Werner Tschacher studied history, German philology and literature as well as political science at the universities of Aachen and Cologne. He received his PhD in medieval history in 1998. Since 2009, the year of his habilitation at the RWTH Aachen University, he is Private lecturer of medieval and modern history. Amongst others he is the author of Königtum als lokale Praxis. Aachen als Feld der kulturellen Realisierung von Herrschaft. Eine Verfassungsgeschichte (ca. 800–1918), Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag 2010 and (together with Andreas Fickers, Rüdiger Haude and Stefan Krebs) Co-Editor of „Jeux sans frontières?“ Grenzgänge der Geschichtswissenschaft, Festschrift für Armin Heinen zum 65. Geburtstag, Bielefeld: transcript 2017. Until recently he worked as Academic Senior Councilor for the vocational preparation of history students at the University of Cologne. Before that he was Curator of the new founded City Museum of Aachen, Centre Charlemagne. He worked in projects on the history of demonology and witch hunts, memory culture, urban history and since 1999 also on exhibition projects.
In the Esch 2022 project „Remixing industrial pasts in the digital age“ he was accountable for the coordination, conceptualisation, organisation and realization of the temporary history lab, the virtual exhibition and the mobile app.