Author of the comic strip "The Miner from Italy", Irène Portas Vázquez is laureate of the "Conter et Rencontrer les Sciences" competition, organised by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie en Europe Occidentale (AUF Europe occidentale) to reward the best French-language popular science content produced by young researchers.
“Amongst the countless Italian migrants living in the Minett in the first half of the twentieth century, some got involved in underground communist networks. Through secret meetings, clandestine propaganda and subversive actions, they attempted to overthrow a system deemed pernicious for the worker of the Minett. How far did the boundaries of legality extend in the Minett? How were these boundaries transgressed and by whom?” Luigi's story, main character of the Comic, might hold some answers to these questions.
"The Miner from Italy" is part of the Minett Stories online exhibition produced by the Remixing Industrial Pasts team.