Histoire numérique et l’historiographie

CfP - Digital Hermeneutics in History: Theory and Practice

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CfP - Digital Hermeneutics in History: Theory and Practice

Still from an animation for the Ranke.2 project, the C²DH teaching platform for Digital Source Criticism (Image credit: All Things Moving).

International conference and workshop organised by the C²DH on 25 and 26 October 2018 at the University of Luxembourg.

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) is organising a two day conference and workshop on occasion of the official launch of the Ranke.2 project, its teaching platform for Digital Source Criticism.

The conference and workshop will revolve around the concept of “digital hermeneutics”, defined as the critical and self-reflexive use of digital tools and technologies for the development of new research questions, the testing of analytical assumptions and the production of sophisticated scientific interpretations.

This two-day event will address both the theory and practice of digital hermeneutics:

  • Day 1 will have the format of a ‘traditional’ conference with sessions dedicated to  the four key aspects of the concept of digital hermeneutics: source criticism, tool criticism, algorithmic criticism and interface criticism.
  • Day 2 will consist of workshops where participants will discuss the challenges of introducing digital history training in the history curriculum and will demonstrate best practices in an interactive setting.


For the conference day we invite abstracts for individual papers of 30 minutes or complete sessions of 90 minutes. The maximum amount of words for individual papers is 500; in case of a session please submit a 500 word introduction with abstracts of the session’s papers of 300 words.

Possible topics include:

  • reflections on hermeneutics in the digital age
  • source criticism versus digital source criticism
  • tool criticism
  • algorithmic criticism
  • interface criticism
  • pedagogical approaches to teaching digital history from an educational science perspective


For the workshop day we invite proposals for sessions that can last from 90 to 120 minutes, and that should contain a clear objective of what the workshop aims to accomplish. The proposal should describe the envisaged interaction with and take away for participants, which could be in the form of practical guidelines or example case studies that can be emulated.

Possible topics include:

  • The role of Learning Management Systems (Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas) in digital skills teaching
  • Digital storytelling through the use of tools
  • Teaching source criticism; tool criticism; algorithmic criticism; interface criticism


Proposals can be sent to: digitalhermeneutics2018@gmail.com. For any further questions please email Dr. Gerben Zaagsma.


  • 30 June 2018: deadline for proposals
  • 15 July 2018: notification of results
  • 1st August 2018: programme online
  • 25-26 October 2018: conference and workshops