            Flouernimm a Sproochgeschicht

            Flouernimm a Sproochgeschicht

            1 Janvier 2018

            Sam Mersch
            “Una epidemia global”: La campana por la abolición de la tortura de Amnistía Internacional (1972-1984)

            “Una epidemia global”: La campana por la abolición de la tortura de Amnistía Internacional (1972-1984)

            The Campaign for the Abolition of Torture launched by Amnesty International in 1972 represents a key moment to understand the rise of human rights activism in the 1970s. This campaign not only contributed to promote Amnesty International as a popular and influential non-governmental organisation, but also set the modus operandi of this sort of activism: on-field missions, reports, emotional campaigns and lobbying on governments and international organisations.

            1 Janvier 2018

            Victor Fernandez Soriano
            ’Travail et Progrès’: Obligatory ‘Educational’ Labour in the Belgian Congo, 1933-1960

            ’Travail et Progrès’: Obligatory ‘Educational’ Labour in the Belgian Congo, 1933-1960

            The authorities of the Belgian Congo imposed a series of compulsory workloads to the local communities under the argument that these tasks contributed to the ‘education’ of the native populations, which they called ‘Travaux d’ordre e´ducatif’ (TOE). Such workloads represented the main legal form of forced labour which existed in the Belgian Congo from their creation in 1933 until independence in 1960. Unlike what happened in most colonial empires, these workloads were not abolished after the Second World War.

            1 Janvier 2018

            Victor Fernandez Soriano
            Free and Unfree Labour in Brazilian Agriculture

            Free and Unfree Labour in Brazilian Agriculture

            1 Janvier 2018

            Julia Harnoncourt
            • Public history
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Racism and Racialisation as elements in substandard labour relations in Amazonian agriculture

            Racism and Racialisation as elements in substandard labour relations in Amazonian agriculture

            1 Janvier 2018

            Julia Harnoncourt
            • Public history
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Unfreie Arbeit. Trabalho escravo in der brasilianischen Landwirtschaft.

            Unfreie Arbeit. Trabalho escravo in der brasilianischen Landwirtschaft.

            1 Janvier 2018

            Julia Harnoncourt
            • Public history
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Recensie van: Anne Morelli (red.), "Le Bruxelles des révolutionnaires, de 1830 à nos jours" & Joseph Van Wassenhove, "Bruxelles: la vie quotidienne au XIXe siècle par les écrivains de l’époque"

            Recensie van: Anne Morelli (red.), "Le Bruxelles des révolutionnaires, de 1830 à nos jours" & Joseph Van Wassenhove, "Bruxelles: la vie quotidienne au XIXe siècle par les écrivains de l’époque"

            1 Janvier 2018

            Jens van de Maele
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Recensie van: Michel De Beule et al, "Bruxelles, histoire de planifier: urbanisme aux 19e et 20e siècles"

            Recensie van: Michel De Beule et al, "Bruxelles, histoire de planifier: urbanisme aux 19e et 20e siècles"

            1 Janvier 2018

            Jens van de Maele
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            ChroniclItaly: A corpus of Italian language newspapers published in the United States between 1898 and 1922

            ChroniclItaly: A corpus of Italian language newspapers published in the United States between 1898 and 1922

            1 Janvier 2018

            Lorella Viola
            • Digital history & historiography
            DuFLOR: A parallel corpus of Italian dubbed films from 1965 to 2003

            DuFLOR: A parallel corpus of Italian dubbed films from 1965 to 2003

            1 Janvier 2018

            Lorella Viola
            • Digital history & historiography
            Agent-based modeling as an interdisciplinary bridge in spatial humanities. Designing the modeling framework for simulation of Mesolithic settlement patterns

            Agent-based modeling as an interdisciplinary bridge in spatial humanities. Designing the modeling framework for simulation of Mesolithic settlement patterns

            Settlement patterns have been one of the central products of Stone Age archaeological research. Because of long time spans and very scarce information, scientific explanations of the patterns are usually limited to just defining the areas of the phenomena of interest. Any further deductions about past communities tend to be without additional proof and thus presented as hypotheses in scientific literature.

            1 Janvier 2018

            Kaarel Sikk
            • Digital history & historiography
            Quantifying the shoreline connection of the Stone Age settlements in Southern Karelia (Finland)

            Quantifying the shoreline connection of the Stone Age settlements in Southern Karelia (Finland)

            The connection between settlement sites and water bodies has been the most prominent characteristic of the Stone Age settlement patterns in North-Eastern Europe. Geologist and archaeologist Constantin Grewingk stated already in 1865 that in the Eastern Baltic region “Stone Age people lived by the sea and rivers”. Although there was no empirical data at that time, the following discoveries confirmed this claim.

            1 Janvier 2018

            Kaarel Sikk
            • Digital history & historiography
            Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange

            Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange

            On July 10-14, 2018, the Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) held its Second World Conference in Vienna and Budapest. The meeting was attended by around 450 participants from 54 countries, including renowned experts and practitioners, spanning all fields of the humanities and the social sciences. The ABS is the world’s largest academic organization dedicated to the systematic study and exchange of ideas, information and analysis of international border, and the processes and communities engendered by such borders.

            1 Janvier 2018

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Did Communist Children’s Television Communicate Universal Values? Representing Borders in the Polish Series Four Tank-Men and a Dog

            Did Communist Children’s Television Communicate Universal Values? Representing Borders in the Polish Series Four Tank-Men and a Dog

            1 Janvier 2018

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Die vergessene Sicht der Kinder. Grenzregionen als Brennpunkte politischer Spannungen

            Die vergessene Sicht der Kinder. Grenzregionen als Brennpunkte politischer Spannungen

            1 Janvier 2018

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Association for Borderlands Studies 2nd World Conference. Border-Making and its Consequences: Interpreting Evidence from the 'post-Colonial' and 'post-Imperial' 20th Century

            Association for Borderlands Studies 2nd World Conference. Border-Making and its Consequences: Interpreting Evidence from the 'post-Colonial' and 'post-Imperial' 20th Century

            1 Janvier 2018

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Message Regarding Academic Freedom

            Message Regarding Academic Freedom

            1 Janvier 2018

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Organizer: Multilingualism in Interwar Poland

            Organizer: Multilingualism in Interwar Poland

            1 Janvier 2018

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Rząd belgijski na londyńskim wygnaniu

            Rząd belgijski na londyńskim wygnaniu

            1 Janvier 2018

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            impresso. Mining 200 years of historical newspapers

            impresso. Mining 200 years of historical newspapers

            1 Janvier 2018

            Marten Düring
            • Digital history & historiography
