Border-Making and its Consequences on the ABS 2nd World Conference. The Experience of a Conference Chair, Transcending Borders – Redrawing Perspectives

Border-Making and its Consequences on the ABS 2nd World Conference. The Experience of a Conference Chair, Transcending Borders – Redrawing Perspectives

1 Juli 2018

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
"Rien n'est possible sans les hommes, rien n'est durable sans les institutions"

"Rien n'est possible sans les hommes, rien n'est durable sans les institutions"

Le 19 juin 1983, au Conseil européen de Stuttgart, le Premier Ministre, Pierre Werner, signe la Déclaration solennelle sur l'Union européenne. Ce document programmatique affirme la nécessité de « progresser vers une union toujours plus étroite entre les peuples et les États membres » et considère l’amélioration des institutions communautaires et la coopération politique comme clé de voûte pour plus d’Europe. Trente-cinq ans plus tard, ces desiderata trouvent un ample écho dans l’actualité.

30 Juni 2018

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Workshop and hands on session: Luxembourg and the European Institutions - where all began

Workshop and hands on session: Luxembourg and the European Institutions - where all began

The Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) signed in Paris on 18 April 1951, set up a number of institutions to carry out its activities: a High Authority, assisted by a Consultative Committee; a Common Assembly; a Special Council of Ministers; a Court of Justice. After the signing of the ECSC Treaty, an interim committee instructed to submit proposals concerning seats of the institutions, was unable to reach agreement. Many cities were suggested, such as Liège, Strasbourg, Turin or Saarbrücken.

29 Juni 2018

Marco Gabellini
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Conceptualizing Tactics and Engagement in Amateur Media Practices: A Longue Durée Perspective

Conceptualizing Tactics and Engagement in Amateur Media Practices: A Longue Durée Perspective

This paper reflects on media tactics and engagement in amateur media practices from a longue durée perspective. More specifically, it addresses the question how discourses on and from users of different amateur and home movie technologies – from film via home video to digital media – reflect various forms of engagement, adaptation and resistance in amateur user practices. In the history of amateur filmmaking, a wide variety of users can be identified – from family filmmakers to cine-club hobbyists or even avant-garde artists.

27 Juni 2018

Tim van der Heijden
  • Digital history & historiography
The Magnifying Glass and the Kaleidoscope. Analysing Scale in Digital History and Historiography

The Magnifying Glass and the Kaleidoscope. Analysing Scale in Digital History and Historiography

The question addressed by the project is to what extent can digital tools and methods assist the detection of scale-related patterns in historical writings.

27 Juni 2018

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
#Memorecord: A memory Harvest! Learnings on crowdsourcing Digital Public History

#Memorecord: A memory Harvest! Learnings on crowdsourcing Digital Public History

27 Juni 2018

Anita Lucchesi
  • Public history
  • Digital history & historiography
Borderland Children in interwar Europe

Borderland Children in interwar Europe

27 Juni 2018

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Intertwined destinies, strengthened ties: Migration paths from Luxembourg to Brazil (1920-1965)

Intertwined destinies, strengthened ties: Migration paths from Luxembourg to Brazil (1920-1965)

26 Juni 2018

Dominique Santana
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Industrial Heritage of Luxembourg and its legacy

The Industrial Heritage of Luxembourg and its legacy

26 Juni 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Online Storytelling & Webdesign

Online Storytelling & Webdesign

26 Juni 2018

Anita Lucchesi, Gerben Zaagsma
  • Public history
  • Digital history & historiography
2017 Annual report

2017 Annual report

After one exciting year of existence, the C²DH publishes its first annual report - in a fully digital format.

25 Juni 2018

Isabelle Voegeli
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
La nationalité luxembourgeoise (XXe-XXIe siècle)

La nationalité luxembourgeoise (XXe-XXIe siècle)

25 Juni 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Die Fußball-WM, Fans und Identitätsdiskurse in Luxemburger RTL-Reportagen (1990-2006)

Die Fußball-WM, Fans und Identitätsdiskurse in Luxemburger RTL-Reportagen (1990-2006)

22 Juni 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The legacy of the interwar period in the beginnings of European legal integration: the case of Massimo Pilotti

The legacy of the interwar period in the beginnings of European legal integration: the case of Massimo Pilotti

21 Juni 2018

Vera Fritz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Max Gold, Max Häusler, Hugo Fenichel, Willy Kissinger - Les réfugiés juifs, le football luxembourgeois et la Shoah

Max Gold, Max Häusler, Hugo Fenichel, Willy Kissinger - Les réfugiés juifs, le football luxembourgeois et la Shoah

16 Juni 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Un spectre hante le monde...

Un spectre hante le monde...

9 Juni 2018

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Journal of Belgian History. Themed issue: Histories of Psychiatry

Journal of Belgian History. Themed issue: Histories of Psychiatry

Benoît Majerus and Anne Roekens (Université Catholique de Louvain) have edited a special issue ‘Histories of Psychiatry’ of the Journal of Belgian History. The issue contains five articles exploring different research trends. Two of these contributions were by members of the C²DH: Benoît Majerus and Eva Andersen.

5 Juni 2018

Eva Andersen
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Journal article
Le rapport Werner en suspens. Les débats autour de l'Union économique et monétaire en 1973

Le rapport Werner en suspens. Les débats autour de l'Union économique et monétaire en 1973

1 Juni 2018

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
« La double démocratie. Une Europe politique pour la croissance » (Michel Aglietta et Nicolas Leron, 2017)

« La double démocratie. Une Europe politique pour la croissance » (Michel Aglietta et Nicolas Leron, 2017)

Il s'agit de commenter l'analyse à laquelle interdisciplinaire réalisée par Michel Aglietta et Nicolas Lerron dans leur ouvrage intitulée « La double démocratie. Une Europe politique pour la croissance ». Cette analyse est placée dans une perspective historique, avec l’objectif d’expliquer pourquoi l’Europe est plus gravement atteinte par ces phénomènes que les autres région du monde et d’identifier les moyens d’ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives au projet européen. Le constat des auteurs est sans appel : l’Union européenne et la zone euro sont aujourd’hui en impasse.

1 Juni 2018

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Through a century of change: portrait of a pragmatic visionary

Through a century of change: portrait of a pragmatic visionary

As Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Luxembourg over several decades, Pierre Werner shaped the future of his country and was one of the rare statesmen to play a part in the progress of European integration until the mid-1980s. He played a major role in regional integration (BLEU, Benelux) and in EEC policy-making and gained a strong reputation for forging a political consensus between larger powers (Germany and France)and between diametrically opposed positions (‘economists’ vs ‘monetarists’).

1 Juni 2018

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
