Engaging the public with history is becoming an increasingly popular goal for many academic projects, museums, and other heritage institutions. The question is: how can history be remixed into interactive digital experiences that resonate with different public audiences? This seminar will feature different examples of existing digital heritage experiences including mobile apps, a transmedia (cross-media) story of forced emigration during the Irish Famine, and an interactive web documentary about the 18-19th Century transportation of UK convicts to Australia. Nicole Basaraba, visiting researcher at the C²DH, will also discuss a methodology developed during her PhD that aims to assist multidisciplinary and cross-sector teams create digital experiences and she will explain how it is being applied to the creation of locative content for remixing industrial history for the Minett Region of Luxembourg.
Wednesday, 18 November 2020, from 14.00 to 15.00
Online - Webex.
If you want to participate, please send an e-mail to vanessa.napolitano@ext.uni.lu to receive the link.