinzuhorchen. Die bislang kaum erforschten Tonarchive des BRF haben sich als herausragende Quelle erwiesen, um Zwischentöne hörbar zu machen und so Stimmen und Stimmungen aus der bewegten ostbelgischen Vergangenheit wieder zu beleben.

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll
Too small to be of interest, too large to grasp? Histories of the Luxembourg financial centre

Too small to be of interest, too large to grasp? Histories of the Luxembourg financial centre

The importance of smaller financial centres in international capitalism has recently been highlighted by a number of ‘leaks’. Yet such public attention stands in contrast to the paucity of historiographical research on these relatively new centres. To this regard, Luxembourg provides an interesting case study. While identified as a ‘global specialist’ by the Global Financial Centres Index, the genealogy of how it came to achieve this status remains largely under-researched.

1 Janvier 2020

Benoît Majerus
Compte rendu de Lutz Raphael, Jenseits von Kohle und Stahl

Compte rendu de Lutz Raphael, Jenseits von Kohle und Stahl

1 Janvier 2020

Christoph Brüll
The Colonial Situation in Practice: Food at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Lambaréné 1924-65.

The Colonial Situation in Practice: Food at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Lambaréné 1924-65.

1 Janvier 2020

Tizian Zumthurm
  • Public history
Practicing Biomedicine at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital 1913-1965: Ideas and Improvisations

Practicing Biomedicine at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital 1913-1965: Ideas and Improvisations

1 Janvier 2020

Tizian Zumthurm
  • Public history
Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Interactive web documentary realised by the students of the Bachelor Course in Contemporary History of Luxembourg (Summer Semester 2019) in collaboration with the National Museum of Military History, Diekirch.

1 Janvier 2020

Sandra Camarda, Denis Scuto, Gerben Zaagsma, Dominique Santana
  • Public history
Special Issue: The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: Border Making and its Consequences.

Special Issue: The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: Border Making and its Consequences.

1 Janvier 2020

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
CVH Malach – Centrum vizuální historie Konference a workshop o novém přístupu a využití video databáze Fortunoff

CVH Malach – Centrum vizuální historie Konference a workshop o novém přístupu a využití video databáze Fortunoff

On May 18, I took part in a very interesting workshop organized by the Malach Centre for Visual History at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague. This exceptional association provides local access to the extensive digital archives of the USC Shoah Foundation - the Institute for Visual history and Education (USC), the Refugee Voices archive of the Association of Jewish Refugees and the testimony collection of the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne.

1 Janvier 2020

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
The Jew In Czech And Slovak Imagination, 1938-89: Antisemitism, The Holocaust, And Zionism,

The Jew In Czech And Slovak Imagination, 1938-89: Antisemitism, The Holocaust, And Zionism,

1 Janvier 2020

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
How to read the 52.000 pages of the British Journal of Psychiatry? A collaborative approach to source exploration

How to read the 52.000 pages of the British Journal of Psychiatry? A collaborative approach to source exploration

Historians are confronted with an overabundance of sources that require new perspectives and tools to make use of large-scale corpora. Based on a use case from the history of psychiatry this paper describes the work of an interdisciplinary team to tackle these challenges by combining different NLP tools with new visual interfaces that foster the exploration of the corpus. The paper highlights several research challenges in the preparation and processing of the corpus and sketches new insights for historical research that were gathered due to the use of the tools.

1 Janvier 2020

Eva Andersen, Lars Wieneke, Maria Biryukov
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Illyrer und Dakerrezeption in Albanien und Rumänien. Mythenbildung und faktische Probleme.

Illyrer und Dakerrezeption in Albanien und Rumänien. Mythenbildung und faktische Probleme.

1 Janvier 2020

Sam Mersch
Czechoslovak Jewish emigrants in the clutches of Luxembourg pre-war migration bureaucracy

Czechoslovak Jewish emigrants in the clutches of Luxembourg pre-war migration bureaucracy

My contribution attempts to find answers to the following questions, among others: How did Luxembourg officials deal with Jewish refugees from Eastern European countries? Did the Luxembourgish authorities distinguish or give priority to citizens of particular nations? Who was involved in the approval process? Who played the most active role and collected the most controversial information about Jewish immigrants?

1 Janvier 2020

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Sammelbesprechung Sound History

Sammelbesprechung Sound History

1 Janvier 2020

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
The Veil, Colonial Discourses of Legitimation and the Algerian War of Independence

The Veil, Colonial Discourses of Legitimation and the Algerian War of Independence

1 Janvier 2020

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Wallichs, Adolf

Wallichs, Adolf

1 Janvier 2020

Werner Tschacher, Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg


1 Janvier 2020

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
