Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling: An Insight on Digital Exhibitions

Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling: An Insight on Digital Exhibitions

1 März 2022

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
This Hard Minett Land. Texte über das "Bassin minier", inspiriert von Bruce Springsteens Songs

This Hard Minett Land. Texte über das "Bassin minier", inspiriert von Bruce Springsteens Songs

Introduction to a historical and literary project, where C2DH historian Denis Scuto invites writers, historians, sociologists, anthropologists, etc. to be inspired by Bruce Springsteen's songs to write texts about the industrial iron ore basin in the South of Luxembourg and French Lorraine called “Minett”, about yesterday, today or tomorrow, in French, German, Luxembourgish or English.

25 Februar 2022

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
“Keeping the lights on” – Maintaining (communication) infrastructures

“Keeping the lights on” – Maintaining (communication) infrastructures

24 Februar 2022

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
The delicate balance between expansion, innovation and maintenance of the Luxembourg Telephone Network

The delicate balance between expansion, innovation and maintenance of the Luxembourg Telephone Network

Since its establishment in 1885, the Luxembourg telephone network was characterised by bottlenecks in network expansion, which were in the course of the 20th century to be remedied by new cables (expansion) and new distribution technology (innovation). However, the envisioned expansion was repeatedly slowed down by a lack of trained technical staff and resources. For example, requests for new connections had repeatedly to be rejected and already planned expansion measures had to be postponed.

24 Februar 2022

Stefan Krebs, Rebecca Mossop
  • Public history
30 juin 1967. Prix Robert Schuman pour Joseph Bech

30 juin 1967. Prix Robert Schuman pour Joseph Bech

Le 20 juin 1967, l’homme d’État luxembourgeois, Joseph Bech reçoit le prix Robert Schuman de l’université de Bonn pour honorer son engagement européen. Dans son discours de remerciement, il rappelle les acquis du projet européen, mais précise que tout reste à faire. La cérémonie a été suivie d'une rencontre avec des étudiants.

22 Februar 2022

Christoph Brüll
30 août 1992. Commémoration de la Grève de 1942 à Dudelange

30 août 1992. Commémoration de la Grève de 1942 à Dudelange

Le 30 août 1992, la commune de Dudelange commémore les cinquante ans du déclenchement du recrutement forcé au Luxembourg. Dès le 31 août 1942, une vague de grèves avait gagné le Luxembourg. Ce signe de protestation contre la mesure de l’Occupant nazi est devenu le symbole d’un pays résistant.

22 Februar 2022

Christoph Brüll
20 septembre 1972. Vingtimèe anniversaire de la CECA

20 septembre 1972. Vingtimèe anniversaire de la CECA

La Communauté européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier (CECA) célèbre son vingtième anniversaire. Retour sur cette organisation internationale née au Luxembourg avec Jean Monnet, premier président de la CECA, et Gaston Thorn, ministre luxembourgeois des Affaires étrangères.

22 Februar 2022

Christoph Brüll
8 mai 1997. Commémoration du 52e anniversaire de l'Armistice au Luxembourg

8 mai 1997. Commémoration du 52e anniversaire de l'Armistice au Luxembourg

Le 8 mai 1992, les anciens combattants luxembourgeois commémorent la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale au pied de la Gëlle Fra (« femme dorée »), monument du souvenir pour les Luxembourgeois morts au combat pendant les guerres mondiales et la guerre de Corée.

22 Februar 2022

Christoph Brüll
Presentation of the WARLUX research project, database and website for the Schifflange case study

Presentation of the WARLUX research project, database and website for the Schifflange case study

22 Februar 2022

Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
"Be part of it"

"Be part of it"

19 Februar 2022

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Memes Challenges.  Virality, Mediatic Dimensions and Heritagization 

The Memes Challenges. Virality, Mediatic Dimensions and Heritagization 

17 Februar 2022

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Report 2019-2021, Europe Direct Information Centre at the University of Luxembourg

Report 2019-2021, Europe Direct Information Centre at the University of Luxembourg

Following its participation in the European Commission call for proposals in 2017, the University of Luxembourg was selected as a partner to run a Europe Direct Information Centre (EDIC) for the period 2018-2021. The agreement establishing EDIC University of Luxembourg was signed on 28 March 2019 by Prof. Dr Stéphane Pallage, Rector of the University, and Yuriko Backes, Head of the European Commission Representation in Luxembourg.

15 Februar 2022

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Wahldebatten in der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft. Politische Streitkultur 1945-2000

Wahldebatten in der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft. Politische Streitkultur 1945-2000

13 Februar 2022

Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll
"Ostarbeiters" in Differdange during WWII

"Ostarbeiters" in Differdange during WWII

The lecture by Inna Ganschow focuses on the life in the male camps of the Soviet POW and in the female camps for teenagers who had been deported from the Soviet Union for slave labor in the steel industry of Luxembourg, especially in Differdange at the steel mill Differdinger Stahlwerke A.G. between 1942 and 1944.

8 Februar 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les falsificateurs de l'histoire:L'ADR et le "Klëppelkrich"

Les falsificateurs de l'histoire:L'ADR et le "Klëppelkrich"

5 Februar 2022

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Technical Sovereignty and Digital Democracy in Europe – Follower or Influencer ? A New Media Approach

Technical Sovereignty and Digital Democracy in Europe – Follower or Influencer ? A New Media Approach

The digital turn has considerably impacted geopolitics in terms of power, governance and regulation, leading to a proliferation of stakeholders and networks at multiple levels (states, international organisations, private companies, civil society and citizens), new dynamics of competition in a transnational space that is becoming increasingly virtual, borderless and deterritorialised (cyberspace), and novel forms of learning, work and human activity.

4 Februar 2022

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
“Spread or die”. Online Virality as a Transmedia Phenomenon

“Spread or die”. Online Virality as a Transmedia Phenomenon

Memes (Kaplan and Nova, 2016; McGrath, 2019), gifs (Eppink, 2014), buzz on the Web and social networks are inherent to digital cultures since the very first steps of the Web (i.e., Dancing babies, Hamster Dance). Virality has developed and changed over time through several platforms (YouTube, 4Chan, Twitter, TikTok, etc.), while relying on some patterns identified by Shifman (2014), Milner (2018), Jenkins (2009) and others. Historicizing virality through times, spaces and platforms is at the heart of the Hivi project1 (

3 Februar 2022

Valérie Schafer, Fred Pailler
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Digital Hermeneutics and the Integrative Potential of Epistemic Virtues in the Digital Humanities: From Trading Zone to Contact Zone

Digital Hermeneutics and the Integrative Potential of Epistemic Virtues in the Digital Humanities: From Trading Zone to Contact Zone

2 Februar 2022

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Goût des archives nativement numérique et digital bricolage. L’historien·ne face aux données massives du web.

Goût des archives nativement numérique et digital bricolage. L’historien·ne face aux données massives du web.

2 Februar 2022

Frédéric Clavert
Introduction. The dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: border making and its consequences

Introduction. The dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: border making and its consequences

1 Februar 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
