Discussant of the Panel: Perceptions and Mental maps of the Borderlands

Discussant of the Panel: Perceptions and Mental maps of the Borderlands

5 April 2018

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Language learning in interwar European Borderlands

Language learning in interwar European Borderlands

5 April 2018

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Flight from Nazi Germany to Luxembourg in the 1930s

Flight from Nazi Germany to Luxembourg in the 1930s

4 April 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Lëtzebuerg an de Marshall-Plang

Lëtzebuerg an de Marshall-Plang

A short explanation of the motivations for, design and implementation of the Marshall Plan, in Western Europe, with a specific focus on Luxembourg in the late 1940s.

3 April 2018

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Robert Triffin, a 'personal equation'

Robert Triffin, a 'personal equation'

Robert Triffin (1911-1993), a Belgian-born economist who spent much of his career in America, had a major influence on 20th-century economic thinking. He is particularly known for his monetary approach. His intellectual legacy revolves ariund the 'Triffin dilemma' or 'Triffin paradox'. Triffin accurately predicted the end of the Bretton Woods system, though not for the right reasons.

1 April 2018

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Un crépuscule pour réveiller l'histoire

Un crépuscule pour réveiller l'histoire

31 März 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les grands conflits de la guerre froide: une présentation multimédia et interactive

Les grands conflits de la guerre froide: une présentation multimédia et interactive

Présentation multimédia et interactive sur la confrontation Est-Ouest et les grands conflits de la guerre froide depuis 1945 sur la base de documents d'archives d'époque.

26 März 2018

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Être d'ailleurs en temps de guerre

Être d'ailleurs en temps de guerre

24 März 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
“Etre d’ailleurs en temps de guerre” - ZäithistorikerIn Chronik um Radio 100,7

“Etre d’ailleurs en temps de guerre” - ZäithistorikerIn Chronik um Radio 100,7

Wéi ëmmer wann een sech d’Méi mecht, amplaz dat ofzeschreiwen wat zënter Generatiounen vun engem Geschichtsbuch an dat nächst kopéiert gëtt, sech mat de primären Archivquellen auserneenzesetzen, entdeckt een komplex an oft vergiessen historesch Realitéiten. Dat weist eng Ausstellung iwwer Diddeleng am Eischte Weltkrich. Dozou eng Chronik vum oder besser gesot vun zwee Zäithistoriker.

22 März 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Radio Broadcast
Transferring knowledge from locational predictive models into spatial Agent Based Models: generilizing human perception of environment

Transferring knowledge from locational predictive models into spatial Agent Based Models: generilizing human perception of environment

Predictive models have been used for finding potential archaeological site locations already for more than 40 years. In addition to their extensively used application in cultural heritage management they can also offer insights into past human behaviour in relation to environment. The proposed paper discusses how the information gathered from predictive modelling of archeological settlements, especially the revealed from location determinants, can be transferred to spatial Agent Based Models.

22 März 2018

Kaarel Sikk
  • Digital history & historiography
Le projet #ww1 - traces de mémoire collective de la Grande Guerre sur Twitter

Le projet #ww1 - traces de mémoire collective de la Grande Guerre sur Twitter

Note sur la collecte et le traitement des données à caractère personnel concernant le projet de recherche #ww1.

21 März 2018

Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Managing research photos and archival images with Tropy

Managing research photos and archival images with Tropy

21 März 2018

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Histoire des réseaux: enjeux, évolutions et perspectives

Histoire des réseaux: enjeux, évolutions et perspectives

Cette présentation qui mêlera parcours historiographique et retour sur des projets de recherche (histoire de Cyclades, du Minitel, de Renater, du Web des années 1990 notamment) a pour objectif de présenter les avancées et tendances de l’histoire des réseaux, mais aussi d’en interroger les sources, méthodologies, ainsi que les terrains encore à défricher ou vierges.

15 März 2018

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Rudolf Seidel, Léon Metz et la Halle des soufflantes

Rudolf Seidel, Léon Metz et la Halle des soufflantes

10 März 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Interview with Dalia Ofer

Interview with Dalia Ofer

Dalia Ofer is Emeritus Professor of Contemporary Jewry History and Holocaust Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

9 März 2018

Dominique Santana
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Local Industrial history: Die vergessene Quelle von Belval

Local Industrial history: Die vergessene Quelle von Belval

Bel-Val ist keine Ortsbezeichnung, sondern ein von Joseph Steichen, Gründer der einstigen Mineralwasserfabrik, erfundener Name, der sein Produkt besser vermarkten wollte. Die Fabrik ist längst weg, Belval ist noch da, die Mineralwasserquelle aber auch.. Über die Geschichte der Quelle Bel-Val und die Hallen der Fabrik, die im Zweiten Weltkrieg für sowjetische Kriegsgefangene und danach für die Kollaborateure umfunktioniert worden waren, berichtet die als Chronik geschriebener Artikel.

8 März 2018

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Werner report and the financial crisis during the 1970s

The Werner report and the financial crisis during the 1970s

1 März 2018

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Europa:Quo Vadis?

Europa:Quo Vadis?

The past few years have been a bleak period for Europe, dominated by the effects of a multidimensional systemic crisis (economic, financial, social, environmental and geopolitical), growing unease among the general public and considerable turmoil among political elites. The aggressive rise of populism, the slow slide towards authoritarianism and the surge in nationalism have led to parochial tendencies, an erosion of solidarity and a growing ambivalence about the future of the shared European project.

1 März 2018

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Small State, Great Diplomacy: The Role of Luxembourg in the European Integration Process

Small State, Great Diplomacy: The Role of Luxembourg in the European Integration Process

Luxembourg has a particular geopolitical and historical situation — a small, multicultural and multilingual nation sandwiched between two larger powers, France and Germany, with no central bank or national currency. For Luxembourg, adopting an outward orientation had always been a sine qua non. After the second world war the political leaders were convinced of the need to preserve national sovereignty and vital interests by maintaining an international outlook.

1 März 2018

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Principles, Values and Challenges for a Europe Built through Currency

Principles, Values and Challenges for a Europe Built through Currency

At the Hague Summit (1–2 December 1969), the decision was taken to explore the possibilities of progress towards an economic and monetary union. An ad hoc committee of experts was set up and, at the request of the EC Council, Pierre Werner (Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Luxembourg) was chosen as chairman. The work of this committee began on 20 March 1970 and resulted in the Werner Report - presented on 8 October in Luxembourg. The Werner Report offered a full definition of EMU, which was to be established in three stages over a decade (1971–80).

1 März 2018

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
