Viz your PhD in History! is a collaboration between PhD students at the end of their doctoral research journeys. Aida Horaniet Ibañez, a researcher in data visualization for digital history, works with three researchers from the discipline of history: Daniel Richter – analyzing the evolution of peripheral labor streets in Esch-sur-Alzette between the 1890s and 1935, Suzana Lopes Ferreira Cascao – researching the bourgeoisie in Esch-sur-Alzette between 1840s and 1920s, and Irene Portas Vazquez – researching clandestine pathways in the French-Luxembourgish border
through the first half of the twentieth century. Contributing to Luxembourgish and border history, these research topics offer the possibility to explore historical data storytelling through visual methods.
Data viz not only allows exploration and communication of research results in a format distinct from the traditional manuscript in the field of history but also reflects on the research process carried out throughout the PhD. All participants in this project are either in the final year of their PhD or have recently defended their thesis, enabling to create data visualizations rich in content, context and analysis. The visualizations are intended for the broader public as well as for peer scientists, to render research more accessible. These visualizations serve as entry points to promote the reading of the manuscripts by a wider audience. During the presentation, the output of the project, i.e. the finished visualizations was discussed, as well as the challenges encountered, and lessons learned during the collection, formatting and co-creation of Viz your PhD in History! The aim was to inspire other young researchers to explore, reflect, and communicate their investigations through data visualization.
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