WWII, Russians in Luxembourg: Sowjetesch Zwangsaarbechter zu Lëtzebuerg

WWII, Russians in Luxembourg: Sowjetesch Zwangsaarbechter zu Lëtzebuerg

Am Kader vun engem Recherche-Projet iwwer "100 Joer russesch Emigratioun op Lëtzebuerg" fuerscht d'Inna Ganschow, mat der Ënnerstëtzung vun der Lydie-Schmit-Stëftung, ënnert anerem och iwwer d'Lous vu sowjeteschen Zwangsaarbechter, déi an de Joren 1942 bis 44 op Lëtzebuerger Schmelzen an a Lëtzebuerger Bauerebetriber geschafft hunn.

20 Décembre 2017

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le, une infrastructure numérique

Le, une infrastructure numérique

Présentation des publications numériques sur le processus de la construction européenne analysé dans une perspective transnationale et multidimensionnelle sur le site Les collections de publications thématiques et le programme d’histoire orale, comprenant près de 100 interviews de personnalités européennes, constituent une approche innovante de la construction européenne.

18 Décembre 2017

Marco Gabellini
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Panel: Re/Bordering Memory: Dynamics and Frictions of Multi-Scala Remembering

Panel: Re/Bordering Memory: Dynamics and Frictions of Multi-Scala Remembering

15 Décembre 2017

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Les regards experts sur l’Est en Allemagne et en Pologne : émergence, cristallisation et révision (1918-1972)

Les regards experts sur l’Est en Allemagne et en Pologne : émergence, cristallisation et révision (1918-1972)

The First World War was the catalyst for social and technical changes, which gave rise to new administrative needs, materialized by the emergence of a new social group: that of the experts. In modern German and Polish states, a particular group of experts stands out, specializing in a theme with deep cultural roots: eastern Europe.The changes of regime and territory between 1918 and 1972 destabilize the frame of reference of the German and Polish societies, particularly between 1939 and 1945.

14 Décembre 2017

Estelle Bunout
  • Digital history & historiography
Des hommes ordinaires

Des hommes ordinaires

9 Décembre 2017

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L'histoire de la collaboration peut-elle être écrite sur base des archives de la répression? Réflexions sur l'approche critique des documents judiciaires

L'histoire de la collaboration peut-elle être écrite sur base des archives de la répression? Réflexions sur l'approche critique des documents judiciaires

6 Décembre 2017

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
WWII: Die Suche nach dem alten Freund

WWII: Die Suche nach dem alten Freund

The article treats a friendship between a Soviet POW and a Luxemburger in 1944, both working at the Reichsbahn under the German occupation in Luxembourg.

2 Décembre 2017

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Luxembourg Analysis

Luxembourg Analysis

With a long tradition of political stability and social democracy, a creative development model, skilled human capital and a culture of consensus, Luxembourg is at the forefront of Europe. Its main strategic challenge is how to achieve economic diversification while maintaining the sustainability of the Luxembourg social model. The country has embarked on the "third industrial revolution", with innovation as the main driver of sustainable growth and the University of Luxembourg as a major player.

1 Décembre 2017

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
L'héritage intellectuel d'un précurseur: Alexandre Lamfalussy

L'héritage intellectuel d'un précurseur: Alexandre Lamfalussy

Banquier, penseur de la finance internationale et Européen convaincu, Alexandre Lamfalussy (1929-2015) est, sans conteste, l’un des architectes de l’euro. Dans ses jeunes années, il s’intéresse à l’intégration européenne et aux questions financières et monétaires. Lorsqu'il devient banquier, notamment au sein de la BRI (1976-1993), est l’un des premiers à alerter contre l’accumulation des dettes en Amérique latine et à préconiser une meilleure régulation internationale pour éviter les excès.

1 Décembre 2017

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Generational Conflicts, the Spirit of ‘68 and Cultural Emancipation in the German Speaking Community of Belgium. A Historical Essay About the ‘73 Generation

Generational Conflicts, the Spirit of ‘68 and Cultural Emancipation in the German Speaking Community of Belgium. A Historical Essay About the ‘73 Generation

‘Changes were in the air’ – is perhaps the best way to describe the social mood at the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s. On the international stage, the gap between the post-war generation, known as the ‘baby boomers’ and the generation that had experienced World War II as adolescents or young adults came to light in the form of student protests, anti-war movements and new concepts of life. It is scarcely a coincidence that there were protests in eastern Belgium too at this time. What were the ‘young wild ones’ protesting against in the German speaking region of Belgium?

1 Décembre 2017

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Locating and quantifying a transnational cultural object. Reims as a European hub for sports (1925-1940)

Locating and quantifying a transnational cultural object. Reims as a European hub for sports (1925-1940)

1 Décembre 2017

Sebastien Moreau
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Maschinen, Massen und Metaphern. Visuelle Konstruktionen von Industriearbeit(ern) im Luxemburg der Zwischenkriegszeit.

Maschinen, Massen und Metaphern. Visuelle Konstruktionen von Industriearbeit(ern) im Luxemburg der Zwischenkriegszeit.

This paper examines images of industrial work(ers) as contributions to visual meaning-making. The selected examples illustrate the deployment of industrial work(ers) as a motif in a variety of artistic genres and media that circulated in interwar Luxembourg. The different depictions, which were distributed and promoted by different actors with different interests, show the industrial worker as affiliated with or a representative of a particular steel company, the industrial sector as a whole, the Luxembourg nation or the working class.

30 Novembre 2017

Ira Plein
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Reflections on Europe. (with a commentary of Philipp Ther)

Reflections on Europe. (with a commentary of Philipp Ther)

30 Novembre 2017

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Table ronde conclusive | Conclusive Round Table

Table ronde conclusive | Conclusive Round Table

29 Novembre 2017

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
WWI and WWII Reparations and their Impact on European (Dis)Integration

WWI and WWII Reparations and their Impact on European (Dis)Integration

Due to the separation between the historical and legal fields which have examined the issue of WWII reparations, no generally accepted definition of their current status exists either in the historical, legal or political spheres. This lack of clarity has greatly contributed to this issue remaining unresolved until the present. In his talk, Spero Paravantes looks at the way the issue was used by the Big Three in their dealings with each other after WWII.

28 Novembre 2017

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Hybrid approaches to historical research: analysing the Anne Frank diaries with digital tools

Hybrid approaches to historical research: analysing the Anne Frank diaries with digital tools

This paper argues for a hybrid approach to historical research that combines ’traditional’ with digital hermeneutical approaches in a new practice of doing history. As the digital turn alters and affects all parts of the historical research process, this is a pressing challenge and need for all historians, not just for those engaged in ‘big data’ projects. Indeed, hybridity is, and should be, the new normal.

28 Novembre 2017

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
Germany, Greece and Poland: The Complicated story of Reparations and European Integration

Germany, Greece and Poland: The Complicated story of Reparations and European Integration

28 Novembre 2017

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Presentation of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History – C2DH Doctoral Training Unit

Presentation of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History – C2DH Doctoral Training Unit

27 Novembre 2017

Tim van der Heijden, Kaarel Sikk, Eva Andersen, Jakub Bronec, Marleen De Kramer, Thomas Durlacher, Antonio Fiscarelli, Jan Lotz, Sytze Van Herck, Christopher Morse, Shohreh Haddadan, Sam Mersch, Ekaterina Kamlovskaya
  • Digital history & historiography
Changing Platforms of Ritualized Memory Practices: The Cultural Dynamics of Home Movies (2012-2015): How a Research Program Led to the Organization of Several Mainstream Exhibitions and How Collaborations with other Institutions Contributed

Changing Platforms of Ritualized Memory Practices: The Cultural Dynamics of Home Movies (2012-2015): How a Research Program Led to the Organization of Several Mainstream Exhibitions and How Collaborations with other Institutions Contributed

24 Novembre 2017

Tim van der Heijden
  • Digital history & historiography
Interview with Ian Grosvenor

Interview with Ian Grosvenor

Ian Grosvenor is Professor of Urban Education History at the School of Education, University of Birmingham, and director of the Voices of War & Peace Centre.

23 Novembre 2017

Benjamin Zenner
  • Contemporary history of Europe
