Teaching Public and Applied History on Both Sides of the Atlantic

Teaching Public and Applied History on Both Sides of the Atlantic

n times of global crises, people turn to history to understand their own and their society’s situation. This is an issue addressed by those active in the field of public history. In this roundtable, teachers share their experiences with academic courses training students on both sides of the Atlantic in taking stock of public and applied history. First, students investigate how specific audiences have dealt with historic events, periods, or developments considered to be collective or cultural traumas.

5 Mai 2022

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Scanning the Past: A 3D Model of Trausch's Library

Scanning the Past: A 3D Model of Trausch's Library

Today, modern geospatial technologies and methods are widely used in combination with the documentation and preservation of objects of importance to cultural heritage. In this setting, archeologists and historians alike benefit from the rapid technological developments over the past decades, which have resulted in instrumentation that allows the capture of real objects and the generation of accurate and precise three-dimensional (3D) digital representations, i.e. models, from these sensed data.

5 Mai 2022

Lars Wieneke
C2DH annual report 2021

C²DH Annual Report 2021

A review of the C²DH' activities in 2021 - in a digital format.

4 Mai 2022

Isabelle Voegeli
Keep calm and carry on. Historicizing online virality

Keep calm and carry on. Historicizing online virality

The purpose of our Hivi research project ( is to historicise and to contextualise online virality through the different ages of the Web. This allows to grasp the evolution of digital cultures, as well as the changes of platforms, audience, formats, and the cross-platform, transnational and transmedia circulations of Internet phenomena (memes, online challenges, etc.). There are also continuities of practices to be retrieved, such as trolling, participation and remix.

4 Mai 2022

Valérie Schafer, Fred Pailler
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Help for Ukrainian Refugees

Help for Ukrainian Refugees

The interview focuses on the work of the migration researcher Inna Ganschow as a volunteer in a German organization MMS-Humanitas e.V. helping to transport and accommodate Ukrainian refugees in Luxembourgish and German families. In addition to talking about the experience of an interpreter accompanying buses from the Ukrainian-Luxembourg border to Germany, the scientist shares her observations on the emergence of a new diaspora.

4 Mai 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Dangerous Words and Dangerous Silences: Positioning Europe at the Edge of War

Dangerous Words and Dangerous Silences: Positioning Europe at the Edge of War

Wars never happen ‘just like that’ or ‘out of the blue’. They are the culmination of complex processes that span years and sometimes even decades. In his art, Maxim Kantor has addressed the threat embodied by the apparently seamless transition from Soviet Union to the Russian Federation and guided democracy, and his position has always been unmistakeable: Vladimir Putin and the system that produced him are, and always were, dangerous. Now more than ever, choosing the right words matters,

3 Mai 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Meet the Researcher

Meet the Researcher

1 Mai 2022

Aida Horaniet Ibanez
  • Digital history & historiography
Creating Public History Master Programs: International Guidelines

Creating Public History Master Programs: International Guidelines

1 Mai 2022

Thomas Cauvin, Machteld Venken
  • Public history
Internship and Public History Training

Internship and Public History Training

1 Mai 2022

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
The best you ever had

The best you ever had

29 April 2022

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
History and Shared Authority

History and Shared Authority

28 April 2022

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
The foreign soldier’s transnational experience in the Nazi military. A biographical study of conscripts and volunteers from Luxembourg in the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS and their military and individual experiences in WWII

The foreign soldier’s transnational experience in the Nazi military. A biographical study of conscripts and volunteers from Luxembourg in the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS and their military and individual experiences in WWII

Coming from various occupied territories and uninvolved or neutral countries, such as Spain and Switzerland, over two million foreigners served in the ranks of the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS. These men had a significant impact on the war and on how it was experienced and conducted. How these men from more than 40 countries experienced the war in German uniform as transnational soldiers remains essentially unexamined. Focusing on those who came from Luxembourg, this paper traces the experiences of these soldiers, in order to provide a new perspective on the European experience of war.

27 April 2022

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Impressions that last: representing the meaningful museum experience

Impressions that last: representing the meaningful museum experience

Research in human–computer interaction (HCI) has identified meaning as an important, yet poorly understood concept in interaction design contexts. Central to this development is the increasing emphasis on designing products and technologies that promote leisure, personal fulfillment, and well-being.

26 April 2022

Christopher Morse
  • Digital history & historiography
The Luxembourg Financial Ecosystem and the European Monetary Innovation. Cas Study on KBL, LuxSE and EIB (1957-1990)

The Luxembourg Financial Ecosystem and the European Monetary Innovation. Cas Study on KBL, LuxSE and EIB (1957-1990)

The Luxembourg international financial centre developed considerably during the 1960s, propelled by several factors including concerted government policy, flexible regulation and a willingness to harness opportunities at international level (such as the 1963 US interest equalisation tax and the Bundesbank provisions introduced in 1968 and 1974). The decision to establish various Community institutions (the ECSC High Authority in 1952) and European funding institutions (the European Investment Bank in 1968) in the country also had a decisive impact.

26 April 2022

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
“Put it back”. Issues and challenges of historicising online virality

“Put it back”. Issues and challenges of historicising online virality

From the Hampster Dance, All your Base are belong to us and the Dancing Baby in the second half of the 1990s to Bernie’s mittens at the US presidential inauguration and the image macros of the Evergreen blocked in the Suez Canal, through Disaster Girl or Distracted Boyfriend to name but a few, memes and Internet phenomena have become in the last twenty years an important part of our digital cultures (Shifman, 2014).

21 April 2022

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Content Management

Content Management

The use of content management systems (CMSes) in public history is a relatively new phenomenon that has greatly enhanced the possibilities of presenting, curating and narrating history online. As CMSes have become increasingly powerful and easier to use, they obviate the need for comparatively costlier custom solutions, both in terms of time and financial investment. Archives, libraries, museums, institutions, scholars and educators are making use of CMSes to showcase collections, accompany exhibitions, tell histories online and to build online communities and networks.

19 April 2022

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Introduction: Handbook of Digital Public History

Introduction: Handbook of Digital Public History

This handbook provides a systematic overview of the present state of international research in digital public history (DPH). Detailed individual studies by internationally renowned public historians, digital humanists and digital historians elucidate central issues in the field and present a critical account of the major public history accomplishments, research activities, practices with the public and of their digital context.

19 April 2022

Gerben Zaagsma
Handbook of Digital Public History

Handbook of Digital Public History

This handbook provides a systematic overview of the present state of international research in digital public history. Individual studies by internationally renowned public historians, digital humanists, and digital historians elucidate central issues in the field and present a critical account of the major public history accomplishments, research activities, and practices with the public and of their digital context.

19 April 2022

Gerben Zaagsma
Heilsgeschichte aus dem Osten

Heilsgeschichte aus dem Osten

Der russische Ultranationalismus kann als „politische Religion“ aufgefasst werden. Beeinflusst dieser ideologische Überbau russischsprachige Gemeinschaften in Luxemburg?

15 April 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Luxembourg and the creation of the European single currency - Lessons from the History

Luxembourg and the creation of the European single currency - Lessons from the History

In political terms, European integration and multilateral cooperation enabled Luxembourg to become an equal partner in the decision-making processes and leadership of European organizations. In economic terms, these features gave the country the tools it needed to forge a development model that could underpin the creative growth of its social market

15 April 2022

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
