Luxembourger in the USSR: Tambow in Wort und Schrift. Zur logotherapeutischen Funktion von Ego-Dokumenten und Lagerliteratur der Zwangsrekrutierten in sowjetischer Gefangenschaft

Luxembourger in the USSR: Tambow in Wort und Schrift. Zur logotherapeutischen Funktion von Ego-Dokumenten und Lagerliteratur der Zwangsrekrutierten in sowjetischer Gefangenschaft

Luxembourg camp literature has its literary roots in the literature of prisoners of war and prisoners of war of the First World War. During their Soviet imprisonment from 1943 to 1953, the Luxembourg conscripts continued a tradition of documentarism that did not want to create fictional narrative worlds, but instead focused exclusively on what they had experienced themselves. A large part of the texts left behind is also not literature that was written for a larger audience. They have often been published by the authors themselves.

1 Décembre 2020

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Sous les pavés, l’archive ! Luttes sociales et archives du Web

Sous les pavés, l’archive ! Luttes sociales et archives du Web

L’archivage du Web depuis 1996, d’abord par Internet Archive, avant que se multiplient les initiatives institutionnelles, notamment européennes, a créé un vaste patrimoine nativement numérique des luttes sociales. Évolutif dans le temps, dans l’espace et selon les plateformes, il invite à penser la notion d’archive vivante, les relations entre mémoire et histoire, les écritures de l’histoire des luttes sociales, les potentialités mais aussi les risques (méthodologiques, éthiques) qu’il pose.

1 Décembre 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Michel Schmit : le parcours d'un Luxembourgeois engagé

Michel Schmit : le parcours d'un Luxembourgeois engagé

1 Décembre 2020

Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
From Print to Digital, from Document to Data: Digitalisation at the Publications Office of the European Union

From Print to Digital, from Document to Data: Digitalisation at the Publications Office of the European Union

Since the 1970s, the Publications Office of the European Union, the official publisher of all the institutions and bodies of the EU, has had to adapt to a fast-changing situation as the number of EU Member States has grown and the number and nature of publications has evolved (including publishing public tenders of EU institutions and Member States in 1978 through a supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union and handling CELEX, an interinstitutional and multilingual automated documentation system for community law, in 1992).

1 Décembre 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France

Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France

Who were the Luxembourgish legionnaires? What were they doing in France? Why did they decide to enrol? How have they been portrayed and remembered? Incorporating the most recent scholarship on the topic and covering a timeline spanning from the early-19th century to the interwar period, with a particular focus on WW1, the book explores the intersecting histories of the French Foreign Legion and of the Luxembourgish emigrations in France.

1 Décembre 2020

Sandra Camarda, Denis Scuto, Arnaud Sauer
  • Public history
Le cadre familial et socio-professionnel des légionnaires luxembourgeois de la Première Guerre mondiale

Le cadre familial et socio-professionnel des légionnaires luxembourgeois de la Première Guerre mondiale

1 Décembre 2020

Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Henri Dieschbourg

Henri Dieschbourg

1 Décembre 2020

Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Cultural Heritage Archives and Research Prospects

Cultural Heritage Archives and Research Prospects

Cultural Heritage - Definitions and Approach in Archives and in Academic Research

27 Novembre 2020

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Supporting findability of COVID-19 research with large-scale text mining of scientific publications

Supporting findability of COVID-19 research with large-scale text mining of scientific publications

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, a lot of research efforts were quickly redirected towards studies on SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19 disease, from the sequencing and assembly of viral genomes to the elaboration of robust testing methodologies and the development of treatment and vaccination strategies. At the same time, a flurry of scientific publications around SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 began to appear, making it increasingly difficult for researchers to stay up-to-date with latest trends and developments in this rapidly evolving field.

27 Novembre 2020

Maria Biryukov
Una mattina mi sono alzato... Noutstand Wunnen

Una mattina mi sono alzato... Noutstand Wunnen

In order to promote public debate, Luxembourgish Radio 100,7 is inviting civil society representatives from civil society to comment on current issues.Here, Denis Scuto speaks about the housing crisis in Luxembourg and the need to stand up.

26 Novembre 2020

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Helpers of Anne Frank - Recontextualising the Rescue of Dutch Jews

The Helpers of Anne Frank - Recontextualising the Rescue of Dutch Jews

This paper sets out to recontextualise the memory of rescue as it pertains to Dutch Jewry during the Holocaust, by focusing on the helpers of Anne Frank and the other Jews in hiding in the Secret Annex.

24 Novembre 2020

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
On the origins of the European idea

On the origins of the European idea

Puisant ses racines dans l’antiquité gréco-romaine, forgeant sa teneur dès l’apparition des premiers États-nations au Moyen-Âge, et se profilant de manière résolue à l’époque contemporaine, l’idée européenne s’est effectivement concrétisée au XXe siècle. Avant qu’elle ne devienne un véritable projet politique, l’idée européenne est restée limitée au cercle des visionnaires, qui ambitionnaient de préserver la paix par la construction d’une Europe unie. Ces projets intellectuels sont restés souvent utopiques, tant que les puissances politiques ne les prenaient pas en charge. [...]

19 Novembre 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
From the history of Internet to Internet and Web histories

From the history of Internet to Internet and Web histories

This presentation aims to describe the shift from the history of the Internet to Internet histories by analysing several factors (e.g. influence of media history, web sources, maintenance or platform studies, etc.).

18 Novembre 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Interview: 100 Joer russesch Präsenz zu Lëtzebuerg

Interview: 100 Joer russesch Präsenz zu Lëtzebuerg

„D'Geschicht vun der Awanderung vu Russen, respektiv vu Bierger aus dem fréieren Zareräich oder der Sowjetunioun, war éischter manner bekannt. Bis d'Fuerscherin Inna Ganschow sech mam Thema ausernee gesat huet. Ëm déi 100 perséinlech Interviewen huet d'Fuerscherin gefouert, fir sech en ongeféiert Bild ze maachen.“

14 Novembre 2020

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Luxembourg Economy Facing Challenges: A Historical Overview

Luxembourg Economy Facing Challenges: A Historical Overview

The chapter focused on Luxembourg economy and history will endeavour to explain how Luxembourg managed to achieve transitions from an agrarian economy to a knowledge-driven economy; its current strengths and weaknesses; and its future challenges in an increasingly globalized, competitive international environment

12 Novembre 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Round table: Museum of Self-isolation

Round table: Museum of Self-isolation

6 Novembre 2020

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Communication, public engagement and public history

Communication, public engagement and public history

6 Novembre 2020

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
IWalk in Luxembourg: Jewish public history in forgotten places

IWalk in Luxembourg: Jewish public history in forgotten places

The contribution will introduce the process of designing two IWalk tours with bachelor students in Luxembourg. The presentation will contain the digital source criticism and new perspectives of digital hermeneutics related to themes of individual stops. The students were divided into two working groups, with each group assigned to a different area. Group A was in charge of designing a virtual tour in Luxembourg City and group B created one for the town of Esch-sur-Alzette.

6 Novembre 2020

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Auf der Suche nach der letzten Ruhestätte

Auf der Suche nach der letzten Ruhestätte

Inna Ganschow, hofft, gemeinsam mit Tambower Kollegen durch die genauen Sterbelisten der letzten Ruhestätte der Luxemburger, die im Lager umkamen, etwas näher zu kommen. „Sie wurden mit Verstorbenen anderer Nationalitäten zusammen in Massengräbern bestattet”, erklärt die Forscherin, „wo genau, darüber könnte der Abgleich zwischen einer technischen Zeichnung des Lagerfriedhofs, auf der die Orte der Bestattungen chronologisch aufgeführt sind und den chronologischen Sterbelisten der Lagerleitung Aufschluss geben”

4 Novembre 2020

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Analysing transnational Events through Web archives

Analysing transnational Events through Web archives

As a co-PI of the WARCnet project, programme chair of this second WARCnet meeting and head of WG2 dedicated to "Analysing transnational Events", Valérie Schafer will give an overview of the challenges, issues, achievements, results, case studies, next steps of WG2 since the launch of the WARCnet project.

4 Novembre 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
