The challenges currently facing historians attempting to write the history of European integration are twofold: they must deal with both paradigmatic changes in the discipline and the geopolitical upheavals that have swept the continent since the late 20th century. In this context, today’s historians need to find answers to a number of fundamental questions. How can they write and recount contemporary European history at a time when real events are overtaking our prospective imagination and when the rules, grammar and codes have all shifted significantly? How can they develop a comprehensive, 360-degree view of Europe and its place in the world? How can they foster a new vision of European history by means of a comparative, multifaceted and democratic approach? How can they strike a balance between the resurgence of identity-based national historical narratives and the development of a unified narrative of European history? What role should interdisciplinarity, new digital methodologies, interactive approaches and networking play in analysing and interpreting sources?
To explore these questions in more depth, the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), Paris-Sorbonne University’s LabEx-EHNE and the European Parliament would like to invite you to the fifth ForumZ, entitled A new narrative for Europe: Quo vadis?, which will take place on
Friday 13 October 2017 from 18.00 to 19.30
at the University of Luxembourg’s Belval Campus (Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) – 6, avenue du Swing, L-4367 Belvaux.
18h00- 18h05 Ouverture de la manifestation
Ouverture de la manifestation par le Prof. Dr Andreas Fickers, Directeur du Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH)
18h05- 18h35 Exposé
«Écrire une histoire nouvelle pour l’Europe », Prof.Dr Eric Bussière, Professeur à l’Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, chaire Jean Monnet d’histoire de la construction européenne, Directeur du LabEx EHNE
18h30 -19h15 Défis de l’écriture d’une nouvelle histoire pour l’Europe (approches, méthodologies, sources, problématiques, outils pédagogiques, réseautage)
- Données massives, nouvelles méthodes pour l' » - Dr Frédéric Clavert, Senior Researcher C²DH
- Nouvelles archives, nouveaux usages : accompagner la révolution numérique » - Hélène Lhoumeau, Administrative manager - Archivist, Direction générale la Recherche parlementaire, Parlement européen
- Entre mémoire et histoire : les Archives historiques du Parlement européen face aux enjeux de l'histoire orale » - Dr Étienne Deschamps, Archives historiques du Parlement européen
- ‘Introducing IMPRESSO. Media Monitoring of the Past’ - Dr Marten Düring, Researcher C²DH
- Ressources numériques pour enseigner la décolonisation depuis 1945: enjeux géopolitiques et impact sur le processus d’intégration européenne » - Marco Gabellini et Victoria Mouton, Collaborateurs de recherche C²DH
- ‘Europe seen through the lens of Socialist television “ – Dr Dana Mustata, Assistant Professor University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
- ‘The heuritics of distant reading for the history of antieuropean ideas’ - Estelle Bunhout, Research Associate C²DH
- ‘Tensions of Europe: Technologie and the hidden integration of Europe’ – Prof. Dr Aristotle Tympas , National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
- Raconter l’Histoire par le dessin de presse» - exposition virtuelle de Pierre Kroll, Caricaturiste (Belgique)
19h15 – 19h55 Débat avec le public, modéré par Prof. Dr Andreas Fickers
20h00 – Clôture de la manifestation - Vin d’honneur
Read more about the challenges historians are facing today.