Holocaust History and Memory

Source: Fonds Consistoire Israélite, microfilm 30, document 1135 © ANLux

Judenstern zur Kennzeichnung der Wohnung von Juden (Mai 1942): "Der beigefügte Judenstern in schwarzem Druck auf weissem Papier ist neben dem Namenschild Ihrer Wohnung oder in Ermangelung dessen im Türrahmen des Wohnungseinganges von aussen s i c h t b a r durch Aufkleben zu befestigen. Zuwiderhandlungen gegen die vorgeschriebene Regelung werden mit staatspolizeilichen Massnahmen geahndet."

This Forum Z centres around three themes related to Holocaust history and memory – Holocaust history in the digital age, the Holocaust and Jewish life in Luxembourg, and combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe.

The event will involve three different parts: presentations, demonstrations and a round table discussion.


1. The Holocaust and Jewish life in Luxembourg: filling the gaps

The gaps in the history of the Holocaust in Luxembourg and the current legacies of the Holocaust (spoliation, postwar Jewish community) will be the focus of short presentations and discussions.

  • Vincent Artuso (Historian): L'État luxembourgeois et la "Question juive". 1930-1950
  • Denis Scuto (C²DH): L’État luxembourgeois et le retour des Juifs au Luxembourg en 1945
  • Elisabeth Hoffmann and Jérôme Courtoy (Musée national de la Résistance): Luxemburger und der Holocaust. Neue Forschungsergebnisse zum Reserve-Polizeibataillon 101
  • Renée Wagener (Historian): Quantité négligeable: Das Luxemburger Entschädigungsgesetz von 1950 und die jüdischen Opfer
  • Laurent Moyse (Journalist and Author): Lost families and lost assets: the need to clarify


2. Holocaust research in the digital age

The second part of the event offers the opportunity to learn more about new possibilities and methodologies for Holocaust research. Visitors can walk around a series of work stations featuring the following project demonstrations:

  • Arolsen Archives, presented by Christiane Weber
  • European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI), presented by Adina Babeş-Fruchter
  • Database of 3.100 foreign Jews in Luxembourg in 1940: statistical exploitation, graphs, maps, visualisations, presented by Marc Gloden and Robert Beța (C²DH)
  • Iwalk (Jewish community in Esch and Luxembourg), presented by Jakub Bronec (C²DH)
  • Digitised private archives of the Harf Family (1940-1947) as part of a website project about the Jewish community in Luxembourg, presented by Georges Büchler (C²DH)


3. Combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe


What is the state of anti-Semitism in Europe, and Luxembourg, today? How can it be situated within the broader context of rising hate speech and crime, online and offline? What methods are being proposed to combat it? How does it relate to politics and the broader memory battles that are being fought in Europe today? These will be the themes addressed during a round table discussion with the following participants:

  • Dr. Gerben Zaagsma (moderator, C²DH)
  • Georges Santer (Ambassador, Chair of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance/IHRA)
  • Prof. David Feldman (Director, Pears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, Birkbeck, University of London)
  • François Moyse (Chair, European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage)


Wednesday, 5 February 2020

17.00 - 20.00

Orangerie - Domaine Thermal Mondorf
36 Avenue des Bains
L-5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

Languages spoken: French, German, Luxembourgish, English

Refreshments will be served.


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