Commercial Radio Stations and their Dispositif. Transnational and Intermedial Perspectives on Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1 in the Long Sixties.

Commercial Radio Stations and their Dispositif. Transnational and Intermedial Perspectives on Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1 in the Long Sixties.

Commercial radio stations Radio Luxembourg (French and English services) and Europe n°1 are the focal point of this work. They were popular institutions in Western Europe throughout the Long Sixties (1958-1974) working across media and broadcasting transnationally. This thesis postulates the existence of an overarching dispositif of commercial radio stations that enabled them to operate on various dimensions and differentiated them from other broadcasters. The research conducted in this thesis leans on various historical sources (i.e.

1 Janvier 2020

Richard Legay
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Discussant at Study Day. 'Displacement, Resettlement, Verification and Nationalization after the Second World War'

Discussant at Study Day. 'Displacement, Resettlement, Verification and Nationalization after the Second World War'

1 Janvier 2020

Johanna Jaschik
Too small to be of interest, too large to grasp? Histories of the Luxembourg financial centre

Too small to be of interest, too large to grasp? Histories of the Luxembourg financial centre

The importance of smaller financial centres in international capitalism has recently been highlighted by a number of ‘leaks’. Yet such public attention stands in contrast to the paucity of historiographical research on these relatively new centres. To this regard, Luxembourg provides an interesting case study. While identified as a ‘global specialist’ by the Global Financial Centres Index, the genealogy of how it came to achieve this status remains largely under-researched.

1 Janvier 2020

Benoît Majerus
Zwischen neuem „Hör-Gefühl“ und „Psychoterror“: Die Debatte über die emotionale Wirkung der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie im Hörspiel der 1970er Jahre

Zwischen neuem „Hör-Gefühl“ und „Psychoterror“: Die Debatte über die emotionale Wirkung der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie im Hörspiel der 1970er Jahre

1 Janvier 2020

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Update für die Hermeneutik. Geschichtswissenschaft auf dem Weg zur digitalen Forensik?

Update für die Hermeneutik. Geschichtswissenschaft auf dem Weg zur digitalen Forensik?

»[…] wenn ›die Quelle‹ die Reliquie historischen Arbeitens ist – nicht nur Überbleibsel, sondern auch Objekt wissenschaftlicher Verehrung –, dann wäre analog ›das Archiv‹ die Kirche der Geschichtswissenschaft, in der die heiligen Handlungen des Suchens, Findens, Entdeckens und Erforschens vollzogen werden.« Achim Landwehr wirft in seinem geschichtstheoretischen Essay den Historikern ihren »Quellenglauben« vor – diese Kritik ließe sich im digitalen Zeitalter leicht auf die Heilsversprechen der Apostel der »Big Data Revolution« übertragen.

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Europe Materializing? Auf dem Weg zu einer transnationalen Geschichte der europäischen Infrastrukturen

Europe Materializing? Auf dem Weg zu einer transnationalen Geschichte der europäischen Infrastrukturen

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Making Europe - Looking at the history of Europe in the long twentieth century through the lens of technology

Making Europe - Looking at the history of Europe in the long twentieth century through the lens of technology

Science and technology are at the very heart of the European project. But how to write a history of Europe in the making when using technology as an actor category and lens of analysis? This is the driving narrative behind Making Europe: Technology and Transformations (1850-2000) – a sixvolume series on the history of Europe in the «long twentieth century»1. All volumes in the series are co-authored by two or three authors and are the result of an intense debate and discussion amongst all people involved in this collective endeavor.

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Belgisch-deutsche Kontakträume in Rheinland und Westfalen, 1945-1995

Belgisch-deutsche Kontakträume in Rheinland und Westfalen, 1945-1995

This volume analyses Belgian garrisons in the Rhineland and Westphalia after the Second World War. They are analysed as contact zones that clearly indicate the political, economic, societal and military consequences of European integration for daily coexistence. The book’s contributions focus on mechanisms and catalysts of entanglement, dissolution and coexistence in local spaces, which did not relocate transnational contacts within Europe to national borderlines, but permanently (re-) configured them in a confined space. How do transnational contacts take place?

1 Janvier 2020

Christoph Brüll
History of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Transnational Techno-Diplomacy from the Telegraph to the Internet.

History of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Transnational Techno-Diplomacy from the Telegraph to the Internet.

This book focuses on the history of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), from its origins in the mid-19th century to nowadays. ITU was the fi rst international organization ever and still plays a crucial role in managing global telecommunications today.

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
The Rise of Television: Institutionalization and the Framing of National Audiences

The Rise of Television: Institutionalization and the Framing of National Audiences

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Deutsch-französische soap opera an der Saar: die Anfänge des kommerziellen Rundfunks im Saarland (Tele-Saar und Europe no 1)

Deutsch-französische soap opera an der Saar: die Anfänge des kommerziellen Rundfunks im Saarland (Tele-Saar und Europe no 1)

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
"Heldentod" - "Soldatenfriedhof" in Großes Lexikon der Bestattungs- und Friedhofskultur. Wörterbuch zur Sepulkralkultur, Medienkultureller Teil

"Heldentod" - "Soldatenfriedhof" in Großes Lexikon der Bestattungs- und Friedhofskultur. Wörterbuch zur Sepulkralkultur, Medienkultureller Teil

1 Janvier 2020

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Rezension - Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarregionen / Concession à perpétuité? Culture funéraires au Luxembourg et dans les régions voisines, hg. v. Sonja Kmec, Robert L. Philippart, Antoinette Reuter, Luxembourg :…

Rezension - Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarregionen / Concession à perpétuité? Culture funéraires au Luxembourg et dans les régions voisines, hg. v. Sonja Kmec, Robert L. Philippart, Antoinette Reuter, Luxembourg :…

1 Janvier 2020

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Network-based simulations of re-emergence and spread of COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand

Network-based simulations of re-emergence and spread of COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand

We simulate the late July/early August re-emergence and spread of COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand. We use a stochastic, individual-based network model of all ≈5 million individuals in Aotearoa, and run simulations for a period of 30 days. Based on these simulations, we calculate: the expected time to detection of the first case after initial seed cases; the number of cases at the time of detection; the time until detection of a first case outside of Auckland; and how the overall number of cases increases without intervention.

1 Janvier 2020

Demival Vasques
  • Digital history & historiography
Gleanings from applications for the graph-based exploration of cultural heritage collections

Gleanings from applications for the graph-based exploration of cultural heritage collections

1 Janvier 2020

Marten Düring
  • Digital history & historiography
The Gap and the Future: COVID-19 and (Digital) Collecting

The Gap and the Future: COVID-19 and (Digital) Collecting

1 Janvier 2020

Tizian Zumthurm
  • Public history
Illyrer und Dakerrezeption in Albanien und Rumänien. Mythenbildung und faktische Probleme.

Illyrer und Dakerrezeption in Albanien und Rumänien. Mythenbildung und faktische Probleme.

1 Janvier 2020

Sam Mersch
Czechoslovak Jewish emigrants in the clutches of Luxembourg pre-war migration bureaucracy

Czechoslovak Jewish emigrants in the clutches of Luxembourg pre-war migration bureaucracy

My contribution attempts to find answers to the following questions, among others: How did Luxembourg officials deal with Jewish refugees from Eastern European countries? Did the Luxembourgish authorities distinguish or give priority to citizens of particular nations? Who was involved in the approval process? Who played the most active role and collected the most controversial information about Jewish immigrants?

1 Janvier 2020

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Sammelbesprechung Sound History

Sammelbesprechung Sound History

1 Janvier 2020

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
The Veil, Colonial Discourses of Legitimation and the Algerian War of Independence

The Veil, Colonial Discourses of Legitimation and the Algerian War of Independence

1 Janvier 2020

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
