Oral History Workgroup
1 January 2020 to 30 June 2024

Oral history is an interdisciplinary field and practice developed around the principle that recorded personal testimonies provide interesting, meaningful and significant historical sources. As a form of contemporary and public history, oral history provides an avenue for the documentation of life experiences and memories of past events, opening up perspectives that would otherwise be inaccessible. At the C²DH, oral history is used within and across project work run by various department stakeholders including PIs, PhD candidates, other researchers and digital technology support staff. The Oral History Workgroup was set up to establish and maintain communications between this network of individuals, whether their interest is tied to project deliverables or is more exploratory in nature. Work group activities include oral history workshops, biweekly lunches, project team meetings, writing grant proposals and collaborating with the Luxembourg Centre National de l’Audiovisuel (CNA) on archival and infrastructure issues.