Russian Migration in Luxemburg. A Virtual Museum

Russian Migration in Luxemburg. A Virtual Museum

This virtual museum is dedicated to Russian migration in Luxembourg since the late 19th century.

7 Septembre 2021

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Decline of Repair Businesses? Luxembourg’s Repair Sector, 1971–1985

The Decline of Repair Businesses? Luxembourg’s Repair Sector, 1971–1985

3 Septembre 2021

Stefan Krebs, Thomas Hoppenheit
  • Public history
Keynote: Transnational Families and Childhood throughout the 20th Century

Keynote: Transnational Families and Childhood throughout the 20th Century

3 Septembre 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The Snowballing of Globalization: International Tourism and Economic Crisis in Socialist Romania in the Long 1970s

The Snowballing of Globalization: International Tourism and Economic Crisis in Socialist Romania in the Long 1970s

3 Septembre 2021

Adelina Stefan


Denis Scuto has written a foreword for the catalogue of the exhibition realised by writer Claude Frisoni and photographer Raymond Reuter on the history of the antifascist Italian mining workers in the ARBED mine Montrouge overlapping the French-Luxembourgish frontier and their persecution during Nazi occupation, also presenting the testimonies of some of their children and grand-children: Norbert and Roland Rutili, sons of Vittorio Rutili, arrested by Gestapo on February 3 1944, killed in concentration camp of Schorzinger (Struthof), Raymond Peruzzi, son of Luigi Peruzzi, arrested by Gestap

1 Septembre 2021

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Petit voyage à travers l'histoire de l'impôt au Luxembourg

Petit voyage à travers l'histoire de l'impôt au Luxembourg

1 Septembre 2021

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Digital Roots. Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age

Digital Roots. Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age

As media environments and communication practices evolve over time, so do theoretical concepts. This book analyzes some of the most well-known and fiercely discussed concepts of the digital age from a historical perspective, showing how many of them have pre-digital roots and how they have changed and still are constantly changing in the digital era. Written by leading authors in media and communication studies, the chapters historicize 16 concepts that have become central in the digital media literature, focusing on three main areas.

1 Septembre 2021

Valérie Schafer
Élections fédérales 2021 : l’ère après-Merkel

Élections fédérales 2021 : l’ère après-Merkel

1 Septembre 2021

Christoph Brüll
Global Governance. A Short History of Debates Born with the Telegraph and Popularized by the Internet

Global Governance. A Short History of Debates Born with the Telegraph and Popularized by the Internet

Scholars have successfully attempted to historicize global governance, comparing the Internet to telephone and broadcasting, from a primarily legal standpoint. Among these scholars, historians have also studied particular issues that are relevant to Internet governance, e.g. openness and net neutrality.

1 Septembre 2021

Valérie Schafer
Digital Roots. Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age

Digital Roots. Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age

Scholars have successfully attempted to historicize global governance, comparing the Internet to telephone and broadcasting, from a primarily legal standpoint. Among these scholars, historians have also studied particular issues that are relevant to Internet governance, e.g. openness and

1 Septembre 2021

Valérie Schafer
’Alles ist wertvoll’: Digitale Archive von Erinnerungen an die Covid-19 Pandemie

’Alles ist wertvoll’: Digitale Archive von Erinnerungen an die Covid-19 Pandemie

1 Septembre 2021

Tizian Zumthurm
  • Public history
HISTORIAE, History of Socio-Cultural Transformation as Linguistic Data Science. A Humanities Use Case

HISTORIAE, History of Socio-Cultural Transformation as Linguistic Data Science. A Humanities Use Case

The paper proposes an interdisciplinary approach including methods from disciplines such as history of concepts, linguistics, natural language processing (NLP) and Semantic Web, to create a comparative framework for detecting semantic change in multilingual historical corpora and generating diachronic ontologies as linguistic linked open data (LLOD).

30 Août 2021

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
Towards a computer-assisted aesthetics of user response

Towards a computer-assisted aesthetics of user response

The article focuses on the analysis of the user as an aesthetic category and proposes a methodology for evaluating user response within a framework that combines theoretical background from different areas, the theory of aesthetic response, psycholinguistics, appraisal theory, dialogism, and affective stylistics, with the application of digital tools for corpus linguistics and sentiment analysis.

18 Août 2021

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
100 Joer russesch Presenz zu Lëtzebuerg

100 Joer russesch Presenz zu Lëtzebuerg

Wann ee vu Migratiounsgeschicht zu Lëtzebuerg schwätzt, denkt ee meeschtens un italieenesch a portugisesch Awanderer. Datt et awer zënter op d'mannst 100 Joer och eng russesch Präsenz zu Lëtzebuerg gëtt ass bis ewell wéineg bekannt. A Kollaboratioun mam Zentrum fir zäitgenösseg an digital Geschicht op der Uni Lëtzebuerg huet d'Fondation Lydie Schmit elo eng originell Etude iwwer d'russesch Immigratioun zu Lëtzebuerg erausginn. De Mohamed Hamdi huet d'Buch gelies.

8 Août 2021

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Internet : voyage au bout du réseau

Internet : voyage au bout du réseau

Participation avec Camille Paloque-Bergès à l'émission Eurêka (58') d'A. Beauchamp sur l'histoire d'Internet.

1 Août 2021

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Editoriaal. Kinderen.

Editoriaal. Kinderen.

1 Août 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Presenter: The future of the history of cross-border cooperation

Presenter: The future of the history of cross-border cooperation

1 Août 2021

Machteld Venken, Christoph Brüll, Estelle Bunout
1918, 1945, 1989: Childhood in Times of Political Transformation: Part II

1918, 1945, 1989: Childhood in Times of Political Transformation: Part II

1 Août 2021

Machteld Venken
Von Erdhügeln, Massengräbern und Einzelgrabstätten - Militärische Begräbniskultur von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart

Von Erdhügeln, Massengräbern und Einzelgrabstätten - Militärische Begräbniskultur von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart

1 Août 2021

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Tschechen in der deutschen Wehrmacht. Totgeschwiegene Schicksale

Tschechen in der deutschen Wehrmacht. Totgeschwiegene Schicksale

1 Août 2021

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
