“Italy, for example, is just incredibly stupid now”. European crisis narrations in relation to Italy’s response to COVID-19

“Italy, for example, is just incredibly stupid now”. European crisis narrations in relation to Italy’s response to COVID-19

Crisis narratives shape public understanding and, consequently, the response to the crisis itself. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, when in February 2020 Italy was experiencing more cases than any other country, the Italian response to the crisis originated debates over how to best respond to the outbreak.

1 Janvier 2022

Lorella Viola
  • Digital history & historiography
The Minett: Dirty or Beautiful?

The Minett: Dirty or Beautiful?

1 Janvier 2022

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Une histoire orale du Minett

Une histoire orale du Minett

The "Minett" region in southern Luxembourg was the industrial heartland of the country. The mines and blast furnaces, most of which have now disappeared, once dominated the landscape. Luciano Pagliarini's collection of interviews constitutes a unique corpus of audio testimonies that allow us to discover the local history and the daily experiences of the inhabitants of that time.

1 Janvier 2022

Marco Gabellini, François Klein, Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Future Pasts: Web Archives and Public History as Challenges for Historians of Education in Times of COVID-19

Future Pasts: Web Archives and Public History as Challenges for Historians of Education in Times of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only sparked a renewed interest in history; it has also focused our attention on how the present can be historically preserved. Therefore, it is safe to predict that the COVID-19 crisis and its documentation will be analyzed by future historians, and it will bring about methodological and technological changes that affect our ways of working as historians of education. This chapter will examine the following: First, it looks at some basic characteristics of web archives and how they challenge our work as historians.

1 Janvier 2022

Karin Priem
  • Public history


1 Janvier 2022

Benoît Majerus


1 Janvier 2022

Benoît Majerus
Aron-Samuel LUKMANSKI (1889-1942?), Frieda LUBINSTEIN (1888-1942?), Claire LUKMANSKI (1912-2007), Henri LUKMANSKI (1915-1940), Jeanne LUKMANSKI (1921-1942?)

Aron-Samuel LUKMANSKI (1889-1942?), Frieda LUBINSTEIN (1888-1942?), Claire LUKMANSKI (1912-2007), Henri LUKMANSKI (1915-1940), Jeanne LUKMANSKI (1921-1942?)

The Lukmanski-Lubinstein family came from Belarus. After a pogrom, they fled to Lorraine and, after a brief detour in Catalonia, arrived in 1921 via Lorraine to Esch/Alzette in the industrial south of Luxembourg, where Aron Lukmanski and Frieda Lubinstein opened a painters' supplies store. His son Henri worked in the store and was a musician. His daughter Jeanne was a helper at a barber shop in Esch. Clara married a Frenchman in 1936 and moved to the neighboring French border town of Audun-le-Tiche. She was the only member of the family to survive the war.

1 Janvier 2022

Inna Ganschow, Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Review - Dimensionen der Mittäterschaft. Die europäische Kollaboration mit dem Dritten Reich.

Review - Dimensionen der Mittäterschaft. Die europäische Kollaboration mit dem Dritten Reich.

1 Janvier 2022

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Minettsmap 1980s

Minettsmap 1980s

In the 1980s, two photographers were exploring the industrial region of Luxembourg by camera. Jos Rinaldi, a mechanical engineer/technician at ARBED, and Fred Bisenius, a social and cultural activist, were documenting the life, work, leisure and landscapes of the Minett. The Minettsmap offers us a glimpse of the past through the lens of their outstanding collection.

1 Janvier 2022

Jens van de Maele, Stefan Krebs, Viktoria Boretska
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Digital history and hermeneutics – between theory and practice: An introduction

Digital history and hermeneutics – between theory and practice: An introduction

As a result of rapid advancements in computer science during recent decades, there has been an increased use of digital tools, methodologies and sources in the field of digital humanities. While opening up new opportunities for scholarship, many digital methods and tools now used for humanities research have nevertheless been developed by computer or data sciences and thus require a critical understanding of their mode of operation and functionality.

1 Janvier 2022

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Outro. American Skin

Outro. American Skin

1 Janvier 2022

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Identity disputes

Identity disputes

"Liewen am Minett" was a government photo project meant to document the people and life of the changing, declining Minett of the 1980s. However, the very workers publicly disagreed with the ways they have been portrayed. Together with the photographers from the publication, discover more about this dispute and join the discussion about the (visual) identity of the region and its people.

1 Janvier 2022

Viktoria Boretska, Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Introducing the DHARPA Project: An Interdisciplinary Lab to Enable Critical DH Practice

Introducing the DHARPA Project: An Interdisciplinary Lab to Enable Critical DH Practice

In this article, we introduce software under development by the Digital History Advanced Research Projects Accelerator (DHARPA), an interdisciplinary team of researchers and developers working to enable best practices in the humanities through technology. We argue that the strength and appeal of historical inquiry lies largely in the relationship between scholars and their sources, a connection in which the former engage with the latter

1 Janvier 2022

Lorella Viola, Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
The best you ever had

The best you ever had

1 Janvier 2022

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Belang and Kabata Banda: The significance of nature in the adat practices in the Banda Islands

Belang and Kabata Banda: The significance of nature in the adat practices in the Banda Islands

1 Janvier 2022

Joella van Donkersgoed
Biller aus dem Minett

Biller aus dem Minett

Between 1959 and 1961, the national newspaper Luxemburger Wort published a photo series dedicated to the Minett. These so-called “Biller aus dem Minett” (Images from the Minett) were intended to serve as a platform for amateur photographers, allowing them to show everyday aspects of life in Luxembourg’s industrial region. Today, the approximately 150 “Biller” are a collection of historical interest, which provides a unique view on Luxembourg’s industrial region shortly before the economic downfall.

1 Janvier 2022

Jens van de Maele, Stefan Krebs, Viktoria Boretska
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Networks from archives: Reconstructing networks of official correspondence in the early modern Portuguese empire

Networks from archives: Reconstructing networks of official correspondence in the early modern Portuguese empire

1 Janvier 2022

Demival Vasques
  • Digital history & historiography
État des connaissances, perspectives de recherches et révision des datations des tertres d’orpaillage dits celtes de l’Ardenne belge

État des connaissances, perspectives de recherches et révision des datations des tertres d’orpaillage dits celtes de l’Ardenne belge

Les tertres d’orpaillage de l’actuel territoire belge ont été identifiés comme tels vers 1876 par J. Jung. Depuis, la connaissance de ces structures n’a que peu évolué, aucun tertre n’ayant été fouillé suivant une méthodologie permettant de les dater sans équivoque. De nombreuses descriptions des formes, tailles et contenus ont été réalisées ainsi que des propositions d’attributions chronologiques reposant sur des hypothèses logiques plutôt que sur des faits empiriques (à la place d’empiriques, écrire scientifiquement démontrés ?) Seul J-M.

1 Janvier 2022

Muriel van Ruymbeke
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Zur Transformation ökologischer Beziehungen: Manifest für Bildungsgeschichte nach COVID-19

Zur Transformation ökologischer Beziehungen: Manifest für Bildungsgeschichte nach COVID-19

Dieser Beitrag richtet sich auf die Fotografie als aktive Intervention innerhalb einer geschädigten oder gefährdeten Umwelt und bedient sich dieses Mediums, um neue Perspektiven der Bildungsgeschichte – in Bezug auf die bereits geschriebene und die zukünftige – zu entwickeln. Diese Perspektiven werden besonders deutlich, wenn sie vor dem Hintergrund gegenwärtiger Debatten zu Fragen der planetarischen Verantwortung und einer geteilten Welt entwickelt werden, die auch unsere Vorstellungen von Erziehung und Bildung prägen.

1 Janvier 2022

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours). Institutions - Organisation - Acteurs

Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours). Institutions - Organisation - Acteurs

1 Janvier 2022

Denis Scuto, Elisabeth Wingerter
