In 2018, the MNHA decided to create a 3D model of its building. Aware of the complexity of its exhibition spaces the museum wants to provide a tool that allows for a better comprehension of its architecture that goes beyond the possibilities of simple images. Visitors are encouraged to discover the museum through an immersive experience. The presentation will focus on the underlying technology, its advantages as well as its limits. Attention will also be given to the opportunities the 3D tool presents in the context of the online publication of the MNHA’s collections.
Gilles Zeimet holds a master of history and history of art from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. After working for Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain and the Information and Press Service of the Luxembourg Government, he joined the fine arts department of the National Museum of History and Art (MNHA) in 2009. In 2018, he was appointed to the post of digital curator at the MNHA. He currently is responsible for the museum’s collection management system, its online collection platform as well as a number of long-term digitisation projects.

Wednesday, 24 April, 14.00 - 15.00
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History
University of Luxembourg - Maison des Sciences humaines
4th floor
Belval Campus
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette