The Jews of Romania and Luxembourg

13 January 2025

The Jews of Romania and Luxembourg: An Entangled History (1914-1947)

Symposium regarding Jewish migration from eastern Austria-Hungary and Romania to Luxembourg and vice versa.
The Impact of War Experiences in Europe: The Conscription of Non-German Men and Women into the 'Wehrmacht' and 'Reichsarbeitsdienst' (1938–1945)

8 January 2025

Book launch: The Impact of War Experiences in Europe: The Conscription of Non-German Men and Women into the 'Wehrmacht' and 'Reichsarbeitsdienst' (1938–1945)

Volume 2 in the De Gruyter series "Studien zur transnationalen Zeitgeschichte Luxemburgs" is out now!
Data Luxemb(o)urg in the Second World War

5 December 2024

written by :
Christoph Brüll, Muriel van Ruymbeke Luxemb(o)urg in the Second World War

The online exhibition explores Luxembourg's experiences during World War II using recent historiography and digital resources.
Event Luxemb(o)urg in the Second World War

19 November 2024

Launch of the ' Luxemb(o)urg in the Second World War' online exhibition

The new online exhibition explores Luxembourg's experiences during World War II using recent historiography and digital resources.
Ostarbeiters, Diplaced Persons and Repatriants. Transnational view on the Soviet forced laborers in Luxembourg during WWII

24 September 2024

Ostarbeiters, Diplaced Persons and Repatriants. Transnational view on the Soviet forced laborers in Luxembourg during WWII

Research seminar with Inna Ganschow.
Introducing the Warlux website on Luxembourgish soldiers during WWII

23 April 2024

written by :
Sarah Maya Vercruysse

Introducing the Warlux website on Luxembourgish soldiers during WWII

The Warlux website, focusing on wartime experiences of young Luxembourgish men who served in the German labour service and armed forces during World War II, is now online.
Le Luxembourg et la Shoah

23 April 2024

Le Luxembourg et la Shoah

À l’occasion de la parution de « Le Luxembourg et la Shoah », Revue d’histoire de la Shoah, n°219, éd. Mémorial de la Shoah, Paris, mars 2024.
À la recherche des Juifs spoliés : pillages et "aryanisation" au Luxembourg pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale

29 March 2024

À la recherche des Juifs spoliés : pillages et "aryanisation" au Luxembourg pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale

Présentation de la thèse de doctorat de Blandine Landau, réalisée sous la codirection des Prof. Andreas Fickers (C²DH-Université du Luxembourg) et Isabelle Backouche (EHESS, Paris), soutenue le 28.03.2024.
History@Play / Beyond Nuremberg: Critical Game Making as Public History Research

16 October 2023

Beyond Nuremberg: Critical Game Making as Public History Research

History@Play lecture by Clarissa J. Ceglio, University of Connecticut | Greenhouse Studios.
C²DH researcher Gábor Mihály Tóth wins Richard Deswarte Prize in Digital History

5 October 2023

written by :
Gabor Mihaly Toth

C²DH researcher Gábor Mihály Tóth wins Richard Deswarte Prize in Digital History

The 2023 Richard Deswarte Prize in Digital History is awarded to Gábor Mihály Tóth.
Le premier convoi - Journée d'études

7 September 2023

Journée d'études - Le premier convoi

Journée d’études consacrée aux biographies des familles déportées le 16 octobre 1941 de Luxembourg au ghetto Litzmannstadt (Łódź) sur
Paths to survival. Escape trajectories and supportive aid networks regarding persecuted Jews from Luxembourg, 1940-1943

18 August 2023

Paths to survival. Escape trajectories and supportive aid networks regarding persecuted Jews from Luxembourg, 1940-1943

Research seminar with Yannick Frantz.
The National WWII Museums Collections - Finding Luxembourg

12 July 2023

written by :
Nina Janz

The National WWII Museums Collections - Finding Luxembourg

Conducting research at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans with a specific focus on the role of Luxembourg during World War II.
National WWII Museum

7 July 2023

written by :
Nina Janz

Visiting the National WWII Museum and diving into Military History

A report by Nina Janz.
Forum Z
Local history up close

13 April 2023

written by :
Susanne Schmolze, Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse

Local history up close

A look back on the Forum Z 'Lokalgeschichte ganz nah. Persönliche Kriegserfahrungen in Schifflingen' (Personal war experiences in Schifflange).
WARLUX international conference

13 March 2023

written by :
Sarah Maya Vercruysse

The impact of war experiences in Europe – The conscription of non-German men and women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945)

Report of the international conference held on 26-28 October 2022 at the University of Luxembourg.
Forum Z
Forum Z Persönliche Kriegserlebnisse in Schifflingen

13 January 2023

written by :
Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse, Susanne Schmolze

Lokalgeschichte ganz nah: Persönliche Kriegserlebnisse in Schifflingen

Die Auswirkungen der nationalsozialistischen Besatzung und der Zwangsrekrutierung auf das Leben der Einwohner*innen von Schifflingen.
Engaging with WWII and the Holocaust via Gaming

28 November 2022

Engaging with WWII and the Holocaust via Gaming: Analytical Perspectives on Design and Reception

Lecture by Pieter van den Heede, Erasmus University, Rotterdam (NL).
Alex Bonn et la situation des juifs persécutés au Luxembourg

9 November 2022

1940/41: Alex Bonn et la situation des juifs persécutés au Luxembourg

Lecture avec Marc Limpach et Elsa Rauchs. Accompagnement musical par Michel Reis & Claire Parsons. Une production du Kasemattentheater avec le soutien du C²DH.
Memorial of the Shoah Luxembourg

24 October 2022

written by :
Denis Scuto

Memorial of the Shoah Luxembourg

This Memorial is bridging stories and memories of victims and survivors of the Shoah.
