In her PhD thesis titled Zwischen Dynamik und Beharrung und Dynamik. Honoratiorenpolitik in Saarbrücken, Luxemburg und Metz (1850 –1914), Susanne Schmolze analysed social structures and decision-making processes in communal politics in a time of rapid political, social and economic change. She submitted her thesis, which Prof. Dr. Gabriele B. Clemens supervised, at Saarland University. From 2019 to 2022, Susanne Schmolze received a PhD scholarship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes.
Prior to that, she completed Bachelor and Master’s programs in History and Musicology at Saarland University, focusing on transnational European history across the centuries. Susanne Schmolze gained professional experience in academic and archival work during her work as a research assistant at Saarland University and the archives of the city of St. Ingbert (Saarland).