            Six provocations for 6G

            Six provocations for 6G

            6 Oktober 2021

            Valérie Schafer
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Keynote lecture: Exploring Jewish History in the Digital Age

            Keynote lecture: Exploring Jewish History in the Digital Age

            This lecture will explore the intersection of Jewish Studies and Digital Humanities in general, and the myriad ways in which new technologies affect the field of Jewish History in particular. Importantly, the digital turn in Jewish Studies needs to be historicised; as is the case for the humanities in general, applications of computing in Jewish Studies go back at least 60 years.

            4 Oktober 2021

            Gerben Zaagsma
            • Digital history & historiography
            Presenter: Migration and Border Research at C2DH

            Presenter: Migration and Border Research at C2DH

            1 Oktober 2021

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            The Digital Humanities Classroom as a “Node”. From Toolbox to Mindset?

            The Digital Humanities Classroom as a “Node”. From Toolbox to Mindset?

            The paper describes a framework for digital pedagogy and evaluation that combines different approaches – theoretical, application-oriented and project-based –, underpinned by a view of the digital humanities classroom metaphorically defined as a “node”.

            1 Oktober 2021

            Florentina Armaselu
            • Digital history & historiography
            Larissa Zakharova, De Moscou aux terres les plus lointaines, Paris, Éditions de l'EHESS, 2020.

            Larissa Zakharova, De Moscou aux terres les plus lointaines, Paris, Éditions de l'EHESS, 2020.

            1 Oktober 2021

            Valérie Schafer
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            On pyramids, prisms, and scalable reading

            On pyramids, prisms, and scalable reading

            Since Robert Darnton’s 1999 essay sketched a broad vision of what could become historical scholarship, many scholars have tried to put into practice new ways to publish in the digital era. Inspired by the concept of digital hermeneutics, the Journal of Digital History – a joint venture between the C2DH and De Gruyter Publishing group – proposes to put Darnton’s vision into reality by offering a multi-layered publication platform for data-driven scholarship in the field of digital history.

            1 Oktober 2021

            Andreas Fickers, Frédéric Clavert
            • Public history
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            • Digital history & historiography
            L’épreuve de la démocratie ou la démocratie à l’épreuve ?

            L’épreuve de la démocratie ou la démocratie à l’épreuve ?

            Considérée parmi les valeurs et principes universels et indivisibles, la démocratie fournit le cadre juste pour l’exercice et la protection des droits humain. C’est ainsi que les Nations Unies adoptent le 15 septembre 1997 la Déclaration universelle sur la démocratie, dont le 10e anniversaire donne lieu la Journée internationale de la démocratie, marquée chaque année depuis 2007, pour sensibiliser à ce sujet les gouvernements et citoyens du monde entier.

            26 September 2021

            Elena Danescu
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Museum Meaning-making: Experience Design for Digital Cultural Heritage

            Museum Meaning-making: Experience Design for Digital Cultural Heritage

            Interactive technologies have created a ubiquity of digital arts and culture on the Web, offering visitors unprecedented access to museums around the world directly from their personal devices. Despite the enormous potential of these systems to facilitate education, cultural mediation, entertainment, or even interpersonal connection, research has demonstrated that users have difficulties deriving meaningful experiences from the digital museum visit due to a poor or incongruent user experience (UX).

            23 September 2021

            Christopher Morse
            • Digital history & historiography
            Intertwining distant reading of web archives and oral histories of the COVID crisis

            Intertwining distant reading of web archives and oral histories of the COVID crisis

            22 September 2021

            Valérie Schafer
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Presenter: Towards a Digital Oral History Database in Luxembourg

            Presenter: Towards a Digital Oral History Database in Luxembourg

            22 September 2021

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Exploring the History of Digital History

            Exploring the History of Digital History

            As long as new preservation technologies and computing machines have been developed, the question of their utility and uptake in historical research practices has been debated. Yet, the very fact that historical knowledge production has always been affected by new and emerging technologies is often forgotten. Similarly, the fact that key epistemological and methodological questions in what we now call ‘digital history’ were already debated decades ago by earlier generations of computing historians (analog and digital) is often overlooked.

            20 September 2021

            Gerben Zaagsma
            • Digital history & historiography
            Das Ersatzteil zwischen Technik, Wirtschaft und Politik

            Das Ersatzteil zwischen Technik, Wirtschaft und Politik

            Das Ersatzteil zwischen Technik, Wirtschaft und Politik

            17 September 2021

            Thomas Hoppenheit
            • Public history
            Grasping the Anti-Modern Discourse on Europe in the Swiss Digitised Press, or can Text Mining Generate a Research Corpus from an Article Collection?

            Grasping the Anti-Modern Discourse on Europe in the Swiss Digitised Press, or can Text Mining Generate a Research Corpus from an Article Collection?

            In this paper, we discuss how different types of automatic annotation of digitised newspaper articles can be integrated into the iterative questioning of the source material and the creation of research corpora out of a collection of unstructured texts (kept in a structured collection). We annotate a sizeable collection of Swiss press articles (183,270), extracted via the impresso interface1 using topic modelling (MALLET)2 as well as a naïve Bayes classifier (script by Milan van Lange).

            17 September 2021

            Estelle Bunout
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Presenter: Województwo śląskie inaczej. Peryferie w centrum. Szkolnictwo na peryferiach w międzywojennej Europie

            Presenter: Województwo śląskie inaczej. Peryferie w centrum. Szkolnictwo na peryferiach w międzywojennej Europie

            17 September 2021

            Machteld Venken
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Réflexions sur la signification historique du 11 septembre 2001

            Réflexions sur la signification historique du 11 septembre 2001

            The Tageblatt today reproduces for the 20th anniversary of 9/11 excerpts from an article published by the historian Denis Scuto almost twenty years ago in the same Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, on 13 December 2001, on the historical meaning of the attacks of 11 September 2001. Three months after the attacks, Denis Scuto explained the changes, imagined or real, and the hopes, legitimate but quickly disappointed.

            17 September 2021

            Denis Scuto
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            Web Archives of the COVID Crisis: Digital Voices, Preservation and Loss

            Web Archives of the COVID Crisis: Digital Voices, Preservation and Loss

            This roundtable, which is organized by the WARCnet network and chaired by Valérie Schafer (C2DH, University of Luxembourg), aims to shed light on the issues, challenges, values and limits of web archiving during the COVID crisis. It will combine analysis by web archivists and scholars and entwine analysis of web archiving practices and preserved web content, in order to address several key issues related to the conference, such as the “silences” and “noises” of these archives.

            16 September 2021

            Valérie Schafer
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Review of Adam Crymble: Technology and the Historian. Transformations in the Digital Age

            Review of Adam Crymble: Technology and the Historian. Transformations in the Digital Age

            16 September 2021

            Gerben Zaagsma
            • Digital history & historiography
            Советские военнопленные в Люксембурге и люксембургские военнопленные в СССР

            Советские военнопленные в Люксембурге и люксембургские военнопленные в СССР

            The bilateral seminar for Luxembourger and Russian history students was shown in the short presentation on the Russian forum "Moya strana - moya Rossiya" as an example of teaching Russian history abroad.

            15 September 2021

            Inna Ganschow
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            National Justice vs. Occupiers’ Justice? A conflict of competence in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg during World War I

            National Justice vs. Occupiers’ Justice? A conflict of competence in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg during World War I

            From the standpoint of international law, the entry of German troops on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in August 1914 violated the small state’s neutrality. While the occupying German authorities saw this act as an occupatio pacifica and the violation of its neutrality as a necessity in order to respond to a state of emergency, the Luxembourgish government and its justice administration had to cope with a new set of problems.

            8 September 2021

            Elisabeth Wingerter
            • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
            • Contemporary history of Europe
            Marked Surfaces: Analog and Digital Re-inscriptions of a Portrait

            Marked Surfaces: Analog and Digital Re-inscriptions of a Portrait

            7 September 2021

            Sandra Camarda
            • Public history
