Discovery of the former industrial site in the process of transformation

Discovery of the former industrial site in the process of transformation

14 Juillet 2021

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history


Forced laborers (better known as Ostarbeiters) deported from occupied Ukraine during World War II found themselves not only in Germany. About four thousand people were taken to work at industrial facilities in Luxembourg. Among them are more than 100 girls and boys from Kropyvnytskyi and villages of the region, mostly teenagers.

14 Juillet 2021

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Blog: Atouts et faiblesses de Nodegoat dans le traitement et l'analyse des trajectoires migratoires des étrangers au Luxembourg et en France

Blog: Atouts et faiblesses de Nodegoat dans le traitement et l'analyse des trajectoires migratoires des étrangers au Luxembourg et en France

13 Juillet 2021

Arnaud Sauer, Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Panel Organiser: Meeting the Editors: De Gruyter Book Series 'Migrations in History'

Panel Organiser: Meeting the Editors: De Gruyter Book Series 'Migrations in History'

9 Juillet 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Studies in Luxembourgish Micro-Toponymy and Linguistic History. Phonology, Morphology, Syntax and lexical Studies

Studies in Luxembourgish Micro-Toponymy and Linguistic History. Phonology, Morphology, Syntax and lexical Studies

9 Juillet 2021

Sam Mersch
Chair: Meeting the Editors: De Gruyter Book Series 'Migrations in History'

Chair: Meeting the Editors: De Gruyter Book Series 'Migrations in History'

9 Juillet 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling: An Insight on Digital Exhibitions

Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling: An Insight on Digital Exhibitions

9 Juillet 2021

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
Chair: Doing Historical Research on Migration in the Digital Age: Theories, Concepts and Methods (Reporting on migration)

Chair: Doing Historical Research on Migration in the Digital Age: Theories, Concepts and Methods (Reporting on migration)

9 Juillet 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Presenter: Codification and Analysis of Migration Paths Through Nodegoat on the Basis of the Declaration of Arrival Sheets of Migrants to the Iron Basin of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

Presenter: Codification and Analysis of Migration Paths Through Nodegoat on the Basis of the Declaration of Arrival Sheets of Migrants to the Iron Basin of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

7 Juillet 2021

Arnaud Sauer, Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age: Global Governance

Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age: Global Governance

History is relevant for the concept of global governance for at least two reasons: to historicize the concept in itself through the Internet/digital age (the evolution and enrichment of the notion in the past 30 years, with key turning points such as the creation of ICANN and WSIS) and to flesh out continuities through time with other “global media” or “global issues,” such as international standardization, multi-stakeholderism and communication rights.

2 Juillet 2021

Valérie Schafer
Web archiving of the COVID crisis in Europe : Close reading's challenges

Web archiving of the COVID crisis in Europe : Close reading's challenges

The second part of this panel focuses on the methodologies and research approaches at stake when scholars face such rich but also heterogeneous collections: Susan Aasman (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), Karin de Wild (Leiden University, The Netherlands) and Nicola Bingham will provide feedback on a very concrete experiment that the working group is conducting through a Datathon based on metadata and derived data. This distant reading approach is complemented by a more qualitative approach, which also raises challenges, as Valérie Schafer will explain.

2 Juillet 2021

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Les archives du Web luxembourgeois. Histoire, enjeux et perspectives

Les archives du Web luxembourgeois. Histoire, enjeux et perspectives

Cet article entend contribuer à faire découvrir l’archivage du Web luxembourgeois, son histoire, sa continuité par rapport à d’autres initiatives européennes, ses atouts et ses spécificités, avant de proposer des réflexions sur les usages scientifiques qui peuvent en âtre faits, et ce au-delà de la seule histoire du numérique.

2 Juillet 2021

Valérie Schafer
Digging into Digital Roots: introduction

Digging into Digital Roots: introduction

Presentation of the project at stake (a collective book whose idea was born within the ECREA Communication History Section), its approach and theoretical framework.

1 Juillet 2021

Valérie Schafer
Queen Elizabeth of Luxembourg and her Crown(s) and Coronation: Rituals and Insignia in Turbulent Times

Queen Elizabeth of Luxembourg and her Crown(s) and Coronation: Rituals and Insignia in Turbulent Times

1 Juillet 2021

Anna Jagos
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
New Field, Old Practices: Promises and Challenges of Public History

New Field, Old Practices: Promises and Challenges of Public History

lthough public history is becoming increasingly international, the field remains difficult to define and subject to some criticism. Based on sometimes long-established public practices, public history displays new approaches to audiences, collaboration and authority in history production. This article provides an overview of public history, its various definitions and historiography, and discusses some of the main criticisms of the field.

30 Juin 2021

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Discours pour l'inauguration de l'exposition "Légionnaires - Parcours de guerre et de migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France"

Discours pour l'inauguration de l'exposition "Légionnaires - Parcours de guerre et de migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France"

30 Juin 2021

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L’émergence de la nouvelle diplomatie luxembourgeoise -  enjeux, stratégies, personnalités

L’émergence de la nouvelle diplomatie luxembourgeoise - enjeux, stratégies, personnalités

Dans le contexte des nouvelles relations internationales forgées par la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg s’affirme comme un acteur de marque du multilatéralisme, en tant que membre fondateur de la plupart des grandes institutions internationales - l’Organisation des Nations unies (1945), l’Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique du Nord (1949), le Conseil de l’Europe (1949),- ainsi que de l’intégration européenne, à commencer par la Communauté européenne du Charbon et de l’Acier (1951), dont les premières institutions sont accueillies à Luxembourg.

30 Juin 2021

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Workshop : Data as a new resource? Similarities and differences of data vs. material resources

Workshop : Data as a new resource? Similarities and differences of data vs. material resources

This exploratory workshop is dedicated to scholars interested in technological developments related to digital technologies and resource developments. The workshop focusses on three notions: (1) historical parallels of digital data with the development of other key material resources, (2) data as a commodity and its infrastructure, and (3) sustainability issues and (big)data.

29 Juin 2021

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Une expo multimédia révèle l'histoire des Luxembourgeois dans la Légion

Une expo multimédia révèle l'histoire des Luxembourgeois dans la Légion

26 Juin 2021

Denis Scuto, Arnaud Sauer, Sandra Camarda
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Légionnaires Rallye: a thrilling treasure hunt game. On the trail of the Légionnaires outside the museum walls

Légionnaires Rallye: a thrilling treasure hunt game. On the trail of the Légionnaires outside the museum walls

25 Juin 2021

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
