Histoire numérique et l’historiographie

New publication: ‘Trading Zones of Digital History’ by Max Kemman

Trading Zonesof Digital History by Max Kemman
Volume 1 in the series 'Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics' published by De Gruyter Oldenburg.

Digital history is commonly argued to be positioned between the traditionally historical and the computational or digital. By studying digital history collaborations and the establishment of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, Kemman examines how digital history will impact historical scholarship. His analysis shows that digital history does not occupy a singular position between the digital and the historical. Instead, historians continuously move across this dimension, choosing or finding themselves in different positions as they construct different trading zones through cross-disciplinary engagement, negotiation of research goals and individual interests.

The book is available in Open Access: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110682106/html

The author Max Kemman received his PhD at the University of Luxembourg in April 2019.


The series 'Digital History and Hermeneutics' offers a platform for cutting edge scholarship in the emerging field of digital history and hermeneutics. It aims at making a critical intervention in the field of digital humanities and introduces key debates and concepts of digital history to the historical community at large. The series is edited by Andreas Fickers, Valérie Schafer, Sean Takats, and Gerben Zaagsma.