Nicht nur ein Ort zum Schlafen

Nicht nur ein Ort zum Schlafen

1 Janvier 2022

Daniel Richter, Stefan Krebs
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
COVID-19 Digital Memory Banks: Challenges and Opportunities for Historians of Education

COVID-19 Digital Memory Banks: Challenges and Opportunities for Historians of Education

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, historians – along with archivists and other stakeholders – began to initiate digital memory banks, inviting members of the public to upload personal stories, pictures, videos, or other material connected to the pandemic and its impact on everyday life. This article describes how platforms from Western and Central Europe differ with regard to contributions by children and adolescents, taking the German and from Luxembourg as the main case studies.

1 Janvier 2022

Stefan Krebs
Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours). Institutions - Organisation - Acteurs

Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours). Institutions - Organisation - Acteurs

1 Janvier 2022

Denis Scuto, Elisabeth Wingerter
Histoire de la profession d'avocat au Luxembourg. Un aperçu

Histoire de la profession d'avocat au Luxembourg. Un aperçu

1 Janvier 2022

Denis Scuto
International Standing Conference for the History of Edcuation

International Standing Conference for the History of Edcuation

1 Janvier 2022

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Presenter: The Umsiedlung of families of Luxembourgish recruits during the Nazi occupation (1942–1945)

Presenter: The Umsiedlung of families of Luxembourgish recruits during the Nazi occupation (1942–1945)

1 Janvier 2022

Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
“COVIDwear” and Health Care Workers. How Has the New Materiality of Clothing Affected Care Practices?

“COVIDwear” and Health Care Workers. How Has the New Materiality of Clothing Affected Care Practices?

The pandemic fundamentally changed the material culture of clothing for care workers. If most of them wore already some sort of uniform, be it for hygienic reasons, be it to make their status visible, Covid19 profoundly transformed the clothing codes, beyond the mask. These new “protections” thoroughly changed the caring experiences in several aspects. As they enclose the body more intimately, working conditions became more laborious. The sensory land¬scapes of care (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell) were fundamentally altered.

1 Janvier 2022

Benoît Majerus, Inna Ganschow
Die Escher Frauenbewegungen der 1920er Jahre

Die Escher Frauenbewegungen der 1920er Jahre

Dieser fiktive Tagebucheintrag und die dazugehörige Collage erzählen die Geschichte eines Mädchens, das im Jahr 1928 die Haushaltungsschule in Differdingen anfing. Ihre Erlebnisse führen in wichtige Themen der Escher Frauenbewegung der 1920er Jahre ein, wie zum Beispiel Kindersterblichkeit, Hausfrauenarbeit und Frauenbildung.

1 Janvier 2022

Julia Harnoncourt, Stefan Krebs
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Presenter: Sippenhaft and Umsiedlung - Consequences of desertion on families of Luxembourgish recruits (1942-1945)

Presenter: Sippenhaft and Umsiedlung - Consequences of desertion on families of Luxembourgish recruits (1942-1945)

1 Janvier 2022

Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
From #MuseumAtHome to #AtHomeAtTheMuseum: Digital Museums and Dialogical Engagement beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

From #MuseumAtHome to #AtHomeAtTheMuseum: Digital Museums and Dialogical Engagement beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

The novel coronavirus spurred a keen interest in digital technologies for museums as both cultural professionals and the public took notice of their uses and limitations throughout the confinement period. In this study, we investigated the use of digital technologies by museums during a period when in-person interaction was not possible. The aim of the study was to better understand the impact of the confinement period on the use of museum technologies in order to identify implications for future museum experience design.

1 Janvier 2022

Christopher Morse, Lars Wieneke, Blandine Landau
  • Digital history & historiography
The best you ever had

The best you ever had

1 Janvier 2022

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg


1 Janvier 2022

Benoît Majerus
Le Centenaire et les nouveaux médias

Le Centenaire et les nouveaux médias

This chapter assesses the general and academic uses of social media (most particularly twitter) during the Centenary of the First World War.

1 Janvier 2022

Frédéric Clavert
Introducing the DHARPA Project: An Interdisciplinary Lab to Enable Critical DH Practice

Introducing the DHARPA Project: An Interdisciplinary Lab to Enable Critical DH Practice

In this article, we introduce software under development by the Digital History Advanced Research Projects Accelerator (DHARPA), an interdisciplinary team of researchers and developers working to enable best practices in the humanities through technology. We argue that the strength and appeal of historical inquiry lies largely in the relationship between scholars and their sources, a connection in which the former engage with the latter

1 Janvier 2022

Lorella Viola, Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Zuhause mit Ketty und Catherine

Zuhause mit Ketty und Catherine

Based on original sources, this radio play is a recreation of a 1950s women’s radio show which offers us a glimpse into some of the typical issues facing women at the time. Our two presenters, Ketty and Catherine, comment on social and political themes mentioned in letters from female listeners living in the Minett. These themes include the call for pacifism during the Cold War as well as the lack of playgrounds for children in Esch. Our duo also offer some advice on culinary matters and household chores.

1 Janvier 2022

Jens van de Maele, Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Review: Newspaper Navigator

Review: Newspaper Navigator

Created for the Library of Congress, Newspaper Navigator re-imagines how we search the rich visual content in historic newspapers. The first phase of the project utilized machine learning techniques to extract visual content from 16.3 million digitized newspaper pages in Chronicling America. 1 This resulted in the Newspaper Navigator dataset, released in May 2020. The dataset and finetuned machine learning model 2 are in the public domain. A paper on the dataset was presented at the 2020 ACM Conference on Information Knowledge & Management (CIKM).

1 Janvier 2022

Lorella Viola
  • Digital history & historiography
Befreiung der Frau – Geschichten eines weltweiten Kampfes

Befreiung der Frau – Geschichten eines weltweiten Kampfes

1 Janvier 2022

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Maladies mentales et société (XIXe – XXIe siècles)

Maladies mentales et société (XIXe – XXIe siècles)

1 Janvier 2022

Benoît Majerus
Digital Hermeneutics: The Reflexive Turn in Digital Public History?

Digital Hermeneutics: The Reflexive Turn in Digital Public History?

The digital – be it in forms of data, infrastructures, or tools – interferes atall levels in the practice of doing public history. This chapter argues that digitalpublic historians have to reflect more deeply on the epistemological consequencesof their digital practices. It proposes the concept of “digital hermeneutics” as a conceptual framework for this reflection. As a “hermeneutics of in-betweenness,” digital hermeneutics investigates the trading zone of digital public history where new digital methods and approaches meet disciplinary traditions and epistemic cultures of history.

1 Janvier 2022

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Note on Immigration from Dr Inna Ganschow

Note on Immigration from Dr Inna Ganschow

A very short introduction to migration of Lithuanians to Luxembourg in 1890-1940.

1 Janvier 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
