            Moderator: Digital History

            Moderator: Digital History

            2 Juin 2022

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Discussant on Film: Occupation and Liberation

            Discussant on Film: Occupation and Liberation

            1 Juin 2022

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Unlocking web archives through metadata, seed lists and derived data

            Unlocking web archives through metadata, seed lists and derived data

            This presentation addresses the use, re-use, access and dissemination of data related to web archives. Web archives (Brügger, 2018) have been for several years in a hybrid position regarding access, depending on the institutions that were preserving them.

            1 Juin 2022

            Frédéric Clavert, Valérie Schafer
            Minett Stories virtual exhibition

            Minett Stories

            The virtual exhibition Minett Stories deals with the history and identity of Minett, the industrial region in southern Luxembourg, in 22 chapters.

            30 Mai 2022

            Stefan Krebs
            • Public history
            Virtual exhibition
            Presenter: A Critical Reflection on the Digital Visualisation of Migration to the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

            Presenter: A Critical Reflection on the Digital Visualisation of Migration to the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

            30 Mai 2022

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Small States Diplomacy in Action. Luxembourg in the European Integration History

            Small States Diplomacy in Action. Luxembourg in the European Integration History

            After the Second World War, in line with its new strategic choice Luxembourg resolutely set out on the road to international multilateralism and European integration, being in 1951 one of the six founding members of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and in 1952 - the workplace of the newly established European Community institutions.

            30 Mai 2022

            Elena Danescu
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Moderator: Future Development of the Initiative

            Moderator: Future Development of the Initiative

            28 Mai 2022

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Discussant: Facing Violence: When and Why to Document War Experiences?

            Discussant: Facing Violence: When and Why to Document War Experiences?

            27 Mai 2022

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Partecipazione "fisitale" : la scienza dei cittadini per colmare gli spazi digitali e fisici

            Partecipazione "fisitale" : la scienza dei cittadini per colmare gli spazi digitali e fisici

            27 Mai 2022

            Thomas Cauvin
            • Public history
            Presenter: Comparative research on the impact of war on individuals in Luxembourg during WWII and today

            Presenter: Comparative research on the impact of war on individuals in Luxembourg during WWII and today

            27 Mai 2022

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            DIGITAL COLLECTION  - DIGITAL COLLECTION of PROJECT WARLUX-Soldiers and their communities in WWII: The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg

            DIGITAL COLLECTION - DIGITAL COLLECTION of PROJECT WARLUX-Soldiers and their communities in WWII: The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg

            In February 2021, a call for contributions was launched through the media (newspapers and radio) to collect ego-documents about the men, women and their families affected by the Nazi draft during the Second World War. The response was overwhelmingly successful, and the team received more than 200 calls and messages in the first few days. The collection phase (February to October 2021) involved visiting families to bring the originals to campus, where they were scanned and indexed.

            25 Mai 2022

            Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            “Use”: When personas become real users…

            “Use”: When personas become real users…

            Building upon our experience with ARCH, our study related to the IIPC Novel Coronavirus collection, as well as upon the first months of research we conducted as a cohort team in the Archives Unleashed Project, we will provide feedback related to users’ needs and achievements. Ian Milligan distinguished in his paper “You shouldn’t Need to be a Web Historian to Use Web Archives: Lowering Barriers to Access Through Community and Infrastructure” (WARCnet paper, Aarhus, 2020), three personas: a computational humanist, a digital humanist, and a conventional historian.

            24 Mai 2022

            Frédéric Clavert, Valérie Schafer
            100 Joer Stade Thillebierg

            100 Joer Stade Thillebierg

            24 Mai 2022

            Denis Scuto
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Designing with Genius Loci: An Approach to Polyvocality in Interactive Heritage Interpretation

            Designing with Genius Loci: An Approach to Polyvocality in Interactive Heritage Interpretation

            Co-design with communities interested in heritage has oriented itself towards designing for polyvocality to diversify the accepted knowledges, values and stories associated with heritage places. However, engagement with heritage theory has only recently been addressed in HCI design, resulting in some previous work reinforcing the same realities that designers set out to challenge.

            24 Mai 2022

            Violeta Tsenova
            • Public history
            Les archives du Web, des sources aux données

            Les archives du Web, des sources aux données

            This keynote during Humanistica 2022 aimed to retrace 15 years of evolution of web archiving and web archives' studies. It also presented some research projects like the current Hivi, WARCnet and AWAC2 projects.

            20 Mai 2022

            Valérie Schafer
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            A Dusty Road to the Riviera?

            A Dusty Road to the Riviera?

            20 Mai 2022

            Jens van de Maele
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            L'émission de radio "100 Jahre Ostbelgien"

            L'émission de radio "100 Jahre Ostbelgien"

            20 Mai 2022

            Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll
            Organiser: Bruggen bouwen tussen academische historici, heemkundigen en erfgoedwerkers

            Organiser: Bruggen bouwen tussen academische historici, heemkundigen en erfgoedwerkers

            20 Mai 2022

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Modèles participatifs pour interpréter le passé

            Modèles participatifs pour interpréter le passé

            Project description Ecole d’été « Participation & Démocratie » 16-20 Mai (Esch-Belval ; Esch-sur-Alzette; Dudelange)

            19 Mai 2022

            Thomas Cauvin
            • Public history
            Public History: A Textbook of Practice

            Public History: A Textbook of Practice

            Book Description The second edition of Public History: A Textbook of Practice offers an updated guide to the many opportunities and challenges that public history practitioners can encounter in the field.

            19 Mai 2022

            Thomas Cauvin
            • Public history
