Computational Approaches to Digitised Historical Newspapers (Dagstuhl Seminar 22292)

Computational Approaches to Digitised Historical Newspapers (Dagstuhl Seminar 22292)

Historical newspapers are mirrors of past societies, keeping track of the small and great history and reflecting the political, moral, and economic environments in which they were produced. Highly valued as primary sources by historians and humanities scholars, newspaper archives have been massively digitised in libraries, resulting in large collections of machine-readable documents and, over the past half-decade, in numerous academic research initiatives on their automatic processing.

1 Januar 2023

Marten Düring
  • Digital history & historiography
Vergangenheitsangst im Plenarsaal. Politik und Geschichte im deutschsprachigen Belgien seit 1973: ein politik- und emotionsgeschichtlicher Zugang

Vergangenheitsangst im Plenarsaal. Politik und Geschichte im deutschsprachigen Belgien seit 1973: ein politik- und emotionsgeschichtlicher Zugang

Wie haben ostbelgische Politiker über die regionale Vergangenheit gesprochen? Welche Emotionen begleiteten dieses Sprechen oder machten es aus? Wie verhielten sich ihre Interventionen zum Stand der Erforschung der Regionalgeschichte? Die seit der langen Nachkriegszeit in Ostbelgien präsente Vergangenheitsangst veränderte sich spätestens seit den 2000er Jahren und damit änderten sich auch die Bedingungen, unter denen Regionalgeschichte gemacht wurde.

1 Januar 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
La découverte de l’immigration par la psychiatrie belge dans les « Trente Glorieuses »

La découverte de l’immigration par la psychiatrie belge dans les « Trente Glorieuses »

1 Januar 2023

Benoît Majerus
Evaluating Parameter-Efficient Finetuning Approaches for Pre-trained Models on the Financial Domain

Evaluating Parameter-Efficient Finetuning Approaches for Pre-trained Models on the Financial Domain

1 Januar 2023

Shohreh Haddadan
Ethics of Sharing and Transmission: Learning from Covid19 Documentation

Ethics of Sharing and Transmission: Learning from Covid19 Documentation

1 Januar 2023

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Yiddish Periodicals in Germany - Dataset V1

Yiddish Periodicals in Germany - Dataset V1

This repository contains a dataset of known Yiddish newspapers and periodicals published in Germany. The list is based upon cataloguing and holding information from the libraries and book listed on the Github page. The list is provided as an Excel sheet and is a work in progress.

1 Januar 2023

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Historian cultures – the epistemology and methodology of history in the digital age - CulturHist

Historian cultures – the epistemology and methodology of history in the digital age - CulturHist

CulturHist has its sights particularly on the community of researchers, who have done little to make the results and suggestions offered by the digital humanities their own. We want to focus the discussion on a cross cutting issue: the link to archives, as the raw material for writing an account of the past. The habit of working digitally of those historians who do not nowadays verbalise their computer practices is now widespread and is bolstered by policies aimed at making many digitised document collections available online.

1 Januar 2023

Frédéric Clavert
Theorizing Human Trafficking and Unfree Labor1

Theorizing Human Trafficking and Unfree Labor1

In this article, we are dealing with human trafficking for reasons of labor exploitation. For us, it is important to look at the historicity of the reality of unfree labor, which for Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa, mostly means its connection to chattel slavery, the illegalization of unfree labor, and the development of the legal term of human trafficking and the introduction of laws against it. In looking at where today’s legal, social, and political reality is coming from, we are also able to deepen our critique of today’s law and its application.

1 Januar 2023

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Zum vermeintlichen Verschwinden des Reparierens in Luxemburg, 1956–1987

Zum vermeintlichen Verschwinden des Reparierens in Luxemburg, 1956–1987

Die Geschichte des Reparierens wird meist als Niedergangsgeschichte erzählt: Das sich wandelnde Verhältnis zwischen Anschaffungs- und Reparaturkosten von Konsumgütern hätte dazu geführt, dass immer weniger repariert wurde und private Konsumenten stattdessen direkt neue Geräte angeschafft hätten. Als Wendepunkt hin zur sogenannten Wegwerfgesellschaft werden für Westeuropa die 1970er und 1980er Jahre genannt. Am Beispiel Luxemburgs soll der Wan- del des Reparaturfeldes für diesen Zeitraum näher untersucht werden.

1 Januar 2023

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
From the 19th to the 21st Century: Paradigmatic Shifts in the Luxembourgs Economy

From the 19th to the 21st Century: Paradigmatic Shifts in the Luxembourgs Economy

Beginning in the 20th century, Luxembourg experienced several periods of transition. The largely agriculture-based economy became industrialized, driven by a powerful steel industry which remained the dominant sector from the immediate post-Second World War years to the mid-1970s. In 1974 the steel industry began to decline, marking the end of the ‘Trente Glorieuses’. Luxembourg was forced to implement considerable structural changes and embarked on its second major transition, from an industrial economy to a service economy based on the financial sector.

1 Januar 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Ein (un)möglicher Dialog? Überlegungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Schriftstellern und Historikern in Ostbelgien

Ein (un)möglicher Dialog? Überlegungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Schriftstellern und Historikern in Ostbelgien

1 Januar 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Ida PRISANT (1900-1966), Nathan GODIN (1891-1949)

Ida PRISANT (1900-1966), Nathan GODIN (1891-1949)

Both born of Russian nationality, but she in present-day Poland and he in Belarus, Ida and Nathan arrived separately in Luxembourg in the late 1910s, married and had five sons. From 1922 on, they were itinerant merchants selling knitted and crocheted goods on the markets and lived in Esch-sur-Alzette and then Luxembourg-City. During the war, they lived in exile, hidden in Brussels, and, like their children, they survived. They returned to Esch, where they opened a store at 110 rue du Nord and then at 114 rue de l'Alzette.

1 Januar 2023

Inna Ganschow, Sebastien Moreau
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg


In den langen 1960er Jahren finden sich auf der Schueberfouer Einflüsse kultureller Transfers und Elemente, die die Attraktivität des Jahrmarkts steigern sollten. In diesem Vortrag sollen diese Transfers und Elemente anhand von zwei Aspekten näher beleuchtet werden. Zudem wird ein Überblick über den aktuellen Stand meiner Forschung und die Forschungsfragen gegeben.

1 Januar 2023

Véronique Faber
1870 ou l’invention de l’Alsace contemporaine. Généalogie d’un territoire singulier

1870 ou l’invention de l’Alsace contemporaine. Généalogie d’un territoire singulier

Cert article retrace la « généalogie des lieux » de l’Alsace contemporaine, dans laquelle la cartographie a joué un rôle essentiel, et s’efforce de restituer les conséquences démographiques qui la bouleversèrent durablement. Il revient ainsi sur les opérations de démarcation de l’Alsace au début des années 1870, et sur l’option de nationalité offerte à ses habitants, qui est à l’origine de la plus grande émigration de l’histoire de la région aux XIXe et XXe siècles.

1 Januar 2023

Benoit Vaillot
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Italy’s Total Factor Productivity in a Global Economy: Growth and Spillover Effects (c. 1400–2010)

Italy’s Total Factor Productivity in a Global Economy: Growth and Spillover Effects (c. 1400–2010)

Due to a lack of historical data, there is a gap in the literature with regard to total factor productivity (TFP) series in the long run for Italy. In this article, by combing information from the literature, original TFP estimates assessed with a “price dual” methodology (where changes in factor prices are used to capture physical output), and a Cobb–Douglas production equation, we first introduce a set of new TFP measures for Italy between 1360 and 1770 as well as for various global regions from c. 1400 to 2010.

1 Januar 2023

Matteo Calabrese
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Entangled Media Ecologies: The Nexus of Education and Mass Communication from the Perspective of UNESCO (1945-1989)

Entangled Media Ecologies: The Nexus of Education and Mass Communication from the Perspective of UNESCO (1945-1989)

Numerous studies and handbooks in the history of education are devoted to the history of educational media and the evolution of educational technologies. This chapter puts an explicit focus on the implications and conceptual background of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization´s (UNESCO) technology-driven idea of education, which already took shape before the 1957 Sputnik shock.

1 Januar 2023

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Robert Schuman - From Clausen to Europe. In the footsteps of a committed European

Robert Schuman - From Clausen to Europe. In the footsteps of a committed European

1 Januar 2023

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
Recensie van: Sieger Vreeling, Geen stijl: Een rijkere architectuurgeschiedenis

Recensie van: Sieger Vreeling, Geen stijl: Een rijkere architectuurgeschiedenis

1 Januar 2023

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Minderheitenangst und Zerfallsfurcht. Vorstellungen von der Zukunft Belgiens in den Autonomiedebatten der deutschsprachigen Belgier seit den 1980er Jahren

Minderheitenangst und Zerfallsfurcht. Vorstellungen von der Zukunft Belgiens in den Autonomiedebatten der deutschsprachigen Belgier seit den 1980er Jahren

The conceptions of Belgium that lie behind the demands of German-speaking

1 Januar 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Entre inquiétudes des minorités et peurs d'une désintégration. Représentations de l'avenir de la Belgique au sein des débats sur l'autonomie des Belges germanophones depuis les années 1980

Entre inquiétudes des minorités et peurs d'une désintégration. Représentations de l'avenir de la Belgique au sein des débats sur l'autonomie des Belges germanophones depuis les années 1980

The conceptions of Belgium that lie behind the demands of German-speaking Belgians for the expansion of their autonomy have not yet come into the focus of historical and political science research. What future do they associate with the Belgian state when they claim a community-region or a ‘Belgium of four’? This article attempts to approach this question by analysing four regimes of fear that determine East Belgian discourses: Fear of the past, fear of minorities, fear of being overwhelmed and fear of disintegration.

1 Januar 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
