Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past

Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past

1 Januar 2021

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Authenticity. Historical Data Integrity and the Layered Materiality of Digital Objects

Authenticity. Historical Data Integrity and the Layered Materiality of Digital Objects

As media environments and communication practices evolve over time, so do theoretical concepts. This book analyzes some of the most well-known and fiercely discussed concepts of the digital age from a historical perspective, showing how many of them have pre-digital roots and how they have changed and still are constantly changing in the digital era. Written by leading authors in media and communication studies, the chapters historicize 16 concepts that have become central in the digital media literature, focusing on three main areas.

1 Januar 2021

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Introducing the DHARPA Project:  An interdisciplinary lab to enable critical DH practice

Introducing the DHARPA Project: An interdisciplinary lab to enable critical DH practice

1 Januar 2021

Lorella Viola
  • Digital history & historiography
History for/with/by the Publics

History for/with/by the Publics

The future of historiography seems to belong to Public History Thomas Cauvin author of the path breaking book Public History A Textbook of Practice, even argues that we should all become public historians. In his book and as a public historian he explored fields as different as brewing and food history digital public history controversies over monuments public history as empowerment and the possibility of an international public history.

1 Januar 2021

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Medical Histories of Belgium New Narratives on Health, Care and Citizenship in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Medical Histories of Belgium New Narratives on Health, Care and Citizenship in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

1 Januar 2021

Benoît Majerus
Impresso Inspect and Compare. Visual Comparison of Semantically Enriched Historical Newspaper Articles

Impresso Inspect and Compare. Visual Comparison of Semantically Enriched Historical Newspaper Articles

The automated enrichment of mass-digitised document collections using techniques such as text mining is becoming increasingly popular. Enriched collections offer new opportunities for interface design to allow data-driven and visualisation-based search, exploration and interpretation. Most such interfaces integrate close and distant reading and represent semantic, spatial, social or temporal relations, but often lack contrastive views.

1 Januar 2021

Marten Düring, Daniele Guido, Estelle Bunout
  • Digital history & historiography
Beyond boundaries: histories of dis/order and dis/ability

Beyond boundaries: histories of dis/order and dis/ability

1 Januar 2021

Benoît Majerus


1 Januar 2021

Benoît Majerus
The Occupied Institution: Culture and Science in the Landesmuseum in Luxembourg during the Nazi Occupation, 1940-1944

The Occupied Institution: Culture and Science in the Landesmuseum in Luxembourg during the Nazi Occupation, 1940-1944

1 Januar 2021

Fabio Spirinelli
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Rethinking the History of Repair: Repair Cultures and the "Lifespan" of Things

Rethinking the History of Repair: Repair Cultures and the "Lifespan" of Things

Stefan Krebs and Heike Weber historicise the concept of "repairing things" with a view to broadening and redefining the emphasis of current debates on repair as a "new social movement" and the emergence of a "repair society". These current discourses often lack a sense of the long history of repairing things which saw ups and downs in cultures of repair and self-repair. The chapter charts out the heterogeneity and interrelatedness of the actors involved in repair over time.

1 Januar 2021

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Maintaining the Mobility of Motor Cars: The Case of (West) Germany, 1918–1980

Maintaining the Mobility of Motor Cars: The Case of (West) Germany, 1918–1980

Stefan Krebs uses the case of Germany to investigate maintenance and repair as a central part of automobility. The chapter will look at two sides of car repair as the need to maintain the mobility function and the practice of a hobbyist consumer activity that promised status, community and identity. It highlights four aspects that framed repair as a necessary part of car consumption: the (un-)reliability of automobile technology; the emergence of a car repair infrastructure; repair costs, which determined to a large extent whether one could afford to drive a car; and DIY repair practices.

1 Januar 2021

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Introduction: sémiotiques de l'archive

Introduction: sémiotiques de l'archive

Ce numéro de Signata vise à poser la question de l’archive d’un point de vue sémiotique et sémio-pragmatique. On entend ici par « sémiotique » non pas une discipline unique, mais une pluralité de manières de questionner le sens, les formes et les valeurs au sein des disciplines historiques, sociologiques, philosophiques, linguistiques, médiatiques, artistiques, etc. Le but du dossier est ainsi la constitution d’une cartographie qui embrasse les différentes approches qui, dans le domaine de l’archive, peuvent faire émerger les questionnements liés au sens.

1 Januar 2021

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Technostalgie du présent: des technologies de la mémoire à une mémoire des technologies

Technostalgie du présent: des technologies de la mémoire à une mémoire des technologies

French translation of the article "Technostalgia of the present: from technologies of memory to a memory of technologies" (2015):

1 Januar 2021

Tim van der Heijden
  • Digital history & historiography
Children, Young People, and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook

Children, Young People, and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook

1 Januar 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Wilhelm II.

Wilhelm II.

1 Januar 2021

Werner Tschacher
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les anciens légionnaires et la protection sociale au Luxembourg. Une approche transnationale

Les anciens légionnaires et la protection sociale au Luxembourg. Une approche transnationale

1 Januar 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Visual Presence and Interpretation: Two Dimensions of the Fight Against Illiteracy in Texts by Carlo Levi and Photographs by David Seymour (1950)

Visual Presence and Interpretation: Two Dimensions of the Fight Against Illiteracy in Texts by Carlo Levi and Photographs by David Seymour (1950)

1 Januar 2021

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Media Technologies for a Better World: UNESCO’s Ethical Framework for Communication Infrastructures and Uses of Media after the Second World War

Media Technologies for a Better World: UNESCO’s Ethical Framework for Communication Infrastructures and Uses of Media after the Second World War

The paper looks at a global, non-commercial organization that not only steered worldwide innovation in communication infrastructure but also made efforts to define ethical standards for media use and mass communication. Established after the Second World War, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ran campaigns in the late 1940s to remove information barriers and foster the free flow of information throughout the world.

1 Januar 2021

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Media Matter: Introduction

Media Matter: Introduction

1 Januar 2021

Karin Priem
Review of: Sacha Pulli (2020). Das gescheiterte Jahrhundertprojekt. Die Geschichte der Atomzentrale in Remerschen von 1973-1979. Luxemburg: Fondation Lydie Schmit

Review of: Sacha Pulli (2020). Das gescheiterte Jahrhundertprojekt. Die Geschichte der Atomzentrale in Remerschen von 1973-1979. Luxemburg: Fondation Lydie Schmit

1 Januar 2021

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
