L’analyse de la publicité des années 1960

L’analyse de la publicité des années 1960

13 Septembre 2022

Matthias Höfer
Combiner lecture proche et distante: l’exemple de la viralité en ligne

Combiner lecture proche et distante: l’exemple de la viralité en ligne

Cette intervention s’intéressera à la combinaison de la lecture proche et distante, des échelles micro et macro, en proposant de réfléchir aux enjeux, outils, défis et parfois limites de ce qui est qualifié de scalable reading . Des recherches en cours sur la viralité en ligne et les mèmes, et notamment le cas du Harlem Shake, seront pris pour cas d'étude, avant d’inviter les participants à penser à leur tour leur sujet en terme de scalable reading .

13 Septembre 2022

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe


Entry related to virality in this online dictionary on public and audience

9 Septembre 2022

Valérie Schafer, Fred Pailler
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Regesta Reginarum – Ressources and Revenues in the RIplus Database

Regesta Reginarum – Ressources and Revenues in the RIplus Database

5 Septembre 2022

Anna Jagos
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Toy created by an Ostarbeiter

Toy created by an Ostarbeiter

During the war, the steel industry in Esch played an important strategic role for the Germans. To ensure and increase production, unskilled additional labour was needed. Thus, the German occupiers resorted to the occupied peoples of Soviet Union and Poland, who were transported to Luxembourg to work in the steel mills and mines. The first so called Ostarbeiter entered Luxembourg during October 1942 and were placed in different barracks called Ostarbeiterlager. Most of these barracks were located in the south of Luxembourg, close to the iron and steel industries.

2 Septembre 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Modéliser l’information archéologique à l’ère du Web sémantique

Modéliser l’information archéologique à l’ère du Web sémantique

Face aux constantes mutations technologiques, il est important d’adapter les pratiques professionnelles en archéologie. Cependant, cette adaptation ne peut se réussir que si elle tient pleinement compte des fondements épistémologiques de la discipline.

1 Septembre 2022

Muriel van Ruymbeke
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Terra Mosana. Les réalités 3D et augmentée à l’Archéoforum

Terra Mosana. Les réalités 3D et augmentée à l’Archéoforum

Le recours aux nouvelles technologies dans un contexte muséal s’est amplifié ces dernières années. Les exemples deviennent nombreux et prennent des directions multiples. La dimension supplémentaire offerte par les réalités augmentée et virtuelle au sein même du contenu et de la narration des institutions muséales s’avère définitivement enthousiasmante et ouvre le champ des possibles.

1 Septembre 2022

Muriel van Ruymbeke
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Anna Jagos : Meet the researcher

Anna Jagos : Meet the researcher

1 Septembre 2022

Anna Jagos
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Politics of Graves – Negotiations, Practice and Reactions about Fallen German Soldiers of World War Two and Their Resting Places in Russia

The Politics of Graves – Negotiations, Practice and Reactions about Fallen German Soldiers of World War Two and Their Resting Places in Russia

The coming to terms with the past is essential as a negotiating point in interstate relations, especially in the consequences of the Second World War. Not only the question towards compensation, guilt and victimhood but as well in numbers and losses of humans - and their remains. The dealing of the commemoration of the dead and their resting places makes an integral part in the history politics. After the end of the Soviet Union, the new Russian Federation signed an agreement with the Federal Republic of Germany on the war graves in both countries.

1 Septembre 2022

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Crowdsourcing as “Live” Collection – Project Warlux – War Experiences in Luxembourg

Crowdsourcing as “Live” Collection – Project Warlux – War Experiences in Luxembourg

In February 2021, a team at the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg launched a call for contributions as part of the project, “WARLUX – War Experiences in Luxembourg,” funded by the Luxembourgish Research Fund (Fond National de la Recherche). The team researches the personal side of the Luxembourgish war generation’s history. To uncover the individual experiences of these men, women and families, the team asked the public to share their family stories, letters, diaries, photographs, and other personal documents.

31 Août 2022

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Keynote Lecture on "History in and beyond the classroom: Practicing public history as project-based learning"

Keynote Lecture on "History in and beyond the classroom: Practicing public history as project-based learning"

31 Août 2022

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
born digitals und die historische Wissenschaft. Annäherungen an eine Quellenkunde für genuin elektronisches Archivmaterial

born digitals und die historische Wissenschaft. Annäherungen an eine Quellenkunde für genuin elektronisches Archivmaterial

Expertenworkshop am 30./31.08.2022 im Landesarchiv NRW in Duisburg: born digitals und die historische Wissenschaft – Annäherungen an eine Quellenkunde für genuin elektronisches Archivmaterial

30 Août 2022

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
What Makes Public History Truly International?

What Makes Public History Truly International?

Public History and history didactics are two subdisciplines of history that focus on reaching the world outside the academy. Both put an emphasis on “practising” history while at the same time grounding practice on theoretical reflection and empirical research with the ultimate goal of developing the most effective strategies of reaching diverse audiences to enhance historical knowledge and understanding.

25 Août 2022

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history


Data collections are essential for historical research. In addition to official archives and state institutions, collections from research institutions and private holders face different challenges in creation and consistency, preservation and use. While most private collections are stored in official and state archives due to donations or the acquisition of private holdings, crowdsourcing data as private collections is a different approach. Crowdsourcing has become popular in Citizen Science and public history projects in the last decade.

25 Août 2022

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Panel report: Die Stadt als Biotop? Umweltgestaltung, ökologisches Wissen und urbane Natur im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert

Panel report: Die Stadt als Biotop? Umweltgestaltung, ökologisches Wissen und urbane Natur im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert

22 Août 2022

Eliane Schmid
  • Digital history & historiography
Polishing the Image of a Nation-State: Luxembourg and the Uses of the Past since the 1990s

Polishing the Image of a Nation-State: Luxembourg and the Uses of the Past since the 1990s

Since the 1990s the Luxembourg government has increasingly used the past to improve the country’s image. Though this use of history was not new, it has evolved significantly from the 1990s onward, both due to international influences and to specifically Luxembourgish developments. The transformation of the cultural landscape, the organisation of large events, and the European integration process are some examples. The contribution will analyse the uses of the past by public authorities in Luxembourg within this context.

18 Août 2022

Fabio Spirinelli
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Exhibiting the Industrial Past and Digital Storytelling

Exhibiting the Industrial Past and Digital Storytelling

17 Août 2022

Viktoria Boretska, Daniel Richter
  • Public history
Public Engagement with Web Archives

Public Engagement with Web Archives

With a view to ensuring future access to digital cultural heritage, the first Web collections were established in the mid-1990s. To date there exist for example some 25 national Web archives in Europe that collect and preserve Web material and the Internet Archive has saved 651 billion pages since 1996. However, research projects based on the archived Web rarely engage with or include the general public.

17 Août 2022

Valérie Schafer
Organising a “Temporary History Lab” in Esch-sur-Alzette (2019)

Organising a “Temporary History Lab” in Esch-sur-Alzette (2019)

17 Août 2022

Julia Harnoncourt, Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Il y a cent ans au Congo belge: Les Luxembourgeois à pied d’égalité avec les Belges au Congo

Il y a cent ans au Congo belge: Les Luxembourgeois à pied d’égalité avec les Belges au Congo

2 Août 2022

Kevin Goergen
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
