Zwangsrekrutierung: Geschichte von unten erzählen

Zwangsrekrutierung: Geschichte von unten erzählen

15 Février 2021

Denis Scuto, Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The winner writes it all. Wie erzählen wir Vergangenheit?

The winner writes it all. Wie erzählen wir Vergangenheit?

11 Février 2021

Christoph Brüll
Compte rendu de Jakob Müller, Die importierte Nation

Compte rendu de Jakob Müller, Die importierte Nation

11 Février 2021

Christoph Brüll
Images alliées de la libération des camps nazis

Images alliées de la libération des camps nazis

La seconde guerre mondiale terminée, le procès de Nuremberg ouvre une nouvelle ère : celle des poursuites judiciaires pour « crimes contre l’humanité », mais aussi celle du recours à l’image comme « preuve ». La projection de films de la libération des camps nazis pendant les audiences du procès de Nuremberg constitue un moment révolutionnaire et fondamental. Ces films tournés et montés par les Soviétiques, les Anglais et surtout les Américains – qui travaillent

5 Février 2021

Christoph Brüll
What Are Scientific Models? Problems with the Fiction View

What Are Scientific Models? Problems with the Fiction View

5 Février 2021

Thomas Durlacher
  • Digital history & historiography
Public Covid-19 Collections and the Second Wave: History and Challenges 26.11.2020

Public Covid-19 Collections and the Second Wave: History and Challenges 26.11.2020

4 Février 2021

Marco Gabellini, Tizian Zumthurm
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Secondary school principals and liminality in Polish Upper Silesia (1919-1939)

Secondary school principals and liminality in Polish Upper Silesia (1919-1939)

Establishing and implementing rules that would teach young people to become active citizens became a crucial technique for turning those spots on the map of Europe whose sovereignty had shifted after World War I into lived social spaces. This article analyses how principals of borderland secondary schools negotiated transformation in Polish Upper Silesia with the help of Arnold Van Gennep’s notion that a shift in social statuses possessed a spatiality and temporality of its own.

1 Février 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Keen ass vergiess - Näischt gëtt vergiess

Keen ass vergiess - Näischt gëtt vergiess

The authors tell from the lives of three married couples. The men and one of the women immigrated to Luxembourg from Russia via Germany and France at the beginning of the 20th century, the other two wives came from Luxembourg or the border area. The married couple Aronow-Herz, Fakorowitsch-Levy and Lukmanski-Lubinstein and their children tell stories of migration and integration, of constraints and freedom, of plans and setbacks. And then the story of the unthinkable: the Shoah.

31 Janvier 2021

Inna Ganschow, Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Niemand ist vergessen - Nichts wird vergessen

Niemand ist vergessen - Nichts wird vergessen

This article of Inna Ganschow and Denis Scuto reconstructs the stories of the families Families Aronow-Herz, Faktorowitsch-Levy, Lukmanski-Lubinstein, Jewish families immigrated from Russia to Germany, France and finally Luxembourg in the 1920s, their lives and work in the Grand-Duchy and their deportation from Luxembourg to Lizmannstadt (Lodz) on 16th Octobre 1941.

30 Janvier 2021

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Internet and the EU Market from a historical perspective

The Internet and the EU Market from a historical perspective

Co-organization of the conference: This conference, organised by the Robert Schuman Initiative for European Affairs with the support of the C²DH, aims to examine the relationship between the Internet, EU regulation and market integration from a historical perspective.

29 Janvier 2021

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Le développement du numérique nous rend-il de plus en plus proches ?

Le développement du numérique nous rend-il de plus en plus proches ?

Préprogramme Traduction simultanée en français et en hongrois Jeudi 28 Janvier 2021 – EN LIGNE 17h00 – 17h20 Ouverture : Anna Sándor, Journaliste à nő et à 17h20 – 18h00 Table ronde : Le développement du numérique nous rend-il de plus en plus proches ? Modération réalisée par Anna Sándor, ancienne journaliste à nő et à Participants :

28 Janvier 2021

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
#YesWeCare: Die Übersehenen

#YesWeCare: Die Übersehenen

After someone dies of the coronavirus and medical staff is no longer needed, work for more COVID fighters begins - the morticians.

28 Janvier 2021

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Rule of Law, Democracy and the EU-East enlargement:Case Study on Hungary and Poland

Rule of Law, Democracy and the EU-East enlargement:Case Study on Hungary and Poland

The European Communities (founded in 1951) with the ECSC and then the European Union started out as an exclusively west European enterprise. The guarantee of the “rule of law” was one of the criteria for accession to the European Union which the EU defined at the Copenhagen European Council in 1993, together with stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, human rights, and respect for and protection of minorities. the existence of a functioning market economy as well as the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.

18 Janvier 2021

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Discussant of Working Group: Migration Crisis and Human Rights: A Challenge for the EU

Discussant of Working Group: Migration Crisis and Human Rights: A Challenge for the EU

18 Janvier 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Keynote: Migration, Borderlands and International Law in 20th Century Continental Europe.

Keynote: Migration, Borderlands and International Law in 20th Century Continental Europe.

18 Janvier 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
E Brandstëfter an seng historesch Rezepter

E Brandstëfter an seng historesch Rezepter

Historian Denis Scuto, vice-director of Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History discusses the frontal attack by Trump and his supporters against democratic institutions and historical traditions.

17 Janvier 2021

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Un incendiaire et ses recettes historiques

Un incendiaire et ses recettes historiques

Historian Denis Scuto, vice-director of Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History discusses the frontal attack by Trump and his supporters against democratic institutions and historical traditions.

16 Janvier 2021

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Round table: Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

Round table: Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

The international virtual conference “#DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age” took place from 11 to 14 January 2021 and brought together more than sixty scholars and heritage practitioners to discuss how the digital turn affects the field of Jewish Studies. The conference ended with a closing round table, which was introduced and moderated by Gerben Zaagsma, and featured Miriam Rürup, Sinai Rusinek, Daniel Stoekl Ben Ezra, Rachel Deblinger and Jeffrey Shandler.

14 Janvier 2021

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
Presentation of De Gruyter New Book Series 'Migrations in History'

Presentation of De Gruyter New Book Series 'Migrations in History'

12 Janvier 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Interplay between success and patterns of human collaboration: case study of a Thai Research Institute

Interplay between success and patterns of human collaboration: case study of a Thai Research Institute

11 Janvier 2021

Antonio Fiscarelli
