Introduction. The dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: border making and its consequences

Introduction. The dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: border making and its consequences

1 Februar 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Leben im Minett

Leben im Minett

1 Februar 2022

Julia Harnoncourt, Daniel Richter
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Comparing contemporaneous hunter-gatherer and early agrarian settlement systems with spatial point process models: Case study of the Estonian Stone Age

Comparing contemporaneous hunter-gatherer and early agrarian settlement systems with spatial point process models: Case study of the Estonian Stone Age

Inductive locational models have been used for decades to map the probability of past settlements and identify the preferred environmental conditions for habitation. In this study we apply inductive modelling to compare the spatial structure of the settlement systems of hunter-fisher-gatherer groups (Narva and Combed Ware Culture) and early agrarian communities (Corded Ware Culture) in Stone Age Estonia.

1 Februar 2022

Kaarel Sikk
  • Digital history & historiography
Debordering and Rebordering. Central and South-Eastern Europe after the First World War

Debordering and Rebordering. Central and South-Eastern Europe after the First World War

1 Februar 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The regional occupational structure in interwar England and Wales

The regional occupational structure in interwar England and Wales

A lack of regional data on the occupational structure in England and Wales during the interwar years has so far prevented extensive study of this time period. In the current paper, we fill this gap by reconstructing the occupational structure at the district level, based on a recently-digitized register for 1939 and by linking this dataset with the population censuses of 1911 and 1921. The resulting data reveals significant regional differences in the expansion of the tertiary sector, and the relative decline of agricultural and industrial activities.

28 Januar 2022

Matteo Calabrese
  • Contemporary history of Europe
LuxTime Machine seminar with Inna Ganschow: The parallel life behind the barbed wire in the Minette region in 1942-1944

LuxTime Machine seminar with Inna Ganschow: The parallel life behind the barbed wire in the Minette region in 1942-1944

The lecture by Inna Ganschow in the framework of LuxTime Machine is about two years in the history of the Minette region, from 1942 to 1944. The reconstruction focuses on the life in the camp of the female forced labourers who had been deported from the Soviet Union for slave labor in the steel industry of Luxembourg.

25 Januar 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Informationsfreiheit und Datenschutz: Das Luxemburger Archivgesetz von  2018 und die zeithistorische Forschung

Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Informationsfreiheit und Datenschutz: Das Luxemburger Archivgesetz von 2018 und die zeithistorische Forschung

Im Sommer 2018 trat in Luxemburg erstmals ein Archivgesetz in Kraft, das nach jahrelangen Verhandlungen – leider ohne Beteiligung der Archivnutzer*innen – zustande kam. Es war lange erwartet und definierte für das Großherzogtum (endlich!), wie Quellen aus Ministerien und Verwaltungen archivalisch behandelt werden müssen. Das Gesetz schuf damit den Rahmen für eine notwendige und geregelte Ablieferungs- und Archivierungspolitik sowie den erforderlichen Einsatz von geschultem Personal in staatlichen und kommunalen Verwaltungen.

19 Januar 2022

Christoph Brüll, Nina Janz
Europe between East and West - looking back, moving forward

Europe between East and West - looking back, moving forward

“Deep divisions have emerged between East and West [Europe] on matters such as freedom, justice and democracy,” writes the University of Luxembourg’s Dr Elena Danescu. In this article, the researcher explores the origins of these divisions.

18 Januar 2022

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Re/constructing Computing Experiences. From "punch girls" in the 1940s to "computer boys" in the 1980s.

Re/constructing Computing Experiences. From "punch girls" in the 1940s to "computer boys" in the 1980s.

Re/constructing computing experiences from “punch girls” to “computer boys” traces the life cycle of five computing devices between the 1940s and the 1980s, each representing a key development in the history of computing. The experimental media archaeology framework of Nutzerperspektiven critically evaluates the type of user sources re/construct. The object’s life cycle traces phases of design, production, sale, installation, application and use, and decommission or re-use.

13 Januar 2022

Sytze Van Herck
  • Digital history & historiography
Decision-Making Processes and Certainties in Heritage Reconstructions Using the Example of Larochette Castle, Luxembourg

Decision-Making Processes and Certainties in Heritage Reconstructions Using the Example of Larochette Castle, Luxembourg

To reconstruct a historical building is to make countless decisions, weighing often conflicting sources, dealing with gaps in the data and adapting to new information. This thesis investigates how individual aspects of a reconstruction can be classified by their degree of accuracy or the certainty that they are correct, how the public understands - and can be taught to understand - these distinctions, and how this system can be applied to existing reconstructions.

13 Januar 2022

Marleen De Kramer
  • Digital history & historiography
L'Europe sociale - mythe ou réalité? (L'Europe sociale - racines historiques, acteurs, modèle)

L'Europe sociale - mythe ou réalité? (L'Europe sociale - racines historiques, acteurs, modèle)

L’Europe sociale – mythe ou réalié?(L?Europe sociale -racines historiques, acteurs, modèle) Introduction (précisions terminologiques, racines historiques, contexte) II. Chronologie et jalons des initiatives d’une Europe sociale III. Changement de perspective IV. Le socle européen des droits sociaux IV. Chantiers actuels

11 Januar 2022

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Burying the Dead from the Battle of the Bulge

Burying the Dead from the Battle of the Bulge

Casualties of soldiers in the German and American Army - During the Battle of the Bulge more than 100.000 soldiers died. How did the Wehrmacht, the U.S. Army and the Civilians treat the dead?

3 Januar 2022

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
From #MuseumAtHome to #AtHomeAtTheMuseum: Digital Museums and Dialogical Engagement beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

From #MuseumAtHome to #AtHomeAtTheMuseum: Digital Museums and Dialogical Engagement beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

The novel coronavirus spurred a keen interest in digital technologies for museums as both cultural professionals and the public took notice of their uses and limitations throughout the confinement period. In this study, we investigated the use of digital technologies by museums during a period when in-person interaction was not possible. The aim of the study was to better understand the impact of the confinement period on the use of museum technologies in order to identify implications for future museum experience design.

1 Januar 2022

Christopher Morse, Lars Wieneke, Blandine Landau
  • Digital history & historiography
Presenter: The Umsiedlung of families of Luxembourgish recruits during the Nazi occupation (1942–1945)

Presenter: The Umsiedlung of families of Luxembourgish recruits during the Nazi occupation (1942–1945)

1 Januar 2022

Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Emergence of the Minett

The Emergence of the Minett

When did the Minett actually become the Minett? When and why did the iron and steel industry develop in southern Luxembourg? Learn more about the history of Luxembourg’s industrial region with the virtual exhibition

1 Januar 2022

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
État des connaissances, perspectives de recherches et révision des datations des tertres d’orpaillage dits celtes de l’Ardenne belge

État des connaissances, perspectives de recherches et révision des datations des tertres d’orpaillage dits celtes de l’Ardenne belge

Les tertres d’orpaillage de l’actuel territoire belge ont été identifiés comme tels vers 1876 par J. Jung. Depuis, la connaissance de ces structures n’a que peu évolué, aucun tertre n’ayant été fouillé suivant une méthodologie permettant de les dater sans équivoque. De nombreuses descriptions des formes, tailles et contenus ont été réalisées ainsi que des propositions d’attributions chronologiques reposant sur des hypothèses logiques plutôt que sur des faits empiriques (à la place d’empiriques, écrire scientifiquement démontrés ?) Seul J-M.

1 Januar 2022

Muriel van Ruymbeke
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Collecting Middle-Class Memories? The COVID-19 Pandemic, Technology and Crowdsourced Archives

Collecting Middle-Class Memories? The COVID-19 Pandemic, Technology and Crowdsourced Archives

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, many groups initiated crowd-sourced archives that invite members of the public to upload personal material connected to the pandemic. By archiving and publishing how "ordinary" people experienced and perceived the pandemic, these platforms influence how the pandemic is remembered and how historians will write about it. This article presents the example of and compares contributions to this platform from Luxembourg with others from German speaking countries.

1 Januar 2022

Stefan Krebs
‘As Efficient as a Factory’: Architectural and Managerial Discourses on Government Office Buildings in Belgium, 1919-39

‘As Efficient as a Factory’: Architectural and Managerial Discourses on Government Office Buildings in Belgium, 1919-39

This article investigates the impact of managerial ideologies on projects for new governmental office buildings in Belgium in the 1920s and 1930s. Following the prewar publication of F. W. Taylor’s ‘scientific management’ theories, the scientisation of office activities was propagated by efficiency experts throughout the western world. In Belgium, as in France, the work of the mining engineer Henri Fayol was particularly influential. According to Fayol, private and public bureaucracies had to follow identical

1 Januar 2022

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours). Institutions - Organisation - Acteurs

Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours). Institutions - Organisation - Acteurs

1 Januar 2022

Denis Scuto, Elisabeth Wingerter
Histoire de la profession d'avocat au Luxembourg. Un aperçu

Histoire de la profession d'avocat au Luxembourg. Un aperçu

1 Januar 2022

Denis Scuto
