About this event
The AHRC-funded 'What is Public History Now?' Network is thrilled to invite you to our first workshop 'Teaching Public History in UK Higher Education'. We hope you'll join us for a day of discussions on public history in higher education, ranging from intellectual traditions to pedagogy and programme design.
Schedule: 13 May, 10am-12am; 2pm-4pm; 4:30-6:00pm.
10am-11am: Intellectual traditions and the history of UK public history
11am-12pm: Public history in the UK and in International Context
What is distinct about public history in the UK?
What are the particular dynamics of regions/smaller nations?
How does this sit within the international context?
2pm-4pm: Pedagogy and Programme Design
What are we teaching? Who are we teaching? How are we teaching? Why are we teaching it?
The growth of public history programmes and the inflection of wider history teaching with public history.
The relationship of public history and heritage programmes.
Break out rooms to discuss and compare modules and programmes.
4:30pm-5:30pm: Policy and Institutional Support
Why now?
The impact agenda and the neoliberal university.
What resources are we being given or not given?
5:30pm-6:00pm: Final Thoughts and Plans for the Next Workshop
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