Die Personenstandsaufnahme und das Vetorecht der Quellen. Teil 4: Überlegungen zur völkischen Politik

The "Personenstandsaufnahme" of 10 October 1941, a census conducted by the German occupier in Luxembourg with additional questions on nationality, mother tongue and ethnicity, is one of the best-known historical events in Luxembourg's contemporary history. Together with the strike against forced recruitment in August/September 1942, it remains an integral part of the culture of remembrance and historiography to this day. Interestingly, no one has yet analysed the Personenstandsaufnahme itself, more precisely the sample of census cards collected, in which almost 100% of the Luxembourgers surveyed allegedly answered "3 X Lëtzebuerg", census cards that have been available online since the end of April 2024 in the inventory of the "Chief of the Civil Administration" fund in the National Archives. These percentages were first disseminated by the resistance organisations - a first leaflet from the end of October 1941 speaks of 95% - and by the government-in-exile - the first Luxembourg Bulletin of July 1942 speaks of 97-98% - and were not seriously questioned by anyone for decades. In a series of two articles by Philippe Blasen and Denis Scuto, both the historical context and the context of origin are outlined and - for the first time - a partial analysis of the civil registration (sample of the " Kreis Esch/Alzig ") is carried out.

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