Ties that bind: Unearthing shared treasures between Luxemoburg and Brazil

Ties that bind: Unearthing shared treasures between Luxemoburg and Brazil

18 Juli 2019

Dominique Santana
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Soviet psychologist turned American educational entrepreneur: Lev Landa and “the repatriation” of the theory of programmed learning

Soviet psychologist turned American educational entrepreneur: Lev Landa and “the repatriation” of the theory of programmed learning

The theory of programmed instruction (PI), developed by a Harvard psychologist B. F. Skinner and heavily invested into in the spur of the Sputnik shock, became the toast of educational world during the decade of 1960s (Spaulding, 1967).

18 Juli 2019

Viktoria Boretska
  • Public history
Audiovisual work-Podcast: The Monster under the Bed - Brief history of the European Union Budget

Audiovisual work-Podcast: The Monster under the Bed - Brief history of the European Union Budget

PODCAST: The budget of the European Union has three pillars: its expenditure, its financing and its audit. The podcast "The Monster under the Bed" looks at the origins of the budget, its development through multiannual planning and annual budgeting, and the institutions involved in its financing, adoption, control and in the audit process. Since the creation of the European Coal and Steal Community (ECSC) in 1952, there has been a tension over budgeting among the European institutions and the Member States, and a close link between reforms to expenditure and those to the financing.

15 Juli 2019

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
History of the Russian-Orthodoxe Community Luxembourgs (1929-2019)

History of the Russian-Orthodoxe Community Luxembourgs (1929-2019)

The presentation of the history of Russian-orthodox church Luxembourgs gave a panoramic view of 1. several personalities, responsible for the founding of the Russian church community, 2. the key dates, which played a significant role in keeping the community and 3. the events which are still defining the community life.

12 Juli 2019

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le millefeuille temporel des archives du Web

Le millefeuille temporel des archives du Web

À partir d’exemples choisis au sein des archives du Web et des réseaux socio-numériques, cette intervention se propose de montrer les différentes strates temporelles à l’œuvre au sein de ce patrimoine dit « nativement numérique », et ce de la sélection et collecte à l’analyse, en passant par l’accès via les interfaces et les médiations qu’elles introduisent, l’enrichissement via des métadonnées ou l’intégration d’outils de fouille.

11 Juli 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Digital History and the Politics of Digitization

Digital History and the Politics of Digitization

This paper will present the first findings of an ongoing research project. It is about the digital resources we work with as historians; in the first place with regard to what is being digitized, the sources and data, and to a lesser degree the metadata, notwithstanding the latter’s profound political aspects and effects, e.g. with regard to access. To avoid misunderstandings: it is not about the politics of digital humanities more broadly conceived; e.g.

10 Juli 2019

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
From financial and monetary innovation to Economic and Monetary Union: the European Investment Bank in the Luxembourg ecosystem

From financial and monetary innovation to Economic and Monetary Union: the European Investment Bank in the Luxembourg ecosystem

Drawing on archives and oral history sources, this paper aims to illustrate the political and regulatory context surrounding the EIB’s relocation to Luxembourg, exploring how the EIB became an integral part of the Luxembourg financial ecosystem and how its main stakeholders (banks, LuxSE, other institutions, regulatory authorities, people, networks, etc.) worked together to encourage financial and monetary innovation before the introduction of the European single currency (EUA, EURCO, ECU) and to pave the way for the establishment and consolidation of the euro.

10 Juli 2019

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Südkaukasier in Luxemburg zwischen zwei Weltkriegen

Südkaukasier in Luxemburg zwischen zwei Weltkriegen

The presentation of the diversity among the migrants from Caucasus after the WWI and between two world wars gave a better understanding of the migration motivations of the political refugees from Russia.

7 Juli 2019

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Nation et migrations au Luxembourg

Nation et migrations au Luxembourg

This article focusses on the making of the nation and migrations in Luxembourg in 19th and 20th century, in a double perspective: Luxembourg nation as a product of transregional and transnational spaces of migration and nation as the lens of observation of these migrations.

6 Juli 2019

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Unknown Bel-Val

The Unknown Bel-Val

The speech was held as a guided tour through the university campus and surroundings of Belval in Esch-sur-Alzette. Looking for the traces of camps and other presence of ca. 4.000 soviet forced labourers engaged by the steel industry of Luxembourg in 1942-1944, the audience was invited to discuss about the collective memory and its selectiveness.

5 Juli 2019

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Innovation et coopération dans les réseaux de données (années 1970-1990)

Innovation et coopération dans les réseaux de données (années 1970-1990)

A travers un parcours historique au coeur de 20 ans d'innovation dans les réseaux de données, depuis le développement d'Arpanet jusqu'à l'échec de l'OSI, en passant par Internet, XNS, Transpac ou encore EIN, il s'agira d'interroger la place de la coopération technique mais aussi organisationnelle au sein des réseaux de données. Trop ou pas assez de coopération tue-t-il l'innovation?

4 Juli 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Through the lens - World War II in living memory : D'Schüler aus dem Iechternacher Lycée. Vum Generalstreik zur Ëmerzeiung (31.08.1942 - 12.12.1942)

Through the lens - World War II in living memory : D'Schüler aus dem Iechternacher Lycée. Vum Generalstreik zur Ëmerzeiung (31.08.1942 - 12.12.1942)

2 Juli 2019

Aurélia Lafontaine
Their ‘Apple of Discord’ or the Apple of Their Eye: How the British Secured Eastern Mediterranean and Western European Security, 1947-1948

Their ‘Apple of Discord’ or the Apple of Their Eye: How the British Secured Eastern Mediterranean and Western European Security, 1947-1948

This chapter examines the role the British policy in Greece played in the shift in American foreign policy that was manifested in 1947-48, that led directly to these alliances, namely the Western European Union and NATO.

1 Juli 2019

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Yes, we can! Mining Arguments in 50 Years of US Presidential Campaign Debates

Yes, we can! Mining Arguments in 50 Years of US Presidential Campaign Debates

Political debates offer a rare opportunity for citizens to compare the candidates’ positions on the most controversial topics of the campaign. Thus they represent a natural application scenario for Argument Mining. As existing research lacks solid empirical investigation of the typology of argument components in political debates, we fill this gap by proposing an Argument Mining approach to political debates.

1 Juli 2019

Shohreh Haddadan
Technological risks and political challenges: the emergence of Luxembourg’s satellite policy

Technological risks and political challenges: the emergence of Luxembourg’s satellite policy

In the early 1970s, in a bid to diversify its economy – at that time primarily based on a declining steel industry and a still nascent international financial centre –, the Luxembourg government decided to invest in the country’s audiovisual sector and to pursue a policy to develop telecommunications satellites that would be used to broadcast European television programmes.

29 Juni 2019

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Expansion nach Belgien als Verwaltungstätigkeit: der Kölner Beamte Franz Thedieck im NS

Expansion nach Belgien als Verwaltungstätigkeit: der Kölner Beamte Franz Thedieck im NS

28 Juni 2019

Christoph Brüll
Une histoire contemporaine du Luxembourg en 70 chroniques

Une histoire contemporaine du Luxembourg en 70 chroniques

"A contemporary history of Luxembourg in 70 chronicles" by Denis Scuto is a collection of 70 press chronicles, published from 2014 to 2019 in the Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt. It is "public history" in the best sense of the word, because Denis Scuto as a professional historian intervenes directly in today's debates and enlightens them in a dazzling way by replacing them in the history of Luxembourg and Europe.

28 Juni 2019

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Opening Remarks / Chair / Program Chair

Opening Remarks / Chair / Program Chair

Decoding Europe. Technological Pasts in the Digital Age. The conference will study – in an interdisciplinary way – the impact of digitisation on historical developments and the consequences of the digital turn on the writing and shaping of European history.

27 Juni 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Round table Coding Europe: decoding its history

Round table Coding Europe: decoding its history

27 Juni 2019

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
A small country in a global context: the case of Luxembourg’s cultural policy

A small country in a global context: the case of Luxembourg’s cultural policy

This paper focuses on a small nation state instead of a big country to provide a different perspective on cultural policy history. Due to its small size, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has been influenced by the cultures of its neighbouring countries and looked beyond its national boundaries for inspirations. Members of the political, cultural and economic elite studied abroad and brought ideas and transnational contacts to Luxembourg. Hence, Luxembourg’s national cultural policy needs to be examined within the international context.

27 Juni 2019

Fabio Spirinelli
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
