Call for papers

17 Février 2025

rédigé par :
Andreas Fickers

CfP: SHOT 2025 Annual Meeting

Hosted by the C²DH at the Belval Campus of the University of Luxembourg from 9 to 11 October, the 2025 SHOT (Society for the History of Technology) Annual Meeting is organised under the theme ‘Technologies of Migration – Migrating Technologies’.
Cartavox sound postcard recorder

31 Octobre 2023

rédigé par :
Tim van der Heijden

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology dataset published on Europeana

Dataset from the research project Doing Experimental Media Archaeology (DEMA) was recently published on Europeana, the online platform of cultural heritage.
18th-century optical machine

16 Septembre 2022

rédigé par :
Klazina Blijleven

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory Conference - Report

Report of the international conference that took place on 8 & 9 September in the Science Center, Differdange.
Forum Z
Forum Z Mediaarcheology

9 Septembre 2022

rédigé par :
Noëlle Schon

Experimental Media Archaeology on stage

On 7 September, the Kulturfabrik in Esch-Alzette became the stage of a hands-on media archeology performance.
Doing Experimental Media Archaeology

9 Août 2022

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory

The international conference 'Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory' offers a platform for a discussion on how to widen the reach and inclusivity of hands-on approaches to experimental media research and education.
Forum Z
Forum Z Mediaarcheology

4 Juillet 2022

rédigé par :
Klazina Blijleven

Re-do, re-make, re-imagine

Dive into the world of Experimental Media Archaeology and the power of object-based re-enactment on the historical imagination!
Call for papers - Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory

12 Mai 2022

rédigé par :
Klazina Blijleven

Call for papers - Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory

Organised by the C²DH, the conference 'Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory' will take place from 7 to 9 September 2022 in Esch-sur-Alzette and Differdange.
Workshop report: Performing media archaeological experiments

24 Mai 2021

rédigé par :
Aleksander Kolkowski, Tim van der Heijden, Stefan Krebs, Andreas Fickers

Workshop report: Performing media archaeological experiments

On 18 December 2020, the second workshop of the DEMA project - Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory - project took place at the C²DH. For this workshop, participants from various fields, including media history, art history, musicology, history of science, sensorial ethnography, contemporary composition and sound art were invited to share experiences on how to perform historical re-enactments and how experimental research can serve or operate in artistic practice.
From Kinora to Small-Gauge: An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early-Twentieth Century Home Cinema

23 Mars 2021

From Kinora to Small-Gauge: An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early-Twentieth Century Home Cinema

Research seminar with Tim van der Heijden
Sound-writing machines and pneumatic gramophones: unearthing histories of use and tacit skills for the DEMA project

23 Mars 2021

Sound-writing machines and pneumatic gramophones: unearthing histories of use and tacit skills for the DEMA project

Research seminar with Aleksander Kolkowski
DEMA demonstration: Kinora Viewer Replica

21 Août 2020

DEMA demonstration: Kinora Viewer Replica

A hands-on demonstration of the Kinora Viewer Replica. This public online event shows the fruits of a recent successful collaboration between the C²DH and the Department of Engineering. Combining historical inquiry with a hands-on and technical approach - involving the latest 3D modelling and desktop manufacturing engineering techniques - a media historian and two engineers joined forces to produce a working replica of a very special object in the history of (early) cinema: the Kinora viewer.
Images of invisible traces: documenting and re-enacting an 18th century experiment

16 Juillet 2020

rédigé par :
Tim van der Heijden, Aleksander Kolkowski, Stefan Krebs, Andreas Fickers

Images of invisible traces: documenting and re-enacting an 18th century experiment

On 17-18 December 2019, the first workshop of the DEMA project - Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory - project took place at the C²DH. For this workshop, specialists from the fields of media history, art history and the history of science were invited to share best practices and experiences in documenting hands-on and experimental research.
His Master’s Vintage Voice: Experiments in Instantaneous Disc-Recording

10 Février 2020

His Master’s Vintage Voice: Experiments in Instantaneous Disc-Recording

Workshop & Demonstration with Sean Davies & Aleks Kolkowski (U.K.)
An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early-Twentieth Century Home Cinema

19 Décembre 2019

rédigé par :
Tim van der Heijden

An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early-Twentieth Century Home Cinema

In this blog post, I present my post-doctoral research within the DEMA project in which I examine the genealogy of home cinema and amateur moviemaking as early-twentieth century practices by means of an experimental media archaeological approach.
Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory (DEMA)

17 Mai 2019

rédigé par :
Tim van der Heijden, Aleksander Kolkowski, Stefan Krebs, Andreas Fickers

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory (DEMA)

In September 2019, C²DH will launch the DEMA project which will provide a systematic reflection on the methodological underpinnings of experimental media archaeology as a practical and sensorial approach to media historiography.
Using Digital Tools to Generate Subtitles for a Radio Play

21 Janvier 2019

rédigé par :
Stefan Krebs

Using Digital Tools to Generate Subtitles for a Radio Play

This entry briefly describes how we generated English subtitles (using digital tools) for the binaural radio play "Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie" we produced in 2017.
Forum Z
Lost Memories of WW1

5 Octobre 2018

rédigé par :
Sandra Camarda

Lost Memories of WW1

How do we look back on the Great War today, a century after the events unfolded? What do we remember of that time? What has been handed down to us of the conflicts and traumas that took place? What memories are conserved by objects, places and commemorative practices? And what stories have been deliberately sidelined or simply lost?
Materializing memories, dispositives, generations, amateurs

9 Juillet 2018

Materializing memories, dispositives, generations, amateurs

Research seminar with Andreas Fickers and Tim Van der Heijden.
The Historical Art of Projection

29 Mai 2018

rédigé par :
Eva Andersen, Sytze Van Herck

The Historical Art of Projection

In the Hands-On History seminar on the 24th of May by Dr. Ludwig M. Vogl-Bienek and Karin Bienek from the University of Trier we were introduced to the history of the magic lantern. After a brief overview during the lecture, we got to experience a live performance of the magic lantern in our Digital History lab. We were also encouraged to experiment with some smaller but original magic lanterns.
Hands on History logo

11 Janvier 2018

The Historical Art of Projection. Digital and experimental approaches to the archaeology of the screen

Hands-on History session with Karin Bienek and Ludwig Vogl-Bienek (University of Trier).
