Reinforcing the social dimension of Europe

Reinforcing the social dimension of Europe

On 20 January 2020, the inauguration of EDIC University of Luxembourg was followed, at the Maison des Arts et des Etudiants in Esch-Belval, by a public debate – a “Citizens' Dialogue” - with Nicolas Schmit, the EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, moderated by Elena Danescu.

20 Janvier 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien": Folge 1 "2x50 Jahre Geschichte Ostbelgiens"

Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien": Folge 1 "2x50 Jahre Geschichte Ostbelgiens"

In einer achtteiligen Reihe setzen sich die beiden Historiker Christoph Brüll und Andreas Fickers im BRF mit "100 Jahre Ostbelgien" auseinander. Zum Auftakt ihrer Serie würdigen sie die Pionierleistung der früheren BHF-Journalisten Peter Thomas und Hubert Jenniges. Sie hatten zu Beginn der 1970er Jahre die Sendereihe "50 Jahre Geschichte der Ostkantone" erstellt. Fickers und Brüll nennen ihre erste Episode denn auch "Zweimal 50 Jahre Ostbelgien".

15 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll
Computers and Computing in Society

Computers and Computing in Society

This review essay aims to highlight some of these recent trends within the history of computing and information technology through the consideration of three recently published books : 1/ Frank Bösch (Ed.) 2018. Wege in die Gesellschaft. Computernutzung in der Bundesrepublik (1955–1990). Geschichte der Gegenwart, Bd. 20. Göttingen: Wallstein, geb.; 2/ Marie Hicks 2017. Programmed Inequality. How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost Its Edge in Computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 3/ Joy Lisi Rankin 2018. A People’s History of Computing in the United States.

14 Janvier 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The MAXQDA and ethic commitments

The MAXQDA and ethic commitments

The aim of this blogpost is to review data analysis software. None of the qualitative software (nVivo, Atlas.ti, Maxqda, dedoose.) actually "analyse" the data for you in the way that quantitative software does. They are more applicable in systematically organising, coding, annotating, visualising, etc. rather than data analysis. In essence, the analysis is still the user’s burden, and the software only assists in managing and exploring the data.

8 Janvier 2020

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Punched Cards in Accounting at Helena Rubinstein

Punched Cards in Accounting at Helena Rubinstein

Placing the design and use of computing devices into a broader context, I focus on the societal, business, and labour developments at the basis of new computer models. One of five carefully selected case studies considers the use of Powers-Samas and later I.C.T. punched card equipment in accounting at the Helena Rubinstein make-up concern in London during the 1950s. For each case my research looks into changes in occupations after the introduction of new computer models, as well as its influence on the work space and workflow of employees.

8 Janvier 2020

Sytze Van Herck
  • Digital history & historiography
Commemorating the Great War on Twitter

Commemorating the Great War on Twitter

This presentation summarises the results of the project #ww1 - the Centenary of the Great War on Twitter, but also details its methodological challenges.

7 Janvier 2020

Frédéric Clavert
How to read the 52.000 pages of the British Journal of Psychiatry? A collaborative approach to source exploration

How to read the 52.000 pages of the British Journal of Psychiatry? A collaborative approach to source exploration

Historians are confronted with an overabundance of sources that require new perspectives and tools to make use of large-scale corpora. Based on a use case from the history of psychiatry this paper describes the work of an interdisciplinary team to tackle these challenges by combining different NLP tools with new visual interfaces that foster the exploration of the corpus. The paper highlights several research challenges in the preparation and processing of the corpus and sketches new insights for historical research that were gathered due to the use of the tools.

1 Janvier 2020

Eva Andersen, Lars Wieneke, Maria Biryukov
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Discussant at Study Day. 'Displacement, Resettlement, Verification and Nationalization after the Second World War'

Discussant at Study Day. 'Displacement, Resettlement, Verification and Nationalization after the Second World War'

1 Janvier 2020

Johanna Jaschik
Using environmental predictive settlement choice models as input data for settlement pattern simulations

Using environmental predictive settlement choice models as input data for settlement pattern simulations

Inductive models of archaeological site locations have been successfully used for predicting archaeological potential of places in landscapes. These models are mostly based on currently observable environmental information. To reduce environmental determinism and increase both explanatory and predictive power several variables like visibility of locations have been interpreted as social factors of settlement locations.

1 Janvier 2020

Kaarel Sikk
  • Digital history & historiography
Compte rendu de Thierry Grosbois (éd.),  Les enrôlés de force en Union Soviétique (1941–1955). Actes du colloque du 7 mai 2015

Compte rendu de Thierry Grosbois (éd.), Les enrôlés de force en Union Soviétique (1941–1955). Actes du colloque du 7 mai 2015

1 Janvier 2020

Christoph Brüll
Compte rendu de Lutz Raphael, Jenseits von Kohle und Stahl

Compte rendu de Lutz Raphael, Jenseits von Kohle und Stahl

1 Janvier 2020

Christoph Brüll
Introduction: The ITU as Actor, Arena, and Antenna of Techno-Diplomacy

Introduction: The ITU as Actor, Arena, and Antenna of Techno-Diplomacy

This book focuses on the history of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), from its origins in the mid-19th century to nowadays. ITU was the fi rst international organization ever and still plays a crucial role in managing global telecommunications today.

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Deutsch-französische soap opera an der Saar: die Anfänge des kommerziellen Rundfunks im Saarland (Tele-Saar und Europe no 1)

Deutsch-französische soap opera an der Saar: die Anfänge des kommerziellen Rundfunks im Saarland (Tele-Saar und Europe no 1)

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
The Rise of Television: Institutionalization and the Framing of National Audiences

The Rise of Television: Institutionalization and the Framing of National Audiences

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Patrimoine, Public History et Humanités numériques. L’Encyclopédie pour une Histoire nouvelle de l’Europe et le fonds Colbert

Patrimoine, Public History et Humanités numériques. L’Encyclopédie pour une Histoire nouvelle de l’Europe et le fonds Colbert

Entendant ici la « patrimonialisation » numérique comme un processus allant de la numérisation à l’usage large d’un ensemble photographique, cet article explique comment, de 2013 à 2015, le LabEx EHNE a projeté de transformer une série de boîtes de photographies sur plaques de verre en un corpus iconographique numérisé jouant un rôle dans un projet de recherche d’une part, mis à disposition à un public large d’autre part. Dans ce processus, le rôle des méthodologies et outils issus des Humanités numériques est fondamental.

1 Janvier 2020

Frédéric Clavert
This is not a scandal in Luxembourg

This is not a scandal in Luxembourg

At the beginning of the 1970s, Investors Overseas Service (IOS), a Panamanian company run by an American businessman, Bernie Cornfeld, with some of its subsidiaries domiciled in Luxembourg, experienced a spectacular collapse. This was the first time that the Luxembourg financial centre appeared in the local and international media as a player in a globalised financial world. The crash of IOS referred to by some European press outlets as a Luxembourgish scandal, was not described in the same terms by the Luxembourg press and political elite.

1 Janvier 2020

Benoît Majerus
Review of: Rezension von: Tobias Held (2020). Face-to-Interface: Eine Kultur- und Technikgeschichte der Videotelefonie. Marburg: Büchner-Verlag

Review of: Rezension von: Tobias Held (2020). Face-to-Interface: Eine Kultur- und Technikgeschichte der Videotelefonie. Marburg: Büchner-Verlag

1 Janvier 2020

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Material Cultures of Psychiatry

Material Cultures of Psychiatry

1 Janvier 2020

Benoît Majerus
Zwischentöne. 100 Jahre Ostbelgien (1920-2020). 8 Radioessays

Zwischentöne. 100 Jahre Ostbelgien (1920-2020). 8 Radioessays

Seit nunmehr 100 Jahren ist das heutige Ostbelgien Teil des Belgischen Königreichs. Diesen Jahrestag haben die beiden Historiker Christoph Brüll und Andreas Fickers zum Anlass genommen, gemeinsam mit dem BRF in 8 Radioessays in die ostbelgische Vergangenheit hineinzuhorchen. Die bislang kaum erforschten Tonarchive des BRF haben sich als herausragende Quelle erwiesen, um Zwischentöne hörbar zu machen und so Stimmen und Stimmungen aus der bewegten ostbelgischen Vergangenheit wieder zu beleben.

1 Janvier 2020

Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll
Material Cultures of Psychiatry

Material Cultures of Psychiatry

1 Janvier 2020

Benoît Majerus
