Digital history & historiography

Does Blogging Make You a Better Academic? Writing Practices in Scholarly Blogs in the Humanities

25 June 2020

Guest lecture by Dr. Mareike König (German Historical Institute Paris) in the framework of the DTU-DHH Master Class “Digital History and Hermeneutics”.

Social media enables scientists to cooperate and collaborate from various places around the world – considerably enriching their worlds intellectually. Utilizing social media, researchers engage personally in processes of creation both as participants and critics, gaining access to different publics and audiences in- and outside academia. However, promises of democratization, participation, and transparency have not yet been fulfilled, despite a flourishing practice. This presentation will focus on scientific blogging in the humanities as a way of communicating research results with peers and larger audiences. What has changed, and what is radically new within this digital practice that is around since the beginning of 2000? How does blogging affect scholarly narratives and the ways, in which knowledge is presented, how questions are asked and answered?

Based on the observations of scholarly blogging on the platform hypotheses and on results of a large survey among scientific bloggers in 2019, the talk will try to answer these questions and will highlight writing practices, motivations and routines of history blogs.

Mareike König is head of the Digital Humanities department and the library of the German Historical Institute in Paris. She is also project manager of, the German speaking blogging portal for the humanities and social sciences.


25 June 2020

14.00 - 15.00

Online - Webex

If you want to participate, please send an e-mail to to get the link.


The lecture is part of the DTU-DHH Master Class “Digital History and Hermeneutics”.