The issue of NATO ‘out-of-area’ operations: from West Africa to the borders of the Near East

The issue of NATO ‘out-of-area’ operations: from West Africa to the borders of the Near East

Franco-British Diplomatic games and issues within the Western European Union (WEU) (1954-1982)

25 Octobre 2016

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Local Industrial history: Industriegeschichte als "Tatort"

Local Industrial history: Industriegeschichte als "Tatort"

Manche schauen abends fern und stellen sich vor, sie seien Kommissare beim „Tatort“. Jean-Marie Ottelé leistet eine wahre Detektivarbeit und recherchiert abends die Industriegeschichte Luxemburgs für seine Website

22 Octobre 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
La Mémoire de la Shoah en débat

La Mémoire de la Shoah en débat

15 Octobre 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Russian Culture in Luxembourg: "Die Zeit der Ironie ist vorbei"

Russian Culture in Luxembourg: "Die Zeit der Ironie ist vorbei"

Andrej Gelassimov, geb. 1966 im sibirischen Irkutsk, ist ein promovierter Philologe und preisgekrönter Schriftsteller, der auch schon in Frankreich ausgezeichnet worden ist („Prix de la découverte au Salon du livre de Paris 2005“). Seine Romane werden verfilmt und in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt. Im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Russland im Schaufenster der Nationalbibliothek“, die noch bis zum 5. Dezember dauert, war er mit dem Vortrag „Neuer Realismus und Verfall der liberalen Ideen“ nach Luxemburg eingeladen. Ein Exklusiv-Interview geführt von Inna Ganschow.

8 Octobre 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Borderland Studies, Child Studies, Europeanisation. A New Encounter

Borderland Studies, Child Studies, Europeanisation. A New Encounter

7 Octobre 2016

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Mutations, défis, gestes symboliques et recettes miracles

Mutations, défis, gestes symboliques et recettes miracles

1 Octobre 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg


The story of Castle of Schengen which was almost exchanged for a painting by Victor Hugo.

1 Octobre 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Chronique d'une société liquide

Chronique d'une société liquide

24 Septembre 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Russian Culture in Luxembourg: „Ich kenne diese Bestien persönlich“

Russian Culture in Luxembourg: „Ich kenne diese Bestien persönlich“

Er hat drei Kinder, er lebt zwischen drei Ländern und er setzt eine Familien- geschichte von Philosophen, Schriftstellern und Denkern fort. Er schreibt, so- lange es noch dunkel ist, er malt, wenn es hell wird. Maxim Kantor lebt in ei- nem natürlichen Rhythmus eines kreativ Schaffenden, der keinen Unterschied zwischen den Ausdrucksformen macht, solange er etwas zu sagen hat. Heute spricht er über die Bestialität der Menschheit.

22 Septembre 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Materiality of TEI Encoding and Decoding: An Analysis of the Western European Union Archives on Armament Policy

Materiality of TEI Encoding and Decoding: An Analysis of the Western European Union Archives on Armament Policy

The project combines TEI XML encoding and decoding in a corpus analysis phase using a selection of Western European Union documents.

20 Septembre 2016

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
Un anniversaire historique complexe

Un anniversaire historique complexe

17 Septembre 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Farewell to princess narratives

Farewell to princess narratives

Alongside contemporary dance, classical ballet is a permanent fixture on the cultural scene in Luxembourg. There are good, enthusiastic dancers, a large, demanding audience, and yet the conditions in our country are anything but ideal for an art form that embodies in motivation and expression the origin and purity of dance par excellence. We took a look around and asked around in the Luxembourg ballet halls and among the actors of the local ballet scene.

15 Septembre 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Humanities in Luxembourg with a Special Focus on Reading Historical Sources in the Digital Age

Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Humanities in Luxembourg with a Special Focus on Reading Historical Sources in the Digital Age

DHLU 2013 was co-organised by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE), together with the Jean Monnet Chair in History of European Integration (University of Luxembourg, FLSHASE) and its research programme ‘Digital Humanities Luxembourg’ — DIHULUX (research unit Identités-Politiques- Sociétés-Espaces (IPSE)) as well as the University of Luxembourg’s Master’s in Contemporary European History. Its aim was to bring together likeminded researchers with a vested interest in the topic of “Reading historical sources in the digital age”.

13 Septembre 2016

Lars Wieneke, Florentina Armaselu, Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Pierre Werner, A visionary European and Consensus Builder

Pierre Werner, A visionary European and Consensus Builder

As prime minister and finance minister of Luxembourg over 30 years, Pierre Werner played a major role in the building of a united Europe. This Christian Democratic intellectual and committed federalist gained strong reputation as a consensus-builder between larger powers (Germany and France) and between diametrically opposed positions (‘economists’ and ‘monetarists’), as well as for his ideas on monetary integration. From early 1950s, Werner advocates a European monetary system based on a currency unit and on a clearing house for central banks.

1 Septembre 2016

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Local History: Luxembourg, Gloves Factory in Grund. BESTE QUALITÄT FÜR DIE FEINE ENGLISCHE DAME

Local History: Luxembourg, Gloves Factory in Grund. BESTE QUALITÄT FÜR DIE FEINE ENGLISCHE DAME

The story of the glove factory Albert Reinhard´s.

1 Septembre 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Reconciliation over the Graves? or the German-Russian Reconciliation of Sologubovka

Reconciliation over the Graves? or the German-Russian Reconciliation of Sologubovka

“Reconciliation over the graves” is the official slogan of the Volksbund, a non-government organization based in Kassel, in central Germany. The Volksbund builds resting places for German war dead, and commemorates and acts in educational youth work toward understanding and harmonization after World War II. This essay uses and follows the definition of reconciliation as intended in the meaning of the Volksbund’s activities in Russia. The idea of this slogan and the purpose of this term will be explained.

1 Septembre 2016

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
La construction européenne dans les années 1970: Pierre Werner et le couple franco-allemand.

La construction européenne dans les années 1970: Pierre Werner et le couple franco-allemand.

Quel regard jettent les autres Etats européens sur 50 ans de coopération franco-allemande (traité de l'Elysée de 1963) ? Ne sont-ils pas les mieux placés pour jauger de l'intensité de leurs relations, de leurs dysfonctionnements, de leurs apports aux relations interétatiques et de la construction européenne ? Les autres Etats sont un excellent miroir pour la relation franco-allemande et nous apprennent autant sur la coopération entre les deux riverains du Rhin qu'une investigation centrée sur le seul tandem franco-allemand.

15 Août 2016

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Transatlantic Iron Connections: Education, Emotion, and the Making of a Productive Workforce in Minas Gerais, Brazil (ca. 1910–1960)

Transatlantic Iron Connections: Education, Emotion, and the Making of a Productive Workforce in Minas Gerais, Brazil (ca. 1910–1960)

1 Août 2016

Irma Hadžalić
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le monde d'hier

Le monde d'hier

9 Juillet 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Europe divided and undivided

Europe divided and undivided

2 Juillet 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
