Lars Wieneke holds a PhD in Engineering from the Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany. After graduating from the Technical University of Ilmenau he worked as a researcher in the Department of Interface Design at the Bauhaus-University Weimar. Funded by a Marie-Curie fellowship, Lars joined the EPOCH/CHIRON research group at the University of Brighton in January 2007 and specialised in the application of user-created content for museums and cultural heritage. In 2009, Lars worked as an independent consultant for museums and cultural heritage in France before becoming project manager of a joint research project between the Jewish Museum Berlin and the University of Applied Sciences Berlin. He joined the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) in 2011 and worked as a researcher in the Digital Humanities Lab. In 2014, he became the Head of the Information & Technology department at the CVCE. On the 1. of July 2016 he joined the University of Luxembourg and became head of the digital research infrastructure of C2DH in April 2017. Lars has worked in multiple international projects and networks. He acted as a work package leader in the FP7 funded project CUbRIK where he coordinated the development of histoGraph, a new tool for the indexation, exploration and analysis of multimedia archives that incorporates graph visualisation approaches and different levels of crowd-sorucing. He was also a co-head of the Europeana taskforce on User-Generated content and is currently a co-head of the working group on visualisation and interactivity in DARIAH.

Lars Wieneke
Head of Digital Research Infrastructure
Lars is the Head of Digital Research Infrastructure