RI Plus Regesta reginarum

RI Plus Regesta reginarum

1 Janvier 2021

Anna Jagos
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
RI Plus Regesta reginarum - Präambel

RI Plus Regesta reginarum - Präambel

1 Janvier 2021

Anna Jagos
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Gerson Aronow (1888-1943), Sophie Herz (1897-1942)

Gerson Aronow (1888-1943), Sophie Herz (1897-1942)

Gerson Aronov came from Smolensk in western Russia and was sent as a soldier to France in 1914, where he was taken prisoner by the Germans. After World War I, he worked in the steel industry in Lorraine and in Esch/Alzette. Together with his Luxembourgian wife Sophie Herz from Medernach, he opened a confectionery store in Differdange in 1937. Under German occupation, Aronow was forced to work for Paul Wurth and their business was confiscated.

1 Janvier 2021

Inna Ganschow, Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Media Matter: Images as Presenters, Mediators, and Means of Observation

Media Matter: Images as Presenters, Mediators, and Means of Observation

1 Janvier 2021

Karin Priem
Impresso Inspect and Compare. Visual Comparison of Semantically Enriched Historical Newspaper Articles

Impresso Inspect and Compare. Visual Comparison of Semantically Enriched Historical Newspaper Articles

The automated enrichment of mass-digitised document collections using techniques such as text mining is becoming increasingly popular. Enriched collections offer new opportunities for interface design to allow data-driven and visualisation-based search, exploration and interpretation. Most such interfaces integrate close and distant reading and represent semantic, spatial, social or temporal relations, but often lack contrastive views.

1 Janvier 2021

Marten Düring, Daniele Guido, Estelle Bunout
  • Digital history & historiography
Issue 6

Issue 6

1 Janvier 2021

Marten Düring
  • Digital history & historiography
Fahrendes Volk in Luxemburg – Einblick in das Schicksal der Jenischen und Sinti in der Zeit der NS-Besatzung

Fahrendes Volk in Luxemburg – Einblick in das Schicksal der Jenischen und Sinti in der Zeit der NS-Besatzung

1 Janvier 2021

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
IWalk tours in Esch and Luxembourg city

IWalk tours in Esch and Luxembourg city

22 Décembre 2020

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Performing a historical re-enactment: the making of a 16mm home movie

Performing a historical re-enactment: the making of a 16mm home movie

In this presentation, I will “perform” the making of a 16mm home movie based on my media archaeological experiments with an original Ciné-Kodak film camera from 1930. A split screen montage shows the recorded analogue film fragments besides footage that illustrates the process of making the film captured by my documentation equipment, including a digital video camera, GoPro and 360 degree camera.

18 Décembre 2020

Tim van der Heijden
  • Digital history & historiography
Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums

Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums

The international online symposium brought together scholars, museum professionals and heritage practitioners to discuss how participatory history is constructed, developed, and implemented in museums. 'Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums' took place on 15 December 2020 and has brought together participants and case studies from all over the world. Sessions include discussions on co-creation and co-production, community of interpretation, digital public participatory practices, empowerment, and overall impact on making history in museums.

15 Décembre 2020

Thomas Cauvin, Lars Wieneke, Karin Priem, Christopher Morse, Valérie Schafer, Jens van de Maele, Blandine Landau
  • Public history
Understanding through Experimentation: An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early Twentieth-Century Home Movie Making

Understanding through Experimentation: An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early Twentieth-Century Home Movie Making

This presentation addresses the question in what ways visual media have contributed to the construction of a specific view on twentieth-century century (family) life by means of an experimental media archaeological approach to early home movie making. Based on hands-on experiments with an original Ciné-Kodak 16mm film camera from 1930, it will be shown how filming one’s family was never truly a neutral practice of capturing everyday life.

11 Décembre 2020

Tim van der Heijden
  • Digital history & historiography
BREXIT: état des lieux

BREXIT: état des lieux

Au 31 janvier 2020 à minuit (heure de Bruxelles), le Royaume-Uni a quitté l'Union européenne. Cette sortie n'est pourtant pas totale : conformément à l’accord de retrait, le pays est entré dans une transition qui lui permet de négocier sa future relation avec l’UE, tout en restant provisoirement intégré à un certain nombre de politiques européennes. Cette phase doit prendre fin au 31 décembre 2020 au plus tôt, mais les pourparlers semblent actuellement en impasse.

10 Décembre 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Le Luxembourg, bien plus qu'un espace intermédiaire

Le Luxembourg, bien plus qu'un espace intermédiaire

5 Décembre 2020

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Co-Presenter: 'Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange'. Evidence from a Citizen Science Project.

Co-Presenter: 'Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange'. Evidence from a Citizen Science Project.

5 Décembre 2020

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
L'Europe des droits fondamentaux

L'Europe des droits fondamentaux

Sept décennies après la signature de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (Rome, 4 novembre 1950) et vingt ans après la proclamation la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (Nice, 7 décembre 2000), la sauvegarde des libertés fondamentales et de l’État de droit mis en cause par certains État membres se trouvent parmi les défis majeurs de l’Europe.

5 Décembre 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Der Klang des Strukturwandels. Die Geschichte der freien Radios in den Niederlanden, Belgien und Nordrhein-Westfalen (1975-1990).

Der Klang des Strukturwandels. Die Geschichte der freien Radios in den Niederlanden, Belgien und Nordrhein-Westfalen (1975-1990).

4 Décembre 2020

Vitus Sproten
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Michel Schmit : le parcours d'un Luxembourgeois engagé

Michel Schmit : le parcours d'un Luxembourgeois engagé

1 Décembre 2020

Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les légionnaires luxembourgeois et leurs familles durant l'entre-deux-guerres. Une reconstruction difficile et un enjeu politique

Les légionnaires luxembourgeois et leurs familles durant l'entre-deux-guerres. Une reconstruction difficile et un enjeu politique

1 Décembre 2020

Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Henri Dieschbourg

Henri Dieschbourg

1 Décembre 2020

Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Luxembourger in the USSR: Tambow in Wort und Schrift. Zur logotherapeutischen Funktion von Ego-Dokumenten und Lagerliteratur der Zwangsrekrutierten in sowjetischer Gefangenschaft

Luxembourger in the USSR: Tambow in Wort und Schrift. Zur logotherapeutischen Funktion von Ego-Dokumenten und Lagerliteratur der Zwangsrekrutierten in sowjetischer Gefangenschaft

Luxembourg camp literature has its literary roots in the literature of prisoners of war and prisoners of war of the First World War. During their Soviet imprisonment from 1943 to 1953, the Luxembourg conscripts continued a tradition of documentarism that did not want to create fictional narrative worlds, but instead focused exclusively on what they had experienced themselves. A large part of the texts left behind is also not literature that was written for a larger audience. They have often been published by the authors themselves.

1 Décembre 2020

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
