Participation and Public Interpretations: How to Navigate Multiple Historical Narratives in Museums?

15 November 2021

Participation and Public Interpretations: How to Navigate Multiple Historical Narratives in Museums?

This symposium will bring together scholars, museum and archives professionals, heritage and other public history practitioners to discuss if and how multiple and sometimes conflicting historical narratives can coexist in museums.

13 November 2021

verfasst von :
Julia Harnoncourt

Liewensgeschichten aus dem Minett


12 November 2021

verfasst von :
Daniel Richter, Aida Horaniet Ibanez, Suzana Cascao

LUX:PLORATIONS VOL 2 is out with a contribution from the C²DH

LUX:PLORATIONS is one of the activities promoted by DESCOM (Doctoral Education in Science Communication), an educational project in science communication that aims at supporting interactions between academia and the public. A first volume had been released in Autumn 2020.

1 November 2021

verfasst von :
Julia Harnoncourt, Stefan Krebs

Auf- und ausgezeichnete Lebensgeschichten aus der Minett

Burtgrey & Richerolles

27 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Jessica Burton, Richard Legay

Burtgrey & Richerolles. The Case of an Entangled Media History

From comic to radio and back. The process of research as a media crossover experience.
FNR Awards 2021

21 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Stefan Krebs

C²DH honoured at the FNR Awards 2021

Andreas Fickers wins the Outstanding Mentor Award and the Award for Outstanding Promotion of Science to the Public goes to the C²DH REMIX team.
Forum Z
Denis Scuto présentant le Mémorial Digital de la Shoah

20 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

La mémoire de la Shoah à l’ère digitale au cœur des discussions

Dans le cadre des commémorations du 80e anniversaire du départ du premier convoi de déportation depuis la gare de Luxembourg, dans la nuit du 16 au 17 octobre 1941, le C²DH et la Fondation Luxembourgeoise pour la Mémoire de la Shoah ont invité à un Forum Z le 18 octobre 2021.
Popkult 60 online exhibition

20 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Richard Legay

Popkult60 online exhibition

Transnational popular culture – Europe in the long 1960s
Journal of Digital History logo

13 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Frédéric Clavert

Presenting the Journal of Digital History

The Journal of Digital History (JDH) is a joint initiative of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg and the De Gruyter publishing group. As an international, academic, peer-reviewed and open-access journal, it will set new standards in history publishing based on the principle of multi-layered articles.

7 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Maxime Derian

Cyborg, IA et société "cyborgisée" : l’avènement d’une société-ruche


7 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Julia Harnoncourt, Jens van de Maele

Exploring the Past in Public: Recent Public History Exchanges in Southern Luxembourg

The Aesthetics of Smoke in Interwar Luxembourgish Literature

1 Oktober 2021

The Aesthetics of Smoke in Interwar Luxembourgish Literature

Lecture by Dr Anne-Marie Millim, Assistant Professor in English Studies at the University of Luxembourg. The hybrid event is part of the REMIX lecture series.

1 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers, Frédéric Clavert

On pyramids, prisms, and scalable reading

Quarantine de Georg Riesenhuber

30 September 2021

verfasst von :
Marco Gabellini

Présentation de l’ouvrage «Quarantine-drawings on the virus that never went viral»

Un livre avec des dessins de Georg Riesenhuber sur le Covid-19, issus de la plateforme
Rumelange rue des Bruyères

28 September 2021

Rëm.xx: Rumelange, a post-industrial town and its cultural heritage revisited

Lecture by Giny Laroche , co-founding partner of The Impact Lab. The hybrid event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
Forum Z
Forum Z Mémoire de la Shoah à l'ère digitale

21 September 2021

verfasst von :
Blandine Landau

What is remembered lives. Mémoire de la Shoah à l'ère digitale

Conférences et ateliers sur la mémoire de la Shoah à l'ère digitale.

17 September 2021

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin, Joella van Donkersgoed

HistorEsch: Public History Activities in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette

HistorEsch is the overarching name for several public history projects that will be organised between 2021-2022 to actively involve the residents of Esch-sur-Alzette in the production of history.

17 September 2021

verfasst von :
Thomas Hoppenheit

Das Ersatzteil zwischen Technik, Wirtschaft und Politik

The persistence of technology

14 September 2021

verfasst von :
Stefan Krebs

Publication: 'The Persistence of Technology: Histories of Repair, Reuse and Disposal'

“The Persistence of Technology: Histories of Repair, Reuse and Disposal”, co-edited by Stefan Krebs and Heike Weber, has been published!
Belval blast furnace

12 September 2021

verfasst von :
Werner Tschacher

Workshop report 'Digitising Industrial Heritage'

On 17 and 18 June 2021, the C²DH has hosted an international hybrid workshop. This event was organised as part of the research project “Remixing Industrial Pasts in the Digital Age: Sounds, Images, Ecologies, Practices and Materialities in Space and Time”. Completed and ongoing projects were presented that shed more light on various aspects of industrial heritage making and digital public history.
