Brauchen wir noch Kontinuitätenbiografien? Der Fall Franz Thedieck (1900-1995)

Brauchen wir noch Kontinuitätenbiografien? Der Fall Franz Thedieck (1900-1995)

29 April 2019

Christoph Brüll
Building Bridges or a Bridge Too Far? The "Macedonia" Name Agreement, and the Past, Present and Future of Greek Interstate Relations.

Building Bridges or a Bridge Too Far? The "Macedonia" Name Agreement, and the Past, Present and Future of Greek Interstate Relations.

The “Macedonia” name issue has been a constant point of contention between Greece and the newly re-named Republic of North Macedonia, since the breakup of Yugoslavia. With the origins of the dispute stretching back to the Second World War, the “Prespa Agreement,” signed between the two Balkan neighbors in June 2018 (coming into force in February 2019) is hoped to be a new beginning in interstate relations in the Balkans.

29 April 2019

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Trading Zones of Digital History

Trading Zones of Digital History

As long as there have been computers, there have been scholars pulling at historians, challenging them to use these computers for historical research. Yet what role computers can have in historical research is a matter of continuous debate. Under the signifier of “digital history”, historians have experimented with tools, concepts, and methods from other disciplines, mostly computer science and computational linguistics, to benefit the historical discipline.

26 April 2019

Max Kemman
  • Digital history & historiography
Chair and Commentator: European Union: Immigration and Border Control

Chair and Commentator: European Union: Immigration and Border Control

25 April 2019

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Borderland Children Ego Documents from Once Upon a Time: Delusions or Gateways to a New Understanding of the Past?

Borderland Children Ego Documents from Once Upon a Time: Delusions or Gateways to a New Understanding of the Past?

25 April 2019

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Histoire des réseaux: enjeux, évolutions et perspectives

Histoire des réseaux: enjeux, évolutions et perspectives

Cette intervention reviendra sur les évolutions historiographiques récentes dans le champ de l'étude des réseaux et cultures numériques, qu'elles concernent les sources, les acteurs étudiés ou encore les espaces concernés par ces recherches.

23 April 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Le Centenaire de l'Indépendance en 1939: une célébration dans l'esprit de son époque

Le Centenaire de l'Indépendance en 1939: une célébration dans l'esprit de son époque

20 April 2019

Fabio Spirinelli
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le Web des années 1990: entre données et reconstructions

Le Web des années 1990: entre données et reconstructions

Cette présentation revient sur les travaux menées autour de l'histoire du Web des années 1990 et présente les enjeux de lecture proche et distante des archives du Web au sein de cette recherche.

14 April 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The Belgian Judges in the early history of the European Court of Justice (1951-73)

The Belgian Judges in the early history of the European Court of Justice (1951-73)

11 April 2019

Vera Fritz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les résistances belge et luxembourgeoise et leurs conceptions européennes

Les résistances belge et luxembourgeoise et leurs conceptions européennes

La deuxième Occupation allemande en un quart de siècle a vu se développer en Belgique et au Luxembourg une série de mouvements de Résistance aux caractéristiques et conceptions politiques très diverses. Parmi les Résistants qui s’interrogent sur l’après-guerre, deux tendances lourdes s’affirment : le rétablissement de l’indépendance nationale et la démilitarisation d’une Allemagne vaincue. Il en résulte aussi des plans pour l’Europe qui reposent toutefois rarement sur une approche systématique de la question.

10 April 2019

Christoph Brüll
Lecture Patrik Svensson - Unframing Infrastructure: recording and interview

Lecture Patrik Svensson - Unframing Infrastructure: recording and interview

Lecture by Patrik Svensson, Professor of Humanities and Information Technology at Umeå University, and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.

9 April 2019

Noëlle Schon
  • Digital history & historiography
La Metzeschmelz, quelle histoire!

La Metzeschmelz, quelle histoire!

This article gives an overview (with illustrations) of the history of steel factory "Metzeschmelz" founded in 1871 (renamed Arbed Esch in 1911 and ArcelorMittal Esch-Schifflange in 2007). The steel factory was closed down in 2012. The industrial wasteland will be transformed in a new quarter of the city of Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxembourg (capital of the south region).

6 April 2019

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
On the Mediation of Human Rights in Times of Cold War

On the Mediation of Human Rights in Times of Cold War

5 April 2019

Stefanie Kesteloot
  • Public history
Convergence, concurrence, harmonisation – une analyse comparative de la fiscalité Be-Ne-Lux (1945-1992)

Convergence, concurrence, harmonisation – une analyse comparative de la fiscalité Be-Ne-Lux (1945-1992)

The paper aims to investigate the concept, context and socio-economic consequences of fiscal competition and fiscal justice, with a focus on the taxation of Beneux countries. The analysis is carried out at the intersection of several historical fields – national, regional, European and international –, and in a interdisciplinary approach.

4 April 2019

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Searching bodies through born-digital heritage: issues and challenges

Searching bodies through born-digital heritage: issues and challenges

This presentation, followed by a hands-on session, will present several methods, issues and challenges that researchers may face when they analyse web archives and give a few examples more specifically dedicated to the histories of healthy bodies.

3 April 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Paris and Nice terrorist attacks: Exploring Twitter and web archives

Paris and Nice terrorist attacks: Exploring Twitter and web archives

The attacks suffered by France in January and November 2015, and then in the course of 2016, especially the Nice attack, provoked intense online activity both during the events and in the months that followed. The digital traces left by this reactivity and reactions to events gave rise, from the very first days and even hours after the attacks, to a ‘real-time’ institutional archiving by the National Library of France (Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF) and the National Audio-visual Institute (Institut national de l’audiovisuel, Ina).

3 April 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Edito Varia

Edito Varia

Au cœur de ce numéro de Varia le lecteur découvrira trois analyses originales sur l’urbain, qu’elles concernent l’urbanisme commercial, la grande mobilité domicile-travail (qui fait intervenir deux aires urbaines) ou encore les mobilités du périurbain.

1 April 2019

Valérie Schafer
Exploring the "French Web" of the 1990s

Exploring the "French Web" of the 1990s

This chapter draws from the experience of the collective French Web90 project to show the approaches, tools, and methodologies required to sketch a broad historical picture of the French Web during the 1990s. It also describes the limits and challenges we met during its realisation.

1 April 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Judge biographies and the acceptance of the CJEU’s ‘revolutionary’ case law of the 1960s and 1970s

Judge biographies and the acceptance of the CJEU’s ‘revolutionary’ case law of the 1960s and 1970s

1 April 2019

Vera Fritz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Die Pariser Vorortverträge (1919-1923) in den europäischen Erinnerungskulturen

Die Pariser Vorortverträge (1919-1923) in den europäischen Erinnerungskulturen

30 März 2019

Christoph Brüll
