Histoire numérique et l’historiographie

Book Launch: Digitised Newspapers – A New Eldorado for Historians?

7 Février 2023

Digitised Newspapers – A New Eldorado for Historians?
We are pleased to announce the publication of the volume "Digitised newspapers - A New Eldorado for Historians?"

"Digitised newspapers - A New Eldorado for Historians?" brings together the contributions of a workshop held in April 2020 on tools, methods and epistemological reflections on the use of digitised newspapers. 

Organised in the context of the project 'impresso - Media Monitoring of the Past', this workshop gathered digital humanists, historians and librarians to share their research practices, experiences and insights when working with digitised newspaper collections. The primary target audiences are researchers and students in history, as well as researchers and practitioners in the field of digital humanities.


The book is available in open accesson the publisher's website

You are welcome to join the book launch event on

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

16.00 -16.45 CET

to exchange with the editors.

This event will be held online and onsite at the C²DH, Belval campus in Luxembourg. 

Please register here (free) before 6 February 2023: https://buytickets.at/c2dh/841440


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