Claude Ewert

Postdoctoral researcher

Domaines de recherche
Digital history & historiography
Claude is a postdoctoral researcher

Claude Ewert is a historian specializing in contemporary Europe, with a focus on Cold War and European integration history. He obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge, where he wrote his dissertation titled "The European Community’s Relations with the Soviet Union (1973-1991)." This project received funding from the FNR and addressed a significant research gap in Cold War history by examining the role of the European Commission in East-West trade relations. Additionally, Claude’s dissertation provides a case study of early external relations policymaking by the Commission and the European Council.

Following a brief stint in EU diplomacy, Claude joined the C²DH as a postdoctoral researcher in the FOMLeg project. In this role, Claude focuses on the legacy of the Family of Man by examining the impact of the photographer Edward Steichen's work in Luxembourg. He is researching the cultural policy and the reception of the exhibition over the past 70 years. The project aims to study the presence, composition, development, and history of private and public collections related to the artist within the sociopolitical contexts of Luxembourg. In addition, Claude will conduct a study of the reception of photography as an art form and its development in Luxembourg.

During his MA studies, Claude had already worked at the C²DH as a student research assistant, where he had familiarised himself with various approaches to digital history. Passionate about fostering critical thinking and intellectual growth, Claude has heavily invested in teaching in Cambridge, supervising Modern European history, teaching historical skills and lecturing historical practices. He holds both a BA and an MA from the University of Luxembourg.