
histograph, a tool for the exploration of multimedia archives

histograph helps institutions reveal the manifold relations between their digital collections of texts, images, audio and video documents.

9 Mai 2017

Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Digital Tool
BLIZAAR project

BLIZAAR - Hybrid Visualization of Dynamic Multilayer Graphs

BLIZAAR project develops new visualization techniques for the exploration of multimedia document collections

9 Mai 2017

Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Digital Tool
Russians in Luxembourg, WWII: „Lachen hat ja keinen Akzent“

Russians in Luxembourg, WWII: „Lachen hat ja keinen Akzent“

The story of a Russian POW saved and hidden by his Luxemburger friends in 1944 told by two eyewitnesses.

4 Mai 2017

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Local History: Rosport, Castle. DIE LUXEMBURGER TUDORS

Local History: Rosport, Castle. DIE LUXEMBURGER TUDORS

The story of the castle built by the inventor of accumulators Henri Owen Tudor (1859-1928).

1 Mai 2017

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Récit national et négation de l'histoire

Récit national et négation de l'histoire

29 Avril 2017

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Radio Luxembourg: The Virtual Exhibition

Radio Luxembourg: The Virtual Exhibition

The virtual exhibition of the history of Radio Luxembourg / RTL is the result of a research seminar at the University of Luxembourg, curated by students of the Master in Contemporary European History under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Fickers.

27 Avril 2017

Benjamin Zenner
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Virtual exhibition
New Luxembourg Nationality Law came into force on 1 April

New Luxembourg Nationality Law came into force on 1 April

20 Avril 2017

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Dynamic qualitative filtering for linked (geo)visualisations: a prototype for exploring the collective memory of Instagram posts

Dynamic qualitative filtering for linked (geo)visualisations: a prototype for exploring the collective memory of Instagram posts

This paper describes a prototype geo extension to an open source graph-based tool designed for analysing co-occurrence in large multimedia collections of historical resources. Employing an interdisciplinary approach, combining tools and practices from humanities and geography, we explore how it can be extended to facilitate both social and spatial enquiry. For the prototype development we

20 Avril 2017

Daniele Guido
  • Digital history & historiography
Nos jardins sont de terre rouge

Nos jardins sont de terre rouge

8 Avril 2017

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Lure of Capitalism: Foreign Tourists and the “Economy of Shadows” in Socialist Romania of the 1960s-1980s

The Lure of Capitalism: Foreign Tourists and the “Economy of Shadows” in Socialist Romania of the 1960s-1980s

7 Avril 2017

Adelina Stefan
Jewish volunteers, the international brigades and the Spanish Civil War

Jewish volunteers, the international brigades and the Spanish Civil War

This book examines the participation of Jewish volunteers in the international brigades during the Spanish Civil War "--

6 Avril 2017

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
Local History: Luxemburg City, Rosenstiel. CENTRE ROSENSTIEL: DAS PARADIES DER DAMEN

Local History: Luxemburg City, Rosenstiel. CENTRE ROSENSTIEL: DAS PARADIES DER DAMEN

The story of the tollest building in the main street of the capitol Luxemburgs - Centre Rosenstiel.

1 Avril 2017

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Benelux, Europe and the Cold War, the power of non-powers

Benelux, Europe and the Cold War, the power of non-powers

The conference “Benelux, Europe and the Cold War, the power of non-powers”, which took place on 30 and 31 March 2017 at the University of Luxembourg, was the first of three events planned in the FNR-funded CORE junior project “Benelux”, as part of its public outreach and academic output objectives. The conference sought to highlight asymmetrical power relations in the Cold War period of European integration by examining European security. What was/is European security in the context of the Cold War? How was and is it conceived?

30 Mars 2017

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
To Pay or Not to Pay’: A Historical and Legal Overview of the Question of WWII Reparations, and its Impact On European (dis?) Integration

To Pay or Not to Pay’: A Historical and Legal Overview of the Question of WWII Reparations, and its Impact On European (dis?) Integration

The conference “Benelux, Europe and the Cold War, the power of non-powers”, which took place on 30 and 31 March 2017 at the University of Luxembourg, was the first of three events planned in the FNR-funded CORE junior project “Benelux”, as part of its public outreach and academic output objectives. The conference sought to highlight asymmetrical power relations in the Cold War period of European integration by examining European security. What was/is European security in the context of the Cold War? How was and is it conceived?

30 Mars 2017

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
60 bougies pour un projet impérial original

60 bougies pour un projet impérial original

25 Mars 2017

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Forum Z - The long shadow of the Second World War: Research prospects

Forum Z - The long shadow of the Second World War: Research prospects

25 Mars 2017

Denis Scuto, Sandra Camarda
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Transnational psychiatry across Europe in the 19th century

Transnational psychiatry across Europe in the 19th century

14 Mars 2017

Eva Andersen
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Déi fräi Gewerkschaften - en Archiv-Fond an eng Geschichtk

Déi fräi Gewerkschaften - en Archiv-Fond an eng Geschichtk

12 Mars 2017

Arnaud Sauer, Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Local History: "Frauen: Denk mal"

Local History: "Frauen: Denk mal"

Die Stadt Luxemburg scheint ihr Stadtbild durch den Wechsel von eng be- bauten Straßenzügen und offenen Plätzen, Wohnvierteln und Parks, Banken und Rasenflächen in ein harmonisches Gleichgewicht bringen zu wollen. Eine der Methoden, Übergänge zwischen bebautem und freiem Raum zu kreieren oder auch ein Zuviel an „Luft“ zu füllen, ist ein Denkmal, das die Leere des Raums geschickt ausbalanciert. Außerdem erfüllte es außer der dekorativen schon immer auch eine erzieherische Funktion: Es sichert Erinnerungswerte, schreibt bestimmte Beispiele ins Gedächtnis der Nachkommen ein.

9 Mars 2017

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Language Learning in Interwar European Borderland Primary Schools. A Comparison between Polish Upper Silesia and Eupen-Malmedy, 1919-1925, Minorities In/At War

Language Learning in Interwar European Borderland Primary Schools. A Comparison between Polish Upper Silesia and Eupen-Malmedy, 1919-1925, Minorities In/At War

9 Mars 2017

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
